Looking for help with this package that is failing to build in my project.

Runtime Details

Failing Packages

  • Win32-LongPath 2.0

This is probably missing metadata on the Win32-LongPath module, but have raised a ticket for it.

I had hoped this would have been fixed by now. The problem is in Geo-ShapeFile.pm, the second of the two lines:

use constant ON_WINDOWS => ($^O eq ‘MSWin32’);
use if ON_WINDOWS, ‘Win32::LongPath’;

LongPath will never be “used” except on Win32. Ideally your build process would evaluate the ON_WINDOWS and not require the LongPath module. Adding a Win32::LongPath for linux which consists of one line “1;” might solve the problem as the ON_WINDOWS constant protects against it ever being called.