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Online Course on Organic Chemistry Fundamentals + Sitewide access at $39


A guide to Organic Chemistry vocabulary and essential concepts.

Simplified. Easier to understand.

The course gradually builds chemistry concepts by simplifying jargon and providing seamless transitions between concepts, making learning enjoyable and effortless.


Descriptive. 300+ concepts.

The chapters provide high value-per-page, with 100+ examples for beginners to understand Organic Chemistry concepts.


Illustrated. Vivid and engaging.

 The course reinforces concepts with 400+ scientific illustrations to immerse you in mastering Organic Chemistry.


CurlyArrows' Introductory Organic Chemistry Course covers the fundamentals in 14 detailed chapters:
  • Atoms
  • Bonding in Atoms
  • Covalent Bond
  • Electronic Displacements in a Covalent Bond
  • Common Reaction Types
  • Drawing Organic Structures
  • Functional Groups
  • Structural Isomerism
  • Intermolecular Forces
  • Physical Properties
  • Fundamentals of Organic Reactions
  • Reactive Intermediates
  • Stereochemistry



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A free sample of our course, Organic Chemistry Fundamentals 



Is this a recurring membership?

Yes, you will be billed annually. However, you won't have to pay for any new content in the Premium Introduction to Organic Chemistry course.
How can I pay?

We accept all payments through PayPal. For alternatives, reach out to us.
Is there a free trial?

We don't offer a free trial, but we publish lots of free tutorials, Q&As, comparisons, definitions for you to sample.
Where should I start learning?

We recommend new members explore our course and topic list.




“I thought this book did a great treatment of chemistry. I purchased a subscription as an add-on for class. It is every bit a detailed and engaging than my boring chemistry textbook. This course reignited my interest in chemistry.”  - Sheena

"Thank you so much for such an awesome content. I struggled before, but your course helped me get clarity. The illustrations are amazing and good content in itself. Looking forward to your reaction book.” – Ro

"Best chemistry course I've ever used. Chapters are compact but well-written and logically structured. Content is made interesting and infinitely useful to undergraduates. Highly recommend for one learning organic chemistry for the first time." – Jonathan

"Interesting chemistry course written by an expert who knows the subject matter and its application. The scope of each chapter is well-defined. The lessons were relevant and easy to understand. A lot of good content for passing my exams. I felt I received incredible value for the money spent. Thank you!" – Ashley

"An absolute gem of a coursebook, describing even the most complex concepts in a simple yet detailed manner that even *I* could understand. I would have liked it to have more practice questions, but otherwise, it was excellent. " – Elyse

"Excellent for strengthening fundamentals. Provides a good foundation for understanding OC. This course is the reason I’m doing well in Orgo so far." – Alexander

"Very good guide for students." – Devang

"My, how chemistry has changed! This guide is well-designed, has thoughtful illustrations, is colorful, and, I think, expertly written. As I began my study of organic chemistry, this book helped me understand the basics. One feature I like is that each page is kept short, and I can pick up where I left off. Navigation across the site was easy, and the main elements interlinked. " - Terry F.

"Big topics simply explained. Not too far into this one but enjoying it so far. There is lot to learn here. Science might not be for everyone especially Chemistry. This book makes difficult concept less boring and easier to understand. It is a great book for a Organo Chem beginner. " - HY

"I loved the author's notes above each chapter explaining its importance and what I need to know before I attempt each section. The sections were all connected. That's a plus for me. " - Marc



 A course that is -


Accessible and In-depth

Convenient and Cheap

Structured and Organized


Why Organic Chemistry Fundamentals Course?

Hi, I am Sibi Atul, a former drug discovery Research Scientist and undergraduate teacher, and now a full-time writer and editor at CurlyArrows. I started CurlyArrows in 2015, when most chemistry concepts were studied through forums and Q&A. I truly believe that any complex concept can be well understood when explained using basic, jargon-free language and reinforced using visual images, storytelling, and examples. So, I have created an affordable, well-structured course on Introductory Organic Chemistry, a guide covering chemistry fundamentals, as a helpful starting point for anyone who wants to avoid getting lost and confused in organic reactions. By signing up, you would get complete access to an illustrated, descriptive, and easy-to-understand organic chemistry fundamental course, much simpler than other bulky chemistry reference books. 


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