Usuari Discussió:Manlleus
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Benvingut/uda a Viquinotícies
Començant a contribuir
Benvingut/uda, Manlleus! Gràcies per unir-se a Viquinotícies. Ens agradaria que es quedés i s'involucrés més. Per ajudar-li a començar a editar, tenim aquesta introducció. Hi ha moltes altres coses que pot fer en aquest projecte, però la seva essència són les notícies noves, actuals i escrites amb neutralitat. |
Tots els projectes Wikimedia tenen normes. Aquí hi ha les nostres. Aquestes són les polítiques oficials del projecte. Podrien ser d'utilitat si en els seus primers passos en escriure articles si li notifiquen que no compleix alguna d'elles. Si això succeeix, no es desanimi, ja que tots vam ser novells en algun moment.
Aquestes normes i guies pretenen aconseguir que el contingut del projecte abast alts estàndards i compleixin les normes que la Fundació Wikimedia aplica a tots els seus projectes. Podria semblar que hi ha molt a llegir, però no ha de abastar tot d'una vegada ni conèixer-les totes abans de començar a contribuir. Recordeu que cal que trobeu divertit contribuir en aquest projecte. |
Principals normes
Llocs on anar, gent a qui conèixer Els projectes Wikimedia operen gràcies a la seva comunitat. Encara escriure notícies és un treball molt més individual que escriure en Wikipedia, l'enciclopèdia lliure, és normal que les persones necessiten una mica d'ajuda amb coses com l'ortografia. Si una notícia no és molt antiga, vostè pot expandir-la, o si s'argumenta contra la seva verificabilitat, pot tractar de trobar més fonts i rescatar la notícia abans que es marqui per al seu esborrament.
Sempre es porten a terme discussions sobre com es podria millorar el lloc, i el seu comentari és valuós. Reviseu aquests enllaços per a veure on pot comentar sobre Viquinotícies. |
Busqui ajuda i involúcrese
Escrigui el seu primer article en Viquinotícies! Utilitzeu el següent quadre per a crear la seva primera notícia. Simplement escriviu un títol i premeu «Crea una pàgina». Després, comenci a redactar el text de la seva notícia en el quadre que apareixerà. Quan acabi, premeu "Desa la pàgina». Això és tot el que es requereix!
És recomanable que llegeixi la guia de creació d'articles abans d'iniciar. Reviseu també la llista d'articles creats recentment per comprovar que la notícia no s'hagi escrit encara. |
--Syum90 (discussió) 16:49, 23 nov 2019 (CET)
WikiSP Newsletter #3 (2021-08)
[modifica]WikiSP Newsletter of August 2021.
- A discussion on changes to the membership policy is underway,
- A discussion on increasing temporary seats on the Administrative Commission is underway.
- We have reached 25 members!
- Members to the Regional Committees were recently selected. Congratulations to Alexandrabello for joining the LATAM and The Caribbean Committee.
- SmallProjects starts on August 16. A synthesized version of how the project will work can be found here.
22:49, 13 ago 2021 (CEST)
WikiSP Newsletter #04 (2021-10)
[modifica]WikiSP Newsletter of October 2021.
News on complementary policies or changes to the Foundational Text
- The electoral policy was approved; this allows the members of the group to decide the members of the different components or to choose the General Coordinator.
- A vote to approve the Code of Conduct is in progress.
- The Administrative Commission is the most important component of the group as the substantive decisions emanate from there. Elections for the Administrative Commission have begun. The election commissioners will send a message to all those eligible to register as candidates and/or electors.
- After two years, we have finally been recognized! An announcement has been made, which is also summarized in this Spanish Wikinews article.
- Episodes one and two of SuenaWiki Reloaded, a space that allows to talk about the projects of the Wikimedia movement and free knowledge globally, can be listened to through Wikimedia Commons.
04:14, 10 oct 2021 (CEST)
WikiSP Newsletter #05 (2021-11)
[modifica]WikiSP Newsletter of November 2021.
News on complementary policies or changes to the Foundational Text
- Six days left to sanction the Code of Conduct. If you are an active member, you can go and exercise your vote.
- We have implemented three new instances: Limesurvey, Moodle and MediaWiki. The first will be for conducting surveys to be sent to volunteers, the second for a future educational program and the third for testing on MediaWiki.
- As you know, this group offers permanent connection to Libera.Chat through its bouncer service. Now the requests are processed via Phabricator to make it easier for volunteers to access this service.
- On October 29, we requested a general support fund so that our mission can continue uninterrupted. We hope that the Latin America and Caribbean Committee will look favorably on our proposal to support small projects.
- We need your feedback: Help us to focus our efforts to support small projects in the coming year. We want you to tell us what we can support and in what ways we should support them. The survey will run for thirty days, until December 03. The survey link is here.
- The results of the Admincom's temporary seats will be announced on November 8.
- From November 09 to 10 we will have a edit-a-thon at Wikiviajes. There we will edit as many destinations as possible.
- On November 16th we will have the Allie Awards; a virtual award in which we recognize the excellence, initiative and activism of volunteers in the Wikimedia movement. You as a volunteer can nominate who you consider deserving of such an award. You only have to ping Galahad with the name and the reason why he/she deserves to be recognized. You have the opportunity to nominate until November 8.
- On November 17th we will be supporting the friends of WikiAcción Perú and the Cámara de Comercio de San Martín in the Wikiviajes workshop on the region of San Martín. If you want to participate, you can write us through hello<at>
01:48, 4 nov 2021 (CET)
Drets de supervisor
T'he donat les drets de supervisor. Bona continuació. Bertrand GRONDIN → (escriure) 17:16, 12 juny 2022 (CEST)
- Moltes gràcies! Manlleus (discussió) 21:31, 12 juny 2022 (CEST)
WikiSP Board of Directors Elections 2024
Board of Directors Elections 2024
Dear valued member of our group, we are pleased to extend an invitation for you to consider presenting your candidacy for one of the three available seats on the Board of Directors. This board plays a vital role in overseeing the group’s work and administration, making it one of the three key components of our organization. If you would like to register as a candidate, please use the following link.
03:09, 29 oct 2024 (CET)