Wikimedia Commons Atlas of the World

The Wikimedia Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons.
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The introductions of the country, dependency and region entries are in the native languages and in English. The other introductions are in English.


Sámegiella Sápmi

Sápmi, Sámieatnan, Sámeeatnan, Sámeeanan ja Sámeeana leat buot davvisámegielat namat, mat geavahuvvojedje sápmelaččaid árbevirolaš orrunguovllu birra. Dat guovlu ollá Lulli-Ruoŧas ja Lulli-Norggas gitta Guoládatnjárgii Ruošša bealde.

Suomi Lappi

Saamenmaa on saamelaisten perinteinen asuinalue. Lappi ei ole sama asia kuin Saamenmaa, vaikka sitä usein käytetään väärin tällä tavalla.

Svenska Sameland
Sameland är namnet på det område där samerna traditionellt är bosatta. Lapland är inte detsamma som Sameland, även om det ofta missbrukas på detta sätt. Sameland sträcker sig över hela Nordkalotten, inkluderande delar av Sverige, Norge, Finland och Kolahalvön i Ryssland. Efter Sovjetunionens fall har samarbetet över den ryska gränsen ökat och nationsgränser har blivit mindre och mindre viktiga. Området är totalt ungefär 388 350 km² stort och har en befolkning på totalt 2 317 159 invånare, varav 70 000 är samer.
Norsk Sápmi

Sápmi (eller Sámeednam, norsk og internasjonalt Sapmi, også kalt Sameland) er den nordsamiske betegnelse på samenes folk og deres tradisjonelle leveområder. Samene er ett folk med bosettingsområder i fire stater: Norge, Sverige, Finland og Russland. Samenes land strekker seg fra Kola-halvøya i nordøst til Engerdal i Sør-Norge og Idre i Sør-Sverige. Dette området kalles Sápmi – Sábme – Saemie.

Русский Лапландия

Лапландия название культурного региона, расположенного в Северной Европе, который никогда не являлся одним государством, и который сейчас поделен между государствами: Норвегией, Швецией, Финляндией и Россией (Кольский полуостров). Лапландия традиционно заселенна саамами. Флаг саамов встречается достаточно часто.

English Sápmi - Sápmi
Sápmi is the Northern Sami name of the geographic region traditionally inhabited by the Sami people. Lapland is not the same as Sápmi, which is a much larger area, in spite of Lapland being used incorrectly this way. Sápmi is located in Northern Europe and includes the northern parts of Fennoscandia. It spans over four countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. With the fall of the Soviet Union and increasing internationalization, co-operation across borders is becoming more important and existing county and national borders less important for the non-Sami population. For the Sami people, the borders have not been particularly important. The majority of the population of this region is non-Sami. The Sami make up only a small minority.

Short name Sápmi
Official  name Sápmi
Status Divided by Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia
Capital Idem
Population 2,317,159 inhabitants
Area 388,350 km² km²
Major  languages Southern Sami, Ume Sami, Pite Sami, Lule Sami, Northern Sami, Skolt Sami, Inari Sami, Kildin Sami, Akkala Sami, Ter Sami, Kemi Sami, Kven, Meänkieli, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, and Russian
Major  religions Protestantism
More information Sápmi, Geography of Sápmi, History of Sápmi and Politics of Sápmi
More  images Sápmi - Sápmi (Category).

General maps

Location of Sápmi
Samelands läge
The historical Lapland province
Det historiska landskapet Lappland.
Swedish Lapland
Svenska Lappland
Finnish Lapland, Province
Finska Lappland (län)
Finnish Lapland, Region
Finska Lappland (landskap)
The northern provinces of Norway
Norges nordligaste fylken
The municipaities of Finnmark
Kommuner i Finnmark
Murmansk Oblast
Му́рманская о́бласть
Murmanskin alue
Distribution of Sami languages
De samiska språkens utbredning

Notes and references

General remarks:

  • The WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons. The main page is therefore the portal to maps and cartography on Wikimedia. That page contains links to entries by country, continent and by topic as well as general notes and references.
  • Every entry has an introduction section in English. If other languages are native and/or official in an entity, introductions in other languages are added in separate sections. The text of the introduction(s) is based on the content of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. For sources of the introduction see therefore the Wikipedia entries linked to. The same goes for the texts in the history sections.
  • Historical maps are included in the continent, country and dependency entries.
  • The status of various entities is disputed. See the content for the entities concerned.
  • The maps of former countries that are more or less continued by a present-day country or had a territory included in only one or two countries are included in the atlas of the present-day country. For example the Ottoman Empire can be found in the Atlas of Turkey.

Entries available in the atlas

General pages
Continents and oceans
Historical eras
States with wide recognition
States with limited recognition
Dependencies and other overseas territories
Country subdivisions
China (mainland)
United Kingdom
United States
Disputed subnational territories
Other regions
Former sovereign states
Former dependencies and overseas territories
Former disputed territories