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Information pertaining to the manner of disposing of a community’s deceased members in ancient times in the Ottawa Valley has been slowly accumulating for more than 150 years. These data represent more than 6000 years of concern for the... more
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      Physical AnthropologyOttawa Valley Archaeology
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that leads to functional deficits in the afflicted. Quantifying these deficits in a clinical population and relating them to bone changes in the distal femur is crucial to identifying potential... more
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    • Bioarchaeology, Osteology, Paleopathology
A single burial dating to the historic period was unexpectedly discovered on a farm in rural Dundas County, Ontario. Based on a preliminary investigation, the remains were believed to be those of Margaret Ellen Belway, an 8-year-old girl... more
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    • Bioarchaeology
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    • Repatriation of Indigenous Human Remains
The skeletal remains of an adult Sadlermiut Inuit woman were excavated from a grave at the Native Point site on Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada, in 1959. Forming part of the woman’s mortuary assemblage was a small wooden human... more
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      AnthropologyArctic ArchaeologyPhysical Anthropology
The human remains from the Morrison Island-6 site were released to the Algonquin of Kitigan Zibi for reburial in the spring of 2005. In preparation for the repatriation, the human remains were analyzed and the original field notes... more
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      Ontario ArchaeologyPhysical AnthropologyBurial Practices (Archaeology)
The skeletal remains of an adult Sadlermiut woman with obvious trauma to her cranial and post-cranial skeleton were excavated from Native Point (KkHh-1), Southampton Island, Nunavut, in 1954. In order to determine the possible cause of... more
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      GeologyDigital TechnologyArctic
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The work of finding and identifying missing persons is complex and requires the expertise of many people, such as historians hunting through archives, biological anthropologists reconstructing skeletons, and psychologists preparing... more
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      Forensic PsychologyForensic AnthropologyHuman RightsGenocide Studies
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Situated at the furthest northeastern edge of Canada, the island of Newfoundland (approximately 110,000 km(2)) and Labrador (approximately 295,000 km(2)) today constitute a province characterized by abundant natural resources but low... more
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      ArchaeologyBiologyAdolescentAncient DNA Research
possessed a wide-ranging curiosity about Canada's ancient past, and stressed the importance of disseminating primary site data and making these discoveries available to a wide audience. He encouraged free-ranging, no-nonsense overviews,... more
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      Physical AnthropologyBurial CustomsDeath and Burial ArchaeologyOttawa Valley Archaeology
A single burial dating to the historic period was unexpectedly discovered on a farm in rural Dundas County, Ontario. Based on a preliminary investigation, the remains were believed to be those of Margaret Ellen Bel/way, an 8-year-old girl... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyBioarchaeologyNortheast Historical Archaeology
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Francine Laurendeau, entourée de Bruno Meloche et du réalisateur Jean-Claude Labrecque, lors de la projection du film "L'histoire des Trois" organisée par l'AEMDHUS à l'Université de Sherbrooke le 19 avril 2012 (Crédit photo : Pascal... more
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Pascal Scallon-Chouinard, Doctorant en histoire à l'Université de Sherbrooke « Dans plusieurs pays du monde, les étudiants, surtout universitaires, occupent l'avant-scène de la vie politique,... more
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Revue des étudiantes et des étudiants en histoire de l'Université du Québec à Rimouski MOT DU PRÉSIDENT DE L'AEEH L'ÉDUCAITON POST-SECONDAIRE AU QUÉBEC Chers lecteurs, chères lectrices,
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Hugo Girard est sans contredit une figure marquante de l’espace sportif et culturel du Québec. Reconnu comme l’un des hommes les plus forts de la planète, sa force et son caractère lui ont permis de s’illustrer dans des compétitions... more
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Comprendre les bouleversements qui secouent l'Islam et se familiariser avec l'analyse des problèmes politiques, économiques, socioculturels et religieux des communautés et des territoires musulmans depuis le XIXe siècle.
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      IslamRelations Internationales