
542 Pins
12K views · 1K reactions | MOBILITY ROUTINE Try this flow to boost your full-body mobility! In this video, I’ll show you three connected moves that smoothly flow from one to the next. It’s an easy, step-by-step routine to help improve flexibility and movement in your whole body. Perform each exercise at a slow pace, 6-8 times. Let me know how these movements feel! 🚀For more mobility exercises, visit my YouTube channel. Link in bio! | Elena | mobility | flexibility
12K views · 1K reactions | MOBILITY ROUTINE Try this flow to boost your full-body mobility! In this video, I’ll show you three connected moves that smoothly flow from one to the next. It’s an easy, step-by-step routine to help improve flexibility and movement in your whole body. Perform each exercise at a slow pace, 6-8 times. Let me know how these movements feel! 🚀For more mobility exercises, visit my YouTube channel. Link in bio! | Elena | mobility | flexibility
Leah Friedlander on Instagram: "It feels good to flow. And it feels good to flow in community. I love to get my Classes moving as one and I’m this is one of my favorite repetitive sequences to build heat and get moving. #yogasequence #accessyoga #yogateacher #comeasyouare"
99K views · 4.3K reactions | Drücke mit der Hand gegen dein Knie!☺️🙌 Wichtig ist auch die Atmung: Atme aus, während du dein Bein langsam und kontrolliert zum Boden bringst. Beim Ausatmen aktivierst du deine tiefe Bauchmuskulatur (Becken kippen & unteren Rücken fest in den Boden drücken). Während der Aufwärtsbewegung atmest du ein.🧘✨ 40 Sekunden pro Übung & 3 Durchgänge Langsam & kontrolliert arbeiten… je langsamer desto besser!🤗 #personaltrainer #wien #bauchtraining #pilates #fit #workout #fitness #beckenbodentraining #rektusdiastase #homeworkout | Victoria Wald
12 MIN PILATES Quickie: RÜCKEN & WIRBELSÄULE | 🧱🍑👑 Mix & Match dein Workout!
Charlotte Muller 🌱 E-RYT 500 on Instagram: "Here’s the warm up for my ✨throat opening/fish pose✨ flow! In the warm up, I use foreshadowing for manual, self-assisted throat opening and that fun transition to side angle from my previous video. If you’re new to foreshadowing, WELCOMEEE 😈 I have a freebie in my bio for you to enjoy! And if you love this flow + want to teach it, head to the Sequencing Hub. It’s there, waiting, with teaching notes, videos, dharma talks + a paste-into-your-notes-app, written out flow. 🤍 LOVE YOU #Stealmyflow #ytt #yogateachertraining #yogateachers #yogateachersofinstagram #sequencinghub #creativeflow #creativeyogaflow #creativesequencing #breathestrength #pulsebarbellclub #yoga #yogastudio #mindfulness #flow #wellness #heatedyoga #flexibility #health #mov
Pilates Workout 40 min effektives Ganzkörpertraining