Vol. 3, Issue 7 by Şermin Kalafat
Selçuk Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023
Bu makalede Osmanlı’daki Türkçe matematik terimleri kültür dilbilimin bir nesnesi olarak düşünülü... more Bu makalede Osmanlı’daki Türkçe matematik terimleri kültür dilbilimin bir nesnesi olarak düşünülüp terim oluşum süreçleri kavram bilimindeki (semasiology) işlevsel (bağlamsal) yaklaşım (functional (contextual) approach) açısından inceleniyor. İncelemede, kavram ve anlam oluşumları âlim/yazar-öğrenci/muhatap, kaynak dil-hedef dil ilişkilerinden kaynaklı iletişimsel bağlamların bir sonucu olarak tarihsel terim bilimi odağında dil, kültür ve çeviri bilimin ortak ilkesi “dil dünya görüşü” üzerinden değerlendiriliyor. Bunlara ek olarak, Türkçe telif ve tercüme bilim eserlerinin Anadolu’da yazılış sebebi olan muhatap ve hedeflerin doğrudan terim üretimine sebep oldukları savunuluyor. Bu bakımdan makale, kültürün ve iletişimi var eden bağlamların bir terimin oluşumundaki etkisinin biçim bilgisel yöntemlerden daha kuvvetli olduğunu vurgulamaya yönelik bağlamsal analize dayalı kuramsal bir yorum sunuyor.
The object of this study is to determine the function of the frequent demonstrative adjectival fo... more The object of this study is to determine the function of the frequent demonstrative adjectival form (ol) in the Old Anatolian Turkish syntax. My main contention is to show that this particle which is defined as a qualifier of names in the relevant studies had different functions according to the context and to problematize if this particularity needs a novel definition. To do so, I examine its similarities with the definite article in Arabic (el), the demonstrative adjective (ân) and /-î/ (ی) suffix in Persian and finally, I assess the determinative value (conceptual, positively or negatively definitive) of this adjectival form. These inquiries are made thorough the study of some examples taken from interlinear translations of Koran and some other classical works from that period. Although, articles do not exist in Turkish and the demonstrative function is performed by +(y)X, some uses of (ol) in the demonstrative adjectival form are defined in this study as a pseudo-article, after the examination of their functional situation when they are considered with some of their variants as well as differences in translated texts. In the conclusion, a series of criterion are proposed in order to determine the examples which fit into my definition.
Keywords: Article, demonstrative adjectival form (ol), definite article in Arabic (el), demonstrative adjective in Persian (ân), /-î/ (ی) suffix in Persian, Old Anatolian Turkish, pseudo-article.
Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2020
Dil Araştırmaları, , 2018
The first edition of Qutadγu Bilig was edited by Reşit Rahmeti
Arat in 1947 and this edition is b... more The first edition of Qutadγu Bilig was edited by Reşit Rahmeti
Arat in 1947 and this edition is based on three manuscripts of Qutadγu Bilig. The index of Qutadγu Bilig, which is based on Arat’s vouchers and published by its students in 1979. This index is very valuable for the solution of the text problems of the work. Therefore, the text problems of Qutadγu Bilig have become more easily visible. In addition, some errors were found in the index as well, over time. Since its first publication, several corrections and amendments were offered by subsequent researchers so as to make this text more coherent. Reconsidering about every problematic word in edition and index is an important contribution to Qutadγu Bilig. We have found out that not only two mathematics terms (jabr u muqābal(a) and ʿaded Jaẕri) were treated without sufficient attention to their contexts and wrong meanings were given to the words, but they were as well not fully translated by Arat. In this article, we aim to explain these two terms by situating them in their proper historical context and to offer a new translation of the sections they belong to
OPUS © Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi-International Journal of Society Researches , 2018
This study seeks out to see how a metaphorical denomination and a term comes to acquire new names... more This study seeks out to see how a metaphorical denomination and a term comes to acquire new names and by which means as well as to analyze if these new names are still in line with initial attributes and proprieties. The case of study is the rainbow. Needless to say, the sky has never been an ordinary theme in Turkish cultures. For that reason, celestial notions and terms in that culture have an extraordinary trajectory.The sky has never been an ordinary theme in Turkish cultures. For that reason, celestial notions and terms in that culture have an extraordinary trajectory and rainbow is among them. Various names were given to this occurence in vernacular speech. In this study, we focused on divers names given to the rainbow, evaluated them according to their meta-phorical relationship and tried to put forward the links between the natural phenomenon and the vernacular culture. To do this, the names given to the rainbow in the Derleme Sözlüğü were scru-tinized as well as those kept in the cultural memory, so as to determine the function of the meta-phor. Socio-cultural aspects of the names attributed to the phenomenon and elements of common memory elements are thus revealed
Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi , 2018
Kutadgu Bilig (1069) is one of the earliest texts after the gradual islamization of Turkic popula... more Kutadgu Bilig (1069) is one of the earliest texts after the gradual islamization of Turkic populations who were as well under the influence of Buddhist and Manichaeist cultures. Kutadgu Bilig bears the signs of this cosmopolit milieu and aims to understand the humankind within apolitical framework. Amongst many aspects treated in the text accounting is the one which interests us in this article and analyzed through both the lenses of the administration and common people/vendors. The passages about accounting in Kutadgu Bilig contain both Turkish and loanwords terms. Forty terms in some were compared with the uses in other texts from former and were classified according to their usage.
TEKE 7/4 2018 s. 2078-2118, 2018
Accounting is a technique which deals with association and dissociation of numbers in mathematica... more Accounting is a technique which deals with association and dissociation of numbers in mathematical operations. These operations, which cover simple or complex operations ranging from determination of time to taxation, delimitation of area to market operations is an evidence of urbanization and civilization. From the point of view of the history of Turkish literary language, sources related to accounting from the Early Ottoman period are extant and as a result, a clear idea about the relevant practices can be made for that period. When it comes to earlier Turkish cultures, researchers have attempted to identify the enumeration terminologies, number systems and the contexts where they were used in the Old Turkish period. However, some current terms of this early period such as a-, san-, sana-; sakış, sagış, artuk, eksük, kat, kata, bölüg, üçkil, törtkil etc. have not been examined in terms of accounting culture. Since the texts about accounting from Old Turkish (6th-13th centuries) lack, capacities of these populations are not thoroughly studied albeit some information about activities regarding to time designation from Kokturk and Uigur periods have been revealed. Uighur Civil Documents, an important source of this study, offer some additional and new hindsight in this respect.
In this study, our findings of the Turkish account during the Uighur period will be shared according to the vocabulary of the account in Uighur Civil Documents. It is thought that our work will contribute to Turkish scientific language history, mathematics history and cultural history studies
Sir James William Redhouse (1811-1892) is one of the
names that comes to mind when Turkish lexico... more Sir James William Redhouse (1811-1892) is one of the
names that comes to mind when Turkish lexicography is
the issue. The dictionary and grammar studies of Redhouse
which were prepared on Ottoman Turkish still preserve
their significance today. Our information is quite
limited since there are not many studies on his life and
works. A dictionary which is considered to be “lost” is
mentioned in the studies conducted about Redhouse.
The information about this dictionary can be accessed
only over the letters written by Redhouse to Fuad Pasha,
the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Kosthaki Musurus
Pasha, the ambassador of London. 4 volumes of this dictionary
of Redhouse were found by us and it was required
to share this information with the world of science. In
this article written as based on this reason, information
is provided about the mentioned work over the available
resources and the letters of Redhouse and a general introduction
of these 4 volumes are given. Moreover, the
discovery of the volumes and some interesting points
about the chapters are also mentioned.
Keywords: Sir James William Redhouse, Redhouse’s letters, Qulliyāt-
ı ‘Azīzīyah fi al-Lugāh al-‘Uthmānıyah, al-Khazīnah
al-‘Azīzīyah fi al-Lugāh al-‘Uthmānıyah, Ottoman Turkish
Bu çalışmada Klasik Osmanlı Türkçesi ile yazılmış, Muhammed Konevî'nin Hediyyetü'l-Mülûk adl... more Özet
Bu çalışmada Klasik Osmanlı Türkçesi ile yazılmış, Muhammed Konevî'nin Hediyyetü'l-Mülûk adlı eseri üzerine bir dil incelemesi (ses ve biçim özellikleri) yapılmıştır. Ayrıca eserdeki mevcut astronomi terimleri de sözlük olarak verilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuna da eserin çeviri yazısı eklenmiştir.
This study examines the phonetic and morphologic features of Muhammad Qunawī's work named Hadiyyatu'l-Mulūk written in Classical Ottoman Turkish. The article has a brief dictionary listing the astronomical terms used in the work. Moreover, an English translation of the work has been added at the end.
Papers by Şermin Kalafat
Jean Deny, one of the founders of the Modern Turkish Studies, beside his numerous articles, is mo... more Jean Deny, one of the founders of the Modern Turkish Studies, beside his numerous articles, is mostly known for his voluminous Grammaire de la langue turque (dialecteosmanli), for his chief-editorship during the preparation the Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta as well as for his students as Louis Bazin and Jean-Paul Roux. A brief mention in the Memoirs of his lifelong friend Zeki Velidî Togan about Deny's endeavours to prepare a Turkish dictionary finally made us relocate the work in the BULAC Library in Paris which is kept in four drawers in the form of cards. In this article, we not only briefly present the author but also the physical proprieties, scope and the organisation of his dictionary according to a random sample.
Öz: Fransa'da Türkoloji sahasının kurucu isimlerinden biri olarak sayılan ve çalışmalarıyla da Türkiye'de Türkolojiye yön veren Jean Deny (1879-1963), ilk baskısı 1921 yılında yayımlanan [Türk Dili Grameri (Osmanlı Lehçesi)] isimli eseriyle tanınır. Jean-Paul Roux, Louis Bazin gibi Türkologların yetişmesinde rol oynayan Deny'nin Türkoloji el kitabı Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta'nın hazırlanışında öncülük etmesi ve eserin ilk iki cildinin baş editörlüğünü üstlenmesi Türkoloji sahasında yerini sağlamlaştıran bir katkı olarak görülebilir. Çalışmaları arasında kelimelerin kökenleri üzerine de yazıları olan Türkoloğun, Zeki Velidî Togan'ın anılarındaki bir ayrıntıya dayanarak yaşadığı dönemde bir Türkçe sözlük hazırlığı içerisinde olduğu öğrenilmiştir. Kütüphane taramalarımızda kendisinin yayımlanmamış, dört çekmece içinde fişler halinde duran sözlüğüne ulaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, sözlüğün bulunuşu ve fişlerin mahiyeti hakkındaki bilgiler üzerinde durulacaktır.
Turkish Studies, 2019
Qara jumla is an Ottoman arithmetical term formed by one Turkish particle and another, Arabic. In... more Qara jumla is an Ottoman arithmetical term formed by one Turkish particle and another, Arabic. In the term examined here, qara has the meaning of popular and/or simple. In Arabic, jumla has several meanings: 1. Phrase; 2. Society; 3. Overall and 4. Quantity. As an Ottoman arithmetical term, it has the sense of sum, addition and completeness. Thence, we can deduce that qara jumla has the meaning of "simple addition". However, its translation in some major dictionnaries such as the TDKs as "pun, by pun, nonsensical prose" renders complexe the understanding of this term. As a firt constatation one cannot find in ancient sources its meaning around pun or by funny ways etc. Moreover, we cannot trace how from simple addition this term came to signify the four operations. Our aim in this article is to find out how these three definitions came gradually to be attributed to the term. In this article, our aim is to clarify multiple meanings of this term from Old Ottoman to actual Turkish as well to interpret the sense that it took in the History of Sciences andHistory of Education in a chronological manner so as to grasp the socio-cultural variants. The findings were supported with examples and a semantic path was followed starting from the Ottoman Empire and covering the first period of the Republic. By this way, we intend to make a contribution to its different significations in the particular dictionnaires of these fields by pointing out how these different meanings were given to explain this term.
The Journal of International Social Research, 2019
Sir James William Redhouse's dictionary entitled as Ḫazinetü'l-ʿAzîziyye fi'l-luġâti'l-ʿOsmâniyye... more Sir James William Redhouse's dictionary entitled as Ḫazinetü'l-ʿAzîziyye fi'l-luġâti'l-ʿOsmâniyye, which was considered to be non-extant, had recently been found. However, Redhouse had written neither in his correspondence nor in the fourth volume of this work about his lexicological methodology. In order to have an idea on this matter, after having introduced Redhouse's intellectual trajectory with some new biographical findings, in this article we compare the headwords of this dictionary with some of his better known lexicological works, namely Muntahabât-ı lugât-ı ʿOsmâniyye as well as his Turkish and English Lexicon so as to analyze the evolving phases in his methodology. More specifically, the prepublication sample on the alif section (two folios) of Ḫazinetü'l-ʿAzîziyye fi'l-luġâti'l-ʿOsmâniyye is systematically compared with relevant pages of two other published dictionaries.
Osmanlı Mirası Araştırmaları Dergisi / Journal of Ottoman Legacy Studies, 2019
The linguistic aspects as well as stylistic features of course books matter as much as their cont... more The linguistic aspects as well as stylistic features of course books matter as much as their contents and place in the curriculum. In the Ottoman lands, scientific education was made in Arabic and the course books were prepared accordingly. This was as well the case for mathematics. However, some manuals in this field were prepared in Turkish, the foremost vernacular language. Turkish must have been used especially as a medium for the initiation to the subject matter while its use must have been related to students' linguistic capacities in Arabic and/or Persian. In this article, Cāmìʿü'l-Ḥisāb, written by Yûsuf bin Kemāl el-Bursevî, a former student of İskender Çelebi, a renowned defterdar of Suleiman the Magnificent which was completed in Muharrem 934 (October/November 1527) is analyzed. Our focus here is the examination of the stylistic features of the text as well as the use of Turkish as a pedagogic medium.
Book Chapter
In this article, a sample of the formulaic expressions in Jean-Baptiste D. Holderman’s Grammaire Turque, Ou Methode Courte Et Facile Pour Apprendre La Langue Turque as well as Guillaume Schroeder’s Grammaire Turque À l’Usage Des Français et Anglais Contenant En Outre Une Collection d’Idiotisme de Discours Familiers et Un Vocabulaire en Français, Turc, et Anglais prepared so as to teach Turkish to the visitors to the Ottoman Empire is prepared and examined to analyse their structure, meaning and function. Thus, with the examined formulaic expressions we tried to understand which types of common expressions existed in the Ottoman period and in which manner they were giving a cultural perspective to teaching of Turkish teaching at that time.
Conference Presentations by Şermin Kalafat
Book Reviews by Şermin Kalafat
Avrasya Terim Dergisi , 2023
Vol. 3, Issue 7 by Şermin Kalafat
Keywords: Article, demonstrative adjectival form (ol), definite article in Arabic (el), demonstrative adjective in Persian (ân), /-î/ (ی) suffix in Persian, Old Anatolian Turkish, pseudo-article.
Arat in 1947 and this edition is based on three manuscripts of Qutadγu Bilig. The index of Qutadγu Bilig, which is based on Arat’s vouchers and published by its students in 1979. This index is very valuable for the solution of the text problems of the work. Therefore, the text problems of Qutadγu Bilig have become more easily visible. In addition, some errors were found in the index as well, over time. Since its first publication, several corrections and amendments were offered by subsequent researchers so as to make this text more coherent. Reconsidering about every problematic word in edition and index is an important contribution to Qutadγu Bilig. We have found out that not only two mathematics terms (jabr u muqābal(a) and ʿaded Jaẕri) were treated without sufficient attention to their contexts and wrong meanings were given to the words, but they were as well not fully translated by Arat. In this article, we aim to explain these two terms by situating them in their proper historical context and to offer a new translation of the sections they belong to
In this study, our findings of the Turkish account during the Uighur period will be shared according to the vocabulary of the account in Uighur Civil Documents. It is thought that our work will contribute to Turkish scientific language history, mathematics history and cultural history studies
names that comes to mind when Turkish lexicography is
the issue. The dictionary and grammar studies of Redhouse
which were prepared on Ottoman Turkish still preserve
their significance today. Our information is quite
limited since there are not many studies on his life and
works. A dictionary which is considered to be “lost” is
mentioned in the studies conducted about Redhouse.
The information about this dictionary can be accessed
only over the letters written by Redhouse to Fuad Pasha,
the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Kosthaki Musurus
Pasha, the ambassador of London. 4 volumes of this dictionary
of Redhouse were found by us and it was required
to share this information with the world of science. In
this article written as based on this reason, information
is provided about the mentioned work over the available
resources and the letters of Redhouse and a general introduction
of these 4 volumes are given. Moreover, the
discovery of the volumes and some interesting points
about the chapters are also mentioned.
Keywords: Sir James William Redhouse, Redhouse’s letters, Qulliyāt-
ı ‘Azīzīyah fi al-Lugāh al-‘Uthmānıyah, al-Khazīnah
al-‘Azīzīyah fi al-Lugāh al-‘Uthmānıyah, Ottoman Turkish
Bu çalışmada Klasik Osmanlı Türkçesi ile yazılmış, Muhammed Konevî'nin Hediyyetü'l-Mülûk adlı eseri üzerine bir dil incelemesi (ses ve biçim özellikleri) yapılmıştır. Ayrıca eserdeki mevcut astronomi terimleri de sözlük olarak verilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuna da eserin çeviri yazısı eklenmiştir.
This study examines the phonetic and morphologic features of Muhammad Qunawī's work named Hadiyyatu'l-Mulūk written in Classical Ottoman Turkish. The article has a brief dictionary listing the astronomical terms used in the work. Moreover, an English translation of the work has been added at the end.
Papers by Şermin Kalafat
Öz: Fransa'da Türkoloji sahasının kurucu isimlerinden biri olarak sayılan ve çalışmalarıyla da Türkiye'de Türkolojiye yön veren Jean Deny (1879-1963), ilk baskısı 1921 yılında yayımlanan [Türk Dili Grameri (Osmanlı Lehçesi)] isimli eseriyle tanınır. Jean-Paul Roux, Louis Bazin gibi Türkologların yetişmesinde rol oynayan Deny'nin Türkoloji el kitabı Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta'nın hazırlanışında öncülük etmesi ve eserin ilk iki cildinin baş editörlüğünü üstlenmesi Türkoloji sahasında yerini sağlamlaştıran bir katkı olarak görülebilir. Çalışmaları arasında kelimelerin kökenleri üzerine de yazıları olan Türkoloğun, Zeki Velidî Togan'ın anılarındaki bir ayrıntıya dayanarak yaşadığı dönemde bir Türkçe sözlük hazırlığı içerisinde olduğu öğrenilmiştir. Kütüphane taramalarımızda kendisinin yayımlanmamış, dört çekmece içinde fişler halinde duran sözlüğüne ulaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, sözlüğün bulunuşu ve fişlerin mahiyeti hakkındaki bilgiler üzerinde durulacaktır.
In this article, a sample of the formulaic expressions in Jean-Baptiste D. Holderman’s Grammaire Turque, Ou Methode Courte Et Facile Pour Apprendre La Langue Turque as well as Guillaume Schroeder’s Grammaire Turque À l’Usage Des Français et Anglais Contenant En Outre Une Collection d’Idiotisme de Discours Familiers et Un Vocabulaire en Français, Turc, et Anglais prepared so as to teach Turkish to the visitors to the Ottoman Empire is prepared and examined to analyse their structure, meaning and function. Thus, with the examined formulaic expressions we tried to understand which types of common expressions existed in the Ottoman period and in which manner they were giving a cultural perspective to teaching of Turkish teaching at that time.
Conference Presentations by Şermin Kalafat
Book Reviews by Şermin Kalafat
Keywords: Article, demonstrative adjectival form (ol), definite article in Arabic (el), demonstrative adjective in Persian (ân), /-î/ (ی) suffix in Persian, Old Anatolian Turkish, pseudo-article.
Arat in 1947 and this edition is based on three manuscripts of Qutadγu Bilig. The index of Qutadγu Bilig, which is based on Arat’s vouchers and published by its students in 1979. This index is very valuable for the solution of the text problems of the work. Therefore, the text problems of Qutadγu Bilig have become more easily visible. In addition, some errors were found in the index as well, over time. Since its first publication, several corrections and amendments were offered by subsequent researchers so as to make this text more coherent. Reconsidering about every problematic word in edition and index is an important contribution to Qutadγu Bilig. We have found out that not only two mathematics terms (jabr u muqābal(a) and ʿaded Jaẕri) were treated without sufficient attention to their contexts and wrong meanings were given to the words, but they were as well not fully translated by Arat. In this article, we aim to explain these two terms by situating them in their proper historical context and to offer a new translation of the sections they belong to
In this study, our findings of the Turkish account during the Uighur period will be shared according to the vocabulary of the account in Uighur Civil Documents. It is thought that our work will contribute to Turkish scientific language history, mathematics history and cultural history studies
names that comes to mind when Turkish lexicography is
the issue. The dictionary and grammar studies of Redhouse
which were prepared on Ottoman Turkish still preserve
their significance today. Our information is quite
limited since there are not many studies on his life and
works. A dictionary which is considered to be “lost” is
mentioned in the studies conducted about Redhouse.
The information about this dictionary can be accessed
only over the letters written by Redhouse to Fuad Pasha,
the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Kosthaki Musurus
Pasha, the ambassador of London. 4 volumes of this dictionary
of Redhouse were found by us and it was required
to share this information with the world of science. In
this article written as based on this reason, information
is provided about the mentioned work over the available
resources and the letters of Redhouse and a general introduction
of these 4 volumes are given. Moreover, the
discovery of the volumes and some interesting points
about the chapters are also mentioned.
Keywords: Sir James William Redhouse, Redhouse’s letters, Qulliyāt-
ı ‘Azīzīyah fi al-Lugāh al-‘Uthmānıyah, al-Khazīnah
al-‘Azīzīyah fi al-Lugāh al-‘Uthmānıyah, Ottoman Turkish
Bu çalışmada Klasik Osmanlı Türkçesi ile yazılmış, Muhammed Konevî'nin Hediyyetü'l-Mülûk adlı eseri üzerine bir dil incelemesi (ses ve biçim özellikleri) yapılmıştır. Ayrıca eserdeki mevcut astronomi terimleri de sözlük olarak verilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuna da eserin çeviri yazısı eklenmiştir.
This study examines the phonetic and morphologic features of Muhammad Qunawī's work named Hadiyyatu'l-Mulūk written in Classical Ottoman Turkish. The article has a brief dictionary listing the astronomical terms used in the work. Moreover, an English translation of the work has been added at the end.
Öz: Fransa'da Türkoloji sahasının kurucu isimlerinden biri olarak sayılan ve çalışmalarıyla da Türkiye'de Türkolojiye yön veren Jean Deny (1879-1963), ilk baskısı 1921 yılında yayımlanan [Türk Dili Grameri (Osmanlı Lehçesi)] isimli eseriyle tanınır. Jean-Paul Roux, Louis Bazin gibi Türkologların yetişmesinde rol oynayan Deny'nin Türkoloji el kitabı Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta'nın hazırlanışında öncülük etmesi ve eserin ilk iki cildinin baş editörlüğünü üstlenmesi Türkoloji sahasında yerini sağlamlaştıran bir katkı olarak görülebilir. Çalışmaları arasında kelimelerin kökenleri üzerine de yazıları olan Türkoloğun, Zeki Velidî Togan'ın anılarındaki bir ayrıntıya dayanarak yaşadığı dönemde bir Türkçe sözlük hazırlığı içerisinde olduğu öğrenilmiştir. Kütüphane taramalarımızda kendisinin yayımlanmamış, dört çekmece içinde fişler halinde duran sözlüğüne ulaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, sözlüğün bulunuşu ve fişlerin mahiyeti hakkındaki bilgiler üzerinde durulacaktır.
In this article, a sample of the formulaic expressions in Jean-Baptiste D. Holderman’s Grammaire Turque, Ou Methode Courte Et Facile Pour Apprendre La Langue Turque as well as Guillaume Schroeder’s Grammaire Turque À l’Usage Des Français et Anglais Contenant En Outre Une Collection d’Idiotisme de Discours Familiers et Un Vocabulaire en Français, Turc, et Anglais prepared so as to teach Turkish to the visitors to the Ottoman Empire is prepared and examined to analyse their structure, meaning and function. Thus, with the examined formulaic expressions we tried to understand which types of common expressions existed in the Ottoman period and in which manner they were giving a cultural perspective to teaching of Turkish teaching at that time.