Hello, do you mind to give a STL for only the titan crew but outside the cockpit? Kind of like Sir Hekthur style. thanks
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Hello, do you mind to give a STL for only the titan crew but outside the cockpit? Kind of like Sir Hekthur style. thanks
Hello! Do you add supports yourself or is there a useful program that can add them
I do my own but i use Lychee free right now (had pro but I let it run out) and will use a combo of there auto supports and the find island feature (pro is better at this than free but free does a really good job as well) and then I use the auto support islands then add the rest manually that lychee couldn't figure out.
I've got zero affiliations with them just love their product, for easy gets a link to their site
Hi mate, just wondering where you sourced the flamers on the chest for this model i cant find them among the files.
Hey I saw you on a certain creators message board, where you said you had all the daemons bevore they were wiped. Would you mind sharing them, or do you know of a place where they're still at?
Don't know if any that still live online, just found out the Rats are gone and I've been trying to find them as well. If I do I'll let you know. As for sharing if there's something specific I can toss it into a drive but it's super limited being free on Google
would you mind talking in Discord dm's? I'm jssigh there, too.
Gentlemen! Come see me!
I think i can help you