Papers by Douglas W Krieger
Douglas Krieger, 2024
During this political season here in the USA-as well as elsewhere around the globe-we have witnes... more During this political season here in the USA-as well as elsewhere around the globe-we have witnessed a near assassination of the Republican candidate for President; the resignation of the Democrat Party candidate; and general confusion we haven't seen for decades. Rapid and disquieting changes find us in uncertain waters and wondering: What next, when will the hammer drop? "Wars and rumors of wars" abound-"but the end is not yet!" We hear that we've got to "tone down the rhetoric"-however, it seems we're addicted to bombastic slurs which only further the animosity between various factions of the population. And, in the midst of it all, what should be the posture or God's people as political leaders continue to pour fuel on this raging firestorm.
Tribnet Publications, 2024
This is the story of Joseph, the son of Jacob and Rachel (whom Jacob loved). “Rachel” means “a fe... more This is the story of Joseph, the son of Jacob and Rachel (whom Jacob loved). “Rachel” means “a female sheep” or “ewe” – on the one hand, it is this rare word that is so famously used in Isaiah 53:7: "Like a sheep — רחל (rahel) — that is silent before its shearers, so did he not open his mouth” but on the other hand, could it be connected to the words of Jesus speaking of those sheep He must also bring outside the fold: “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd” (John 10:16)?
The shepherd who, as well, is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, is likewise searching for those “other sheep I have which are not of this fold” which bespeaks of those sheep outside the fold of Judaism whereupon His intention is the bringing together as one both those inside the fold and those outside the fold and to make them one . . . let’s examine this more closely in light of Joseph’s story of His brothers who rejected him and the Egyptians whom he eventually saved and His ultimate deliverance and reconciliation of them both (Gen. 47:25). So let us connect the “dots” which extend from Abraham to Joseph and Joseph’s sons as testament to our Lord Jesus and His Eternal Purpose.
It is inaccurate and/or exceedingly misleading to suggest that Ephraim/Samaria/the 10 Northern Tr... more It is inaccurate and/or exceedingly misleading to suggest that Ephraim/Samaria/the 10 Northern Tribes/Jezreel, united in great numbers with Judah of the South before their captivity (the Passover during the reign of Judah’s King Josiah—2 Chron. 34-35) and during the Babylonian Captivity (607-537 BC). Those who suggest that Ephraim/Israel can be found as today’s ethnic Jews disregard the following passages . . .
D o u g K r i e g e r | A u g u s t 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 | (Introductory Note: It is imperative in read... more D o u g K r i e g e r | A u g u s t 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 | (Introductory Note: It is imperative in reading the text that the reader give careful consideration to the end-notes when listed; otherwise, the full development of Commonwealth Theology will NOT clarify in the reader's mind and/or spirit—it should be included as one reads through the document. Note: All Scripture is " hot linked " as are many references throughout the text which substantiate the content. The NKJV is used throughout unless otherwise stated. See
Teaching Documents by Douglas W Krieger
Tribnet Publications, 2024
There is a pernicious tendency—due to the insipid quest for control within fallen man—which inces... more There is a pernicious tendency—due to the insipid quest for control within fallen man—which incessantly raises its ugly head among the shepherds of the sheep of His flock. I’d like to address this ubiquitous malady in its immediate and prophetic commentary as it pertains to the prophet Zechariah’s amazing address of the same—this may surprise you.
I don’t expect “commentary agreement” on my exegesis but I’ll be more than satisfied if you get the drift of what I feel the Holy Spirit’s bearing witness in my spirit that we’re on to something here that has major consequence at the “end of time” for the people of God—both
Judah (the Jewish Nation) and Ephraim (those among the nations who have entered into Covenant through Yeshua’s Person and Work).
Today’s Judah/Jewish people are seemingly more divided than ever before due to a host of issues—primarily, today, centered on the current distress, wars, hostages, etc., let alone how to address the flagrant rise of anti-Semitism throughout the globe. Simultaneously, these issues of “domestic division” afflict all the “people of the Book”—namely, those who claim membership in the Commonwealth of Israel who were once non-citizens but who through Messiah have been joined teleologically to the “Israel of God” becoming joint-heirs through the Jewish Carpenter.
Books by Douglas W Krieger
Milky Way, Earth, Giza Pyramid & New Jerusalem?
IF I WERE TO TELL YOU THAT OUR SUN AND SOLAR SY... more Milky Way, Earth, Giza Pyramid & New Jerusalem?
IF I WERE TO TELL YOU THAT OUR SUN AND SOLAR SYSTEM ORBIT 360 DEGREES AROUND THE GALACTIC CENTER OF THE MILKY WAY EVERY 220,000,000 years, and that when you multiply the two as factors it produces a product of either 79,200,000,000 degrees or 79,200,000,000 days if each year were configured as a 360-day “prophetic year” as the “Ancient Hebrews” once used for their calendars; well, your head may commence swirling a bit. Then again, this might generate a “ho-hum.” A closer look confirms that these first four digits (7920) are a fractal/resemblance of Earth’s 7,920-mile diameter. It’s also the length in feet of Teotihuacán’s “Avenue of the Dead”/District twenty-five miles northeast of Mexico City.
If a square were drawn around the Earth whereby each of its foursquare edges bore the 7,920-mile figure, its square perimeter would be 31,680-miles. This “3168” figure is virtually ubiquitous throughout the ancient world, ipso facto its declaration is all over the New Jerusalem in that 7,920,000 ft. x foursquare = 31,680,000 ft. or “3168.”
Yes, the galactic orbit of the solar system’s “7920” mimics the primary dimension of the New Jerusalem’s 12,000 furlong height, breadth and length (each dimension as “7920”) or 12,000 furlongs x 660 ft. (1 furlong as per Wikipedia) is equal to 7,920,000 feet or, again, the “7920” degrees/years of our solar system’s journey around the galactic center of our Milky Way; while, simultaneously, the “21” is wholly engaged with the “Wall of the New Jerusalem” whose measurement is 144 Sacred Cubits (SC) or 2.1 ft. x 144 SC = 302.4 ft. (See: Revelation 21:16-17).
Furthermore, you might think I have far too much time on my hands if I then told you that we are now in the twenty-first cycle of this 220,000,000-year orbit or “21” which is a most peculiar number having to do with the 21 x 21 grid of Earth’s Great Pyramid of Giza (GPG) (or 21 * 21 = 441 or seen as “144”), which is wholly subservient to what is known as the “Hebrew Sacred Cubit” (SC) which in turn is 25.20 inches (in.) or 25.20 in. ÷ 12 inches (1 ft.) = 2.1 ft.
Commonwealth Theology Denver Declaration, 2019
Commonwealth of Israel Theology teaches that God married Israel at Sinai (Old Covenant). Israel w... more Commonwealth of Israel Theology teaches that God married Israel at Sinai (Old Covenant). Israel was unfaithful, divided into two kingdoms, and then God divorced the northern kingdom (though Judah deserved it too). He then promised to betroth Israel again, but the law’s curse (due to adultery) prevented that. Only through the death of the husband, Jesus, could the curse be removed and could Israel (scattered and assimilated into the nations) come back to God. The good news is they/we can be full members of the commonwealth of Israel and God will restore the two houses into one.
Denver Declaration with Verses, 2019
Commonwealth of Israel Theology teaches that God married Israel at Sinai (Old Covenant). Israel w... more Commonwealth of Israel Theology teaches that God married Israel at Sinai (Old Covenant). Israel was unfaithful, divided into two kingdoms, and then God divorced the northern kingdom (though Judah deserved it too). He then promised to betroth Israel again, but the law’s curse (due to adultery) prevented that. Only through the death of the husband, Jesus, could the curse be removed and could Israel (scattered and assimilated into the nations) come back to God. The good news is they/we can be full members of the commonwealth of Israel and God will restore the two houses into one.
Papers by Douglas W Krieger
The shepherd who, as well, is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, is likewise searching for those “other sheep I have which are not of this fold” which bespeaks of those sheep outside the fold of Judaism whereupon His intention is the bringing together as one both those inside the fold and those outside the fold and to make them one . . . let’s examine this more closely in light of Joseph’s story of His brothers who rejected him and the Egyptians whom he eventually saved and His ultimate deliverance and reconciliation of them both (Gen. 47:25). So let us connect the “dots” which extend from Abraham to Joseph and Joseph’s sons as testament to our Lord Jesus and His Eternal Purpose.
Teaching Documents by Douglas W Krieger
I don’t expect “commentary agreement” on my exegesis but I’ll be more than satisfied if you get the drift of what I feel the Holy Spirit’s bearing witness in my spirit that we’re on to something here that has major consequence at the “end of time” for the people of God—both
Judah (the Jewish Nation) and Ephraim (those among the nations who have entered into Covenant through Yeshua’s Person and Work).
Today’s Judah/Jewish people are seemingly more divided than ever before due to a host of issues—primarily, today, centered on the current distress, wars, hostages, etc., let alone how to address the flagrant rise of anti-Semitism throughout the globe. Simultaneously, these issues of “domestic division” afflict all the “people of the Book”—namely, those who claim membership in the Commonwealth of Israel who were once non-citizens but who through Messiah have been joined teleologically to the “Israel of God” becoming joint-heirs through the Jewish Carpenter.
Books by Douglas W Krieger
IF I WERE TO TELL YOU THAT OUR SUN AND SOLAR SYSTEM ORBIT 360 DEGREES AROUND THE GALACTIC CENTER OF THE MILKY WAY EVERY 220,000,000 years, and that when you multiply the two as factors it produces a product of either 79,200,000,000 degrees or 79,200,000,000 days if each year were configured as a 360-day “prophetic year” as the “Ancient Hebrews” once used for their calendars; well, your head may commence swirling a bit. Then again, this might generate a “ho-hum.” A closer look confirms that these first four digits (7920) are a fractal/resemblance of Earth’s 7,920-mile diameter. It’s also the length in feet of Teotihuacán’s “Avenue of the Dead”/District twenty-five miles northeast of Mexico City.
If a square were drawn around the Earth whereby each of its foursquare edges bore the 7,920-mile figure, its square perimeter would be 31,680-miles. This “3168” figure is virtually ubiquitous throughout the ancient world, ipso facto its declaration is all over the New Jerusalem in that 7,920,000 ft. x foursquare = 31,680,000 ft. or “3168.”
Yes, the galactic orbit of the solar system’s “7920” mimics the primary dimension of the New Jerusalem’s 12,000 furlong height, breadth and length (each dimension as “7920”) or 12,000 furlongs x 660 ft. (1 furlong as per Wikipedia) is equal to 7,920,000 feet or, again, the “7920” degrees/years of our solar system’s journey around the galactic center of our Milky Way; while, simultaneously, the “21” is wholly engaged with the “Wall of the New Jerusalem” whose measurement is 144 Sacred Cubits (SC) or 2.1 ft. x 144 SC = 302.4 ft. (See: Revelation 21:16-17).
Furthermore, you might think I have far too much time on my hands if I then told you that we are now in the twenty-first cycle of this 220,000,000-year orbit or “21” which is a most peculiar number having to do with the 21 x 21 grid of Earth’s Great Pyramid of Giza (GPG) (or 21 * 21 = 441 or seen as “144”), which is wholly subservient to what is known as the “Hebrew Sacred Cubit” (SC) which in turn is 25.20 inches (in.) or 25.20 in. ÷ 12 inches (1 ft.) = 2.1 ft.
The shepherd who, as well, is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, is likewise searching for those “other sheep I have which are not of this fold” which bespeaks of those sheep outside the fold of Judaism whereupon His intention is the bringing together as one both those inside the fold and those outside the fold and to make them one . . . let’s examine this more closely in light of Joseph’s story of His brothers who rejected him and the Egyptians whom he eventually saved and His ultimate deliverance and reconciliation of them both (Gen. 47:25). So let us connect the “dots” which extend from Abraham to Joseph and Joseph’s sons as testament to our Lord Jesus and His Eternal Purpose.
I don’t expect “commentary agreement” on my exegesis but I’ll be more than satisfied if you get the drift of what I feel the Holy Spirit’s bearing witness in my spirit that we’re on to something here that has major consequence at the “end of time” for the people of God—both
Judah (the Jewish Nation) and Ephraim (those among the nations who have entered into Covenant through Yeshua’s Person and Work).
Today’s Judah/Jewish people are seemingly more divided than ever before due to a host of issues—primarily, today, centered on the current distress, wars, hostages, etc., let alone how to address the flagrant rise of anti-Semitism throughout the globe. Simultaneously, these issues of “domestic division” afflict all the “people of the Book”—namely, those who claim membership in the Commonwealth of Israel who were once non-citizens but who through Messiah have been joined teleologically to the “Israel of God” becoming joint-heirs through the Jewish Carpenter.
IF I WERE TO TELL YOU THAT OUR SUN AND SOLAR SYSTEM ORBIT 360 DEGREES AROUND THE GALACTIC CENTER OF THE MILKY WAY EVERY 220,000,000 years, and that when you multiply the two as factors it produces a product of either 79,200,000,000 degrees or 79,200,000,000 days if each year were configured as a 360-day “prophetic year” as the “Ancient Hebrews” once used for their calendars; well, your head may commence swirling a bit. Then again, this might generate a “ho-hum.” A closer look confirms that these first four digits (7920) are a fractal/resemblance of Earth’s 7,920-mile diameter. It’s also the length in feet of Teotihuacán’s “Avenue of the Dead”/District twenty-five miles northeast of Mexico City.
If a square were drawn around the Earth whereby each of its foursquare edges bore the 7,920-mile figure, its square perimeter would be 31,680-miles. This “3168” figure is virtually ubiquitous throughout the ancient world, ipso facto its declaration is all over the New Jerusalem in that 7,920,000 ft. x foursquare = 31,680,000 ft. or “3168.”
Yes, the galactic orbit of the solar system’s “7920” mimics the primary dimension of the New Jerusalem’s 12,000 furlong height, breadth and length (each dimension as “7920”) or 12,000 furlongs x 660 ft. (1 furlong as per Wikipedia) is equal to 7,920,000 feet or, again, the “7920” degrees/years of our solar system’s journey around the galactic center of our Milky Way; while, simultaneously, the “21” is wholly engaged with the “Wall of the New Jerusalem” whose measurement is 144 Sacred Cubits (SC) or 2.1 ft. x 144 SC = 302.4 ft. (See: Revelation 21:16-17).
Furthermore, you might think I have far too much time on my hands if I then told you that we are now in the twenty-first cycle of this 220,000,000-year orbit or “21” which is a most peculiar number having to do with the 21 x 21 grid of Earth’s Great Pyramid of Giza (GPG) (or 21 * 21 = 441 or seen as “144”), which is wholly subservient to what is known as the “Hebrew Sacred Cubit” (SC) which in turn is 25.20 inches (in.) or 25.20 in. ÷ 12 inches (1 ft.) = 2.1 ft.