Papers by Özlem Uzundemir
Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Womens Studies, 2019
A. Deniz Bozer (Ed.) (2018). On Dokuzuncu Yüzyılda İngiliz Kadın Yazarlar. Ankara: Hacettepe Üni... more A. Deniz Bozer (Ed.) (2018). On Dokuzuncu Yüzyılda İngiliz Kadın Yazarlar. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları. 328 sayfa. ISBN: 978-9754914788.
Journal of language, literature and culture, Jun 4, 2024
The myth of Daedalus and Icarus has been the subject of numerous literary texts as well as artwor... more The myth of Daedalus and Icarus has been the subject of numerous literary texts as well as artworks in the Western tradition. The Turkish poet Nazmi Ağıl's two ekphrastic poems 'Bruegel: The Landscape as Icarus Falls' and 'Auden's Icarus' are retellings of the myth with reference to Ovid's Metamorphoses, Pieter Bruegel the Elder's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, and W. H. Auden's 'Musée des Beaux Arts'. If ekphrasis is the representation of a work of art in literature, then Ağıl's poems are re-representations of both verbal and visual frames by critiquing Auden's interpretation from the mouth of a storyteller Kamil in the former poem and Daedalus in the latter. Ağıl's aim in alluding to the Western sources is to highlight political issues in Turkey. This paper, then, argues how Ağıl's poems complicate the reading process by playing with verbal and visual frames.
Son yıllarda sayısı gittikçe artan tarih romanının en yeni örneklerinden olan Orhan Pamuk’un son ... more Son yıllarda sayısı gittikçe artan tarih romanının en yeni örneklerinden olan Orhan Pamuk’un son romanı Benim Adım Kırmızı 16. yüzyıl Osmanlı nakkaşlarını konu edinen bir cinayet ve aşk romanı olma özelliklerini de taşımaktadır. Pamuk bu romanında 16. yüzyıl Osmanlı sanatçıları ile 20. yüzyıl Türk okuru arasında bir diyalog kurmayı amaçlar. Yazar aynı zamanda romanın postmodern üstkurmaca yapısıyla Doğu ve Batı arasında bir köprü kurmayı da ister. Bu makalenin amacı, Pamuk’un Benim Adım Kırmızı’da Doğu sanatını Batılı yazım tekniklerini kullanarak sunduğunu incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda bu yazıda önce nakkaşların Doğu-Batı sanatlarının biçim farklılıklarını ortaya koyan tartışmaları ele alınacak, sonra da romanın yapısı incelenecektir.Orhan Pamuk’s latest novel Benim Adım Kırmzı (My Name is Red) is a historical, detective and love story concerning the 16th century Ottoman nakkaş (a general term for painters, illuminators and miniaturists in Islamic art). In this novel, Pamuk i...
Bilkent University, 1996
Raw for sharing the troublesome moments of this thesis. My thanks are also due to Dr. Gülşen Sayı... more Raw for sharing the troublesome moments of this thesis. My thanks are also due to Dr. Gülşen Sayın for her recommendations, and to my sister Ender for providing all the necessary sources. I would also like to express my thanks to Nalan Şafak for bringing this thesis into its final version. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the tolerance of my dearest homemates. Nazlı, Elif and Müjdat. I dedicate this thesis to my parents. VI 'Dear Student. You are mad. Why spend m onths and years w ritin g thousands o f words about one book, or even one w riter, when there are hundreds o f books w aiting to be read. You d o n 't see that you are the victim o f a pernicious system. A n d if you have you rself chosen m y w ork as your subject, and if you do have to w rite a thesis-and believe me I am very g ra te fu l that w hat I 've w ritte n is being fou nd useful by you-then w hy d o n 't you read w ha t / have w ritte n and make up your m ind about w ha t you think, testing it against your ow n life, your ow n experience. Never m ind about Professors White and Black. ' (Lessing, from Preface to The Golden N o te b o o k) Vll
Bilig / Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2009
Changing English, 2022
ABSTRACT During the COVID-19 pandemic, academics and students have had to respond to the unexpect... more ABSTRACT During the COVID-19 pandemic, academics and students have had to respond to the unexpected and unplanned shift from face-to-face to online teaching. Since teaching and learning through online portals has been a new experience, this has prompted the academics in the English Language and Literature Department at Çankaya University to seek alternative and creative ideas to promote student productivity, participation and motivation. The aim of this case study is to discuss how the course materials, teaching methods and assessment have been redesigned to meet the needs of online education during the pandemic. With the examples from changes in the syllabi, student survey and sample student responses, this study also reveals how the academics in the department have had an opportunity to re-evaluate systems of teaching both on and offline and to refresh their role as instructors.
Ayla Kutlus Kadõn Destanõ and the Modification of the Epic:Ayla Kutlu uses historical events in ... more Ayla Kutlus Kadõn Destanõ and the Modification of the Epic:Ayla Kutlu uses historical events in her fiction to make a correspondence between the past and the present, because she sees the historical background as the determining factor of what happens at present (Kutlu 9). Kutlus work Kadõn Destanõ (Womans Epic), published in 1994, is a rewriting of Gilgamesh from the viewpoint of a harlot who is abused by Gilgamesh. The female narrator of Kutlus epic, Liyotani, talks about her suffering at the temple of Gilgamesh, while she narrates his story. Like Gilgamesh, Liyotani emphasizes the significance of writing, but their aim is different: while Gilgamesh desires to become immortal by engraving his story on clay tablets, Liyotani wants to finish writing her story before she dies in order to share her suffering with other women. In terms of form, Kutlu modifies the epic genre, which can be defined as A long narrative poem in elevated style presenting characters of high position in a...
Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 2001
Son yıllarda sayısı gittikçe artan tarih romanının en yeni örneklerinden olan Orhan Pamuk'un son ... more Son yıllarda sayısı gittikçe artan tarih romanının en yeni örneklerinden olan Orhan Pamuk'un son romanı Benim Adım Kırmızıi6. yüzyıl Osmanlı nakkaşlarını konu edinen bir cinayet ve aşk romanı olma özelliklerini de taşımaktadır. Pamuk bu romanında 16. yüzyıl Osmanlı sanatçıları ile 20. yüzyıl Türk okuru arasında bir diyalog kurmayı amaçlar. Yazar aynı zamanda romanın postmodern üstkurmaca yapısıyla Doğu ve Batı arasında bir köprü kurmayı da ister. Bu makalenin amacı, Pamuk'un Benim Adım Kırmızhda Doğu sanatını Batılı yazım tekniklerini kullanarak sunduğunu incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda bu yazıda önce nakkaşların Doğu-Batı sanatlarının biçim farklılıklarını ortaya koyan tartışmaları ele alınacak, sonra da romanın yapısı incelenecektir.
Studia Neophilologica, 2018
Tracy Chevalier's ekphrastic novel Girl with a Pearl Earring explores the relationship between li... more Tracy Chevalier's ekphrastic novel Girl with a Pearl Earring explores the relationship between literature and art, as it narrates Jan Vermeer's paintings from the perspective of the story's narrator, Griet, who works as a maid in the Vermeers's house. In her fictional account, Griet gradually becomes the painter's assistant as well as his model, and subverts the gender issues in ekphrasis; the silent and gazed-upon female image in the eponymous painting gains a voice to critique Vermeer's art. This article will deal with Griet's transformation from a young maid into an art critic with respect to the issues in painting, namely colour, light and realistic representation, as well as the paragone between the viewing subject and the viewed object in ekphrasis.
Yay n Kurulu Baflkan Ferit KONAR Yay n …
... No: 21 81010 Kad köy, stanbul. Tel: 0216 327 11 04 Fax: 0216 327 96 31 e-mail: fkonar@ dogu... more ... No: 21 81010 Kad köy, stanbul. Tel: 0216 327 11 04 Fax: 0216 327 96 31 e-mail: fkonar@ dogus. edu. ... Page 135. Yaz Tipi: Times New Roman Bafll k: 12 punto, Bold Metin: 10 punto Al nt lar: 9 punto Marj Ayar Üst: 2.0 cm. Alt: 7.7 cm. Sol: 2.0 cm. Sa¤: 7.0 cm. ...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, academics and students have had to respond to the unexpected and un... more During the COVID-19 pandemic, academics and students have had to respond to the unexpected and unplanned shift from face-toface to online teaching. Since teaching and learning through online portals has been a new experience, this has prompted the academics in the English Language and Literature Department at Çankaya University to seek alternative and creative ideas to promote student productivity, participation and motivation. The aim of this case study is to discuss how the course materials, teaching methods and assessment have been redesigned to meet the needs of online education during the pandemic. With the examples from changes in the syllabi, student survey and sample student responses, this study also reveals how the academics in the department have had an opportunity to re-evaluate systems of teaching both on and offline and to refresh their role as instructors.
Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2013
OZET Bir gorsel sanat yap›t›n› betimleyen fliirler, yaz›nsal metinler ve gorsel sanatlar aras›nda... more OZET Bir gorsel sanat yap›t›n› betimleyen fliirler, yaz›nsal metinler ve gorsel sanatlar aras›ndaki farklar›n ortaya c›kmas›n› salarlar. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing'in Laocoon adl› kitab›nda sozunu ettii gibi sanat ya- p›t› sessiz ve duraan olmas›na karfl›n, yaz›nsal metin soze ve harekete dayan›r. W. J. T. Mitchell Picture Theory adl› kitab›nda soz ve imge aras›ndaki boylesi ikili karfl›tl›¤› cinsiyet rollerini de icerecek flekilde geniflletir. ‹mge diflil, soz ise eril olarak ele al›n›r. Diflil imge bak›lan nesne olmas›na karfl›n, erkek yazar/sa- natc› ozne ve bakan konumundad›r. Carol Ann Duffy "Standing Female Nude" adl› fliirinde, bu tur ikili karfl›tl›klar› sorgulayabilmek icin erkek sanatc› yerine kad›n modele soz hakk› verir ve bakma edimini de model ustlenir. Boylece, Duffy anlat›c›n›n ister sanat yap›t› sahibi, ister sanatc›n›n kendisi, isterse de yap›- ta bakan bir erkek olduu resimbetimsel fliir geleneini reddederek sanatc› ve modeli aras›ndaki guc ilifl- kisi...
Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences, 2005
Ayla Kutlu gecmisle gunumuz arasondaki ilintiyi kurmak icin eserlerinde tarihi olaylaro kullanor,... more Ayla Kutlu gecmisle gunumuz arasondaki ilintiyi kurmak icin eserlerinde tarihi olaylaro kullanor,cunku ona gore tarih bugunun belirleyicisidir (Kutlu 9). Kutlu 1994’te yayonlanan Kadon Destano adloeserinde, Golgamos destanono “yosma” karakterinin agzondan anlatarak yeniden yazar. Kutlu’nun destanondaki kadon anlatoco, Liyotani, Golgamos’on oykusunun yano sora onun taponagonda cektigi acolaro vekendi oykusunu de anlator. Golgamos gibi Liyotani de yazonon onemini vurgular ama amaclaro farklodor.Golgamos oykusunu tabletlere yazdorarak olumsuzlugu amaclarken, Liyotani acolarono diger kadonlarlapaylasabilmek icin olmeden oykusunu bitirme telaso icindedir. Nazom olarak yazolan Kadon Destano’nda ana karakter destan turunde goruldugu gibi ulusal bir kahraman degil bir “yosma”dor. Kutlu’nundestan turune getirdigi yeniliklerin temel amaco, bu turun kadon kahramanlaro ve onlaron ataerkil toplumda cektigi acolaro da icermesidir. Bu makalenin amaco, Ayla Kutlu’nun kadonlaron gecmis eneyimlerini ...
Blake Morrison’in With a Poet’s Eye (Şairin Gozuyle) adli Tate Sanat Galerisi tarafindan hazirlan... more Blake Morrison’in With a Poet’s Eye (Şairin Gozuyle) adli Tate Sanat Galerisi tarafindan hazirlanan antolojide yayimlanan siiri “Teeth” (Disler), cok sayida gorsel ve yazili metne gondermede bulundugu icin cok katmanli bir okumayi gerektirmektedir. Gerard Genette’in terminolojisini kullanacak olursak, siir Robert Browning’in “My Last Duchess” (Benim Son Dusesim) adli siirini icerik, dil ve yapi acisindan bir alt metin olarak kullanir. Browning’in dramatik monologunda oldugu gibi, Morrison’un siirinde de isadami olan anlatici susturulmus dinleyicisine, bir yandan eski karisinin olumunu anlatirken, diger yandan sanat koleksiyonunu gosterir. Ancak Dukun anlatimindan farkli olarak, bu siirdeki anlatici karisini oldurdugunu acikca dile getirmez. Ayrica Morrison’un siiri, gercekte var olmayan sanat yapitlarini konu edinen Browning’in siirinin aksine, Francis Bacon’un Papa resmine gondermede bulunur. Bu resim Velazquez’in Pope Innocent X adli resminden esinlenerek yapilan resimler dizisind...
Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences, 2008
Doris Lessing’s African Laughter is a travel book including her four visits in 1982, 1988, 1989 a... more Doris Lessing’s African Laughter is a travel book including her four visits in 1982, 1988, 1989 and 1992 to Africa, the place where her childhood memories belong to. Pleased to hear the end of the white man’s supremacy, she traveled to the country, not only to visit her friends and relatives but also to observe the social and political changes that took place after the country gained its independence. The aim of this article is to analyze the dynamism Lessing observes in Zimbabwe, namely the political controversies, the blending of cultures and the continuation of the colonial hatred in people’s attitudes and lifestyle as well as to evaluate her visits as inward journeys to her past through an emphasis on the fallibility of memory.
Uluslararasi Kibris Universitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakultesi
The Guyanese poet Grace Nichols's ekphrastic poem "Weeping Woman" in her Picasso, I Want My Face ... more The Guyanese poet Grace Nichols's ekphrastic poem "Weeping Woman" in her Picasso, I Want My Face Back challenges Pablo Picasso's iconic status in twentieth-century art. Written in the form of a dramatic monologue, the poem gives voice to Picasso's model, muse and lover, Dora Maar, who was a Surrealist photographer before she had an affair with Picasso. Unlike traditional ekphrastic poems which involve the description of a fixed, silenced and gazed beautiful image through a male persona who is also a gazer of that image in poetry, Nichols transforms Maar's objectified position in Picasso's painting into a subject by voicing her critique of the artist's cubist art, his use of colors as well as his geometric figures, and of his maltreatment of her. Through this ekphrastic stance, Maar reconstructs her identity as a photographer and rids herself from the artist's domination over her in his art and personal life. Hence, the aim of this article is to discuss in what ways Nichols's poem problematizes the privileged status of the male artist over his silenced female model and acknowledges the artistic talent of the woman through the use of ekphrasis.
Papers by Özlem Uzundemir