Papers by Juraj Malec
Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu SAV, 2021
The newly discovered settlement features from the younger phase of the Polgár cultural complex fr... more The newly discovered settlement features from the younger phase of the Polgár cultural complex from Dulova Ves, Prešov district The settlement features from Dulova Ves are extremely important for the research of interactions of Eneolithic cultures near the Northern Carpathian massive. Their exceptionality is seen in the fact that they have provided us with a unique picture of settlement finds from the youngest horizon of the Polgár cultural complex clearly featuring elements of foreign cultures. Identifying features of the Lažňany group (resp. the Hunyadihalom-Lažňany horizon) prevail in the ceramic material. Foreign attributes show features similar to the pottery of the Lublin-Volhynian culture, Wyciąże-Złotniki group, and the Tripolye culture. The analyzed finds, thus, at least partly help us create a mosaic of the complex picture of the cultural develompent in the Eneolithic communities living on the interface of the Carpathian Basin and the adjacent areas north of the Western and Eastern Carpathians. Together with the recently published biritual burials from the cemetery in Książnice, site 2 suggest a certain form of symbiosis of the above mentioned cultures (Lublin-Volhynian and the Hunyadihalom-Lažňany group) which was probably based on the constant demand for the highquality flint raw material as well as the then highly valued copper industry.
(česky) Problému studia sídlištních celků (měst, vesnic, hradů, hrádků/tvrzí, atd.) na území dneš... more (česky) Problému studia sídlištních celků (měst, vesnic, hradů, hrádků/tvrzí, atd.) na území dnešního Slovenska ve středověku se do současnosti nevěnoval dostatek zájmu badatelů. Tahle práce nabízí vyčerpávající katalog všech sídlištních celků, odpovídající současnému stavu výzkumu v dané oblasti, se zaostřením na fortifikační systém. Specifické problémy osídlení jsou řešeny na jednotlivých modelech, s nejvyšším stupněm archeologického bádaní. Území středního Považí bylo ve středověku důležitou součástí Uherského království, především svým přímým kontaktem s územím Moravy. Hodně fortifikací různých typů, tvořících velkou pohraniční linii, bylo konstruovaných na zabezpečení téhle neklidné hranice. Přes tuhle oblast procházela důležitá považská obchodní cesta, s několika více nebo méně důležitými propojeními s regionem Moravy. V severní části, v užším okolí hradu Budatín, ležela velice významná křižovatka cest, vedoucích taktéž do regionů Slezska a Polska.The problem of study of habitations (cities, villages, castles, small feudal castles, etc.) on the territory of what is now Slovakia in the Middle Ages counts within little investigated topics. This work is offering a comprehensive catalogue list of all settlemenmts, corresponding to the current state of research in this field, with the focus on fortification system. Specific problems of habitation will be solved on singular models with the most advanced level of archaeological and historical exploration. The region of central Považie was in the Middle Ages a very important part of Hungary, thanks to its straight contact with the region of Morava. A lot of fortification of various types, forming big frontier line, were built for the assecuration of these restless borders. Throught this territory passed the important Váh trade route, with several more-or-less important connections from the region of Morava. In its north part, in the victinity of the castle Budatín lied a very considerable trade crossroad, leading to regions of Silesia and Poland.Institute of ArchaeologyÚstav pro archeologiiFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult
Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu SAV
The newly discovered settlement features from the younger phase of the Polgár cultural complex fr... more The newly discovered settlement features from the younger phase of the Polgár cultural complex from Dulova Ves, Prešov district The settlement features from Dulova Ves are extremely important for the research of interactions of Eneolithic cultures near the Northern Carpathian massive. Their exceptionality is seen in the fact that they have provided us with a unique picture of settlement finds from the youngest horizon of the Polgár cultural complex clearly featuring elements of foreign cultures. Identifying features of the Lažňany group (resp. the Hunyadihalom-Lažňany horizon) prevail in the ceramic material. Foreign attributes show features similar to the pottery of the Lublin-Volhynian culture, Wyciąże-Złotniki group, and the Tripolye culture. The analyzed finds, thus, at least partly help us create a mosaic of the complex picture of the cultural develompent in the Eneolithic communities living on the interface of the Carpathian Basin and the adjacent areas north of the Western and Eastern Carpathians. Together with the recently published biritual burials from the cemetery in Książnice, site 2 suggest a certain form of symbiosis of the above mentioned cultures (Lublin-Volhynian and the Hunyadihalom-Lažňany group) which was probably based on the constant demand for the highquality flint raw material as well as the then highly valued copper industry.
Popular Articles by Juraj Malec
Detector Revue 6/2022, 2022
Príspevok do diskusie o spolupráci profesionálov a dobrovoľníkov v archeológii. Každá spolupráca ... more Príspevok do diskusie o spolupráci profesionálov a dobrovoľníkov v archeológii. Každá spolupráca musí byť založená na jasných pravidlách.
A contribution to the debate on cooperation between professionals and volunteers in archaeology. Any cooperation must be based on clear rules.
Papers by Juraj Malec
Popular Articles by Juraj Malec
A contribution to the debate on cooperation between professionals and volunteers in archaeology. Any cooperation must be based on clear rules.
A contribution to the debate on cooperation between professionals and volunteers in archaeology. Any cooperation must be based on clear rules.