

If the Zionazis experience just ten percent of what they had inflicted on other people, they will not stop talking about it.

I always say that they think mean words being said about them is the height of oppression they would not survive as a brown Muslim hijabi in the US experiencing mean words is a daily occurance for me and people even tell me and my family members Arabs should be bombed from 10 years BEFORE all this. And they did bomb them in the end. They always do.

(via girl-biter)







Mussolini used mustard gas on both civilian and military targets in his attempt to colonize Ethiopia (and western Europe let him)

when will you fucking western leftists stop measuring genocidal dictators by counting the human beings they murdered one by one and the molecules of toxic substances they used, instead of agreeing that they were and are all evil beyond any humanly acceptable threshold

The thing about Mussolini isn’t that he was less bad, just far more incompetent. His entire military campaign could be summoned up as

Invade -> Get his ass kicked -> Call Hitler for Help -> Win… until he didn’t.

He literally genocided libiya and Ethiopia who cares about competency he killed so many people.


great so now demonoid soldiers attack me

(via sluttynurse)