Nores aNo DrscusstoNs shift from c to g in the spelling of Latin words: r, ait Ennius, quae "quod gerit fruges, Ceres": antiquis enim quod nunc G C (LL 5.64 = Enn. Var.49-50 V).t3 A similar discussion of the interchangeability, at Ieast...
moreNores aNo DrscusstoNs shift from c to g in the spelling of Latin words: r, ait Ennius, quae "quod gerit fruges, Ceres": antiquis enim quod nunc G C (LL 5.64 = Enn. Var.49-50 V).t3 A similar discussion of the interchangeability, at Ieast under certain circumstances, of I and r is easily imaginable, though it is not a necessary precedent to Ovid's wordplay; in fact, Ovid may have combined his observation of the pattem / > r with Varro's notice of the Ennian etymology for Ceres to create his own variant etymology.ra With the ambiguity of Palilia/Parilia (and associated wordplay) already available to him, Ovid can easily be imagined to have exploited it to allow for several etymologies that are entirely his own. In any case, the association of Celeus withthe Cerealia, bymeansof ahypotheticalearlierform*Celealia, allowsOvidto introduce a new and purely Latin etymological aetiology for the holiday of a Greek agricultural divinity now celebrated on Italian soil. Bansene WslorN Bovn Bowdoin College 13. See D. O. Ross, Virgil's Elements: Physics and Poetry in the "Georgics" (Princeton, 1987), 34; CIHa;a,Tiue Names, 253, on Varro's text; D. Feeney, Ite Gods in Epic (Oxford, l99l), 12l; and Cic. Nat. D. 2.67: a gerendisfrugibw Ceres tamquan Gcrcs (and cf. A. S. P€sq ed., i{. Tulli Ciceronis "De natura deorun" [Cambridge, MA, 1955-58], ad lm.). Cf. also the alternative etymology for Cercs mentioned by Servius ad Gaa. 1.7: Ceres a creando dicta. 14. O'Hara, True Names,50, notes several other pairs of letters the inte,rrelationship of which gained Varro's notice in the extant books of De lingua Latiru: s nd r (7.26); I and s (5.138); i and ? (6.95). Support for Ovidian linguistic experimentation may alrc be found in Lrumannt suggestion (l,ateinische lautund Formenlehre,230-31) that dissimilation can sometimes be a result of "folk etymologizing": "Lautlicher Anklang an ein anderes Wort, also das Spiel der Volksetymologie, begiinstigt offenkundig vielfach diese Fernwirkungen; nicht immer ist allein die l.autschwierigkeit ausldsend. Besondere Celegenheit fiir Fernwirkungen bieten etymologisch isolicne Woner, also auch Fremdwdrler, und zwar in der Volkssprache." Ovid's application of lhis elymological play io unusual and, as ir Celeus' case, patently foreign names is a clever vriation upon what might otherwise seem an unconscious linguislic process.