Arzu Merali
Editor, The Long View
Co-founder, Islamic Human Rights Commission
Member of Editorial Board for 'Decolonizing the Mind' series, Amrit Publishers.
Former editor-in-chief, Palestine Internationalist.
Co-founder, Islamic Human Rights Commission
Member of Editorial Board for 'Decolonizing the Mind' series, Amrit Publishers.
Former editor-in-chief, Palestine Internationalist.
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Papers by Arzu Merali
VIDEO here:
Mutliculturalism has become one of the testing grounds of modern liberal democracy and is facing enormous challenges. The recent flare up of Islamophobia and the confusion surrounding Muslim women dress, in addition to the PREVENT programme are real challenges to pluralism and inclusiveness. Yet integration is often presented as the lacking element in the minds of Muslims residing in the West. These multiple facets of the human-habitation need to be studied if proper evaluation of the ideological foundations of the modern world is to be understood. These issues will be addressed by the panelists.
Feminismos islámicos
Chapter by Sirin Adlbi Sibai: El hiyab en la obra de Fátima Mernissi o la paradoja del silenciamiento: hacia un pensamiento islámico decolonial