Papers by Francisca de Haan
Aspasia, 2015
on occasion of its twenty-fourth anniversary, together with Yeditepe University organized the int... more on occasion of its twenty-fourth anniversary, together with Yeditepe University organized the international symposium "Writing Women's Lives: Auto/Biography, Life Narratives, Myths and Historiography," which took place at Yeditepe University on 19-20 April 2014. The symposium coordinators were Birsen Talay Keşoğlu, Vehbi Baysan, and Şefi k Peksevgen, assisted by eleven more members of the Organizing Committ ee, including Aslı Davaz, director of the Istanbul Women's Library. 1 This symposium was extraordinarily successful. More than two hundred participants from all continents presented papers during forty-four (mostly parallel) sessions. The symposium was less Western dominated than any international women's history conference I have ever att ended, both with regard to the presenters and their topics.
Springer eBooks, 2023
The Introduction argues that we need to understand communist women’s lives, contributions, strugg... more The Introduction argues that we need to understand communist women’s lives, contributions, struggles, and world views from a global, a non-teleological, and a critical feminist perspective; secondly, that we need to move away from the male-centrism of the mainstream literature, and from these women’s assumed anti-feminism, the emphasis on the failures of communism, and assumptions about communist women functionaries as conservative apparatchiks in the women’s and gender history scholarship. The essay first introduces the three global foremothers: the German Clara Zetkin (1857–1933), the Russian Alexandra Kollontai (1872–1952), and the Trinidad-born Claudia Jones (1915–1964). Part II briefly presents three other women included in this book: the Malinese Aoua Keita (1912–1980), the Cuban Vilma Espín (1930–2007), and the Vietnamese Nguyễn Thị Bình (born in 1927). Part III is a short historiographical section. Part IV discusses these women’s motivations, their contributions, and how they achieved those results. Part V outlines the book’s set-up and aims.
Journal of Women's History, 2014
Feministische Studien, 2000
Ist schon die Millenium-Wende selbst ein guter Grund, die Geschlechterbeziehungen im letzten Jahr... more Ist schon die Millenium-Wende selbst ein guter Grund, die Geschlechterbeziehungen im letzten Jahrhundert genauer unter die Lupe zu nehmen, dann bieten sich die Niederlande dafür besonders an, da hier um die letzte Jahrhundertwende ein beachtlicher Aufruhr zwischen den Geschlechtern herrschte. Die Geschlechterbeziehungen waren im 19. Jahrhundert zutiefst patriarchal. Frauen wurden nicht als Individuen mit unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen und Talenten betrachtet. Vielmehr erwartete man von ihnen, daß sie heiraten, den Männern dienen und sie versorgen, sei es Ehemänner, Väter oder Brüder. 1 Eine verheiratete Frau mußte ihrem Ehemann gehorchen, denn er war das eheliche Oberhaupt. Sie war »nicht rechtsfähig«, hatte weder die elterliche Gewalt über die Kinder noch das Recht zur Verwaltung der sogenannten »Gütergemeinschaft« und lebte unter der Obhut ihres Ehemannes (Braun 1992). 2 Unverheiratete Frauen, vor allem die aus den bürgerlichen Schichten, hatten nicht viele Wahlmöglichkeiten im Leben und noch weniger einen sozialen Status. Sie wurden »überzählige« oder »absonderliche« Frauen (Holländisch: >overcompleet<) genannt, Begriffe, die erschreckend deutlich erkennen lassen, in welchem Maße der Status einer Frau von der Ehe abhing. Und obgleich ihre wirtschaftliche »Nützlichkeit« in und um das Haus infolge der Urbanisierung,
Journal of Women's History, 2013
This article sketches the historical field of transnational feminisms and women's movements as it... more This article sketches the historical field of transnational feminisms and women's movements as it has developed since the mid-1990s. It outlines the field's main contributions and shortcomings, identifying as the latter its strong focus on white, Western, liberal, "gender-only" feminism. Subsequently it discusses some of the contributions of the progressive Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF, established in Paris in 1945) and of women and men from Second and Third World countries to the international domain of women's rights-largely overlooked in mainstream historiography. The article ends by emphasizing the scholarly and political importance of including the WIDF, left feminist leaders such as Eugénie Cotton, Pak Chong-ae (internationally known as Pak-Den-ai), and Claudia Jones, and a broader definition of feminism in our historical research of transnational feminisms and the global women's movement.
The American Historical Review, Apr 1, 2001
... Gender and the Politics of Office Work Several persons read one or more chapters, or even the... more ... Gender and the Politics of Office Work Several persons read one or more chapters, or even the whole manuscript: Vilan van de Loo, Dineke Stam, Annemieke van Drenth, Meta Zimmeck, and Karen Offen. ... MW Romeijn, Instituut Schoevers 1913-1&amp;lt; i88, 75jaar (s.\. 1988) 16). ...
Feministische Studien, 2009
Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 2003
Springer eBooks, 2022
This chapter, based on an analysis of printed sources, archival material, memoirs, and biographie... more This chapter, based on an analysis of printed sources, archival material, memoirs, and biographies, outlines the history of interaction between Vietnamese women and the Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF) since 1945, and discusses the scope and nature of the protests and solidarity actions against the American War that WIDF member organizations and the organization’s leadership initiated and supported. The chapter emphasizes the active role of Vietnamese women and their organizations within and beyond the WIDF in providing information and initiating protest and solidarity actions. This included information about the large-scale sexual violence committed against Vietnamese women, and the proposal for what became the Friendship Hospital for Mothers and Children in Hanoi, officially opened in 1979. The case of the British National Assembly of Women serves to illustrate the type of actions undertaken by a WIDF member organization to protest the warfare, inform the public of what was going on in Vietnam, and to collect money for the Hanoi Hospital.
Routledge eBooks, Feb 6, 2018
Womens History Review, Sep 1, 2010
... 119120; and G. Therborn (2004) Between Sex and Power: family in the world, 19002000 (London... more ... 119120; and G. Therborn (2004) Between Sex and Power: family in the world, 19002000 (London and New York: Routledge), p. 76. However, Raluca Maria Popa is the first to ask more complex questions about the trajectory and implications of the WIDF proposal for IWY. ...
Les Féminismes. Une histoire mondiale 19e–20e siècles (Paris: Textuel), 283 , 2024
Le mouvement Žene u Crnom [Femmes en noir, FEN] fait sa première apparition publique à Belgrade l... more Le mouvement Žene u Crnom [Femmes en noir, FEN] fait sa première apparition publique à Belgrade le 9 octobre 1991. Il organise alors une veillée silencieuse pour protester contre le déclenchement de la guerre en Croatie, qui marque le début des guerres de Yougoslavie. Constitué en partie d'anciennes militantes socialistesféministes yougoslaves, il est imprégné des théories et pratiques féministes. Il s'inspire du premier groupe de Femmes en noir fondé en Israël en 1988, lorsque des Israéliennes juives manifestent en silence dans des quartiers animés de Jérusalem, pour dénoncer l'occupation.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Les Féminismes. Une histoire mondiale 19e–20e siècles (Paris: Textuel), 275, 2024
Short Bio Şirin Tekeli.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; du... more Short Bio Şirin Tekeli.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Les Féminismes. Une histoire mondiale 19e–20e siècles (Paris: Textuel), 158, 2024
Short bio Rosa Manus (1881–1942)
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production pro... more Short bio Rosa Manus (1881–1942)
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Les Féminismes. Une histoire mondiale 19e–20e siècles (Paris: Textuel), 139., 2024
Short history Little Entente of Women.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final producti... more Short history Little Entente of Women.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Les Féminismes. Une histoire mondiale 19e–20e siècles (Paris: Textuel, 2024), 173., 2024
Compte rendu du congrès fondateur de la FDIF tenu à Paris fin novembre 1945.
« Nous faisons le ... more Compte rendu du congrès fondateur de la FDIF tenu à Paris fin novembre 1945.
« Nous faisons le serment solennel de défendre les droits économiques, politiques, juridiques et sociaux des femmes. »
Indicated are errors which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Les Féminismes. Une histoire mondiale 19e–20e siècles (Paris: Textuel, 2024), 116., 2024
Musicologue, autrice de pièces de théâtre et de nouvelles, polyglotte, Ávra Theodoropoúlou est un... more Musicologue, autrice de pièces de théâtre et de nouvelles, polyglotte, Ávra Theodoropoúlou est une figure de proue du mouvement féministe grec et international, ainsi qu'une militante pacifiste. Née dans une famille intellectuelle et politisée, elle reçoit une éducation solide. Lors de la guerre gréco-turque de 1897, elle s'engage comme infirmière (elle fera de même pendant les guerres balkaniques de 1912 et 1913). En 1906, elle épouse Spyros Theodoropoulos, avocat, homme politique et écrivain. Après-guerre, le couple devient proche d'Alexandros Papanastasiou, un libéral aux idées mâtinées d'influences socialistes, fondateur d'un parti libéral-républicain-démocratique, le Komma Dimokratikis Enoseos [Parti de l'Union Démocratique].
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Les Féminismes. Une histoire mondiale 19e–20e siècles (Paris: Textuel), 105., 2024
Papers by Francisca de Haan
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
« Nous faisons le serment solennel de défendre les droits économiques, politiques, juridiques et sociaux des femmes. »
Indicated are errors which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
« Nous faisons le serment solennel de défendre les droits économiques, politiques, juridiques et sociaux des femmes. »
Indicated are errors which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.
Indicated is an error which crept into the final production process; due to delay in the process, the authors did not get the chance to reread the proofs of the pages concerning them.