Papers by Kateřina Kovářová

SPACE International Journal of Conference Proceedings, Jul 24, 2022
The study of building stone cutting is still a new discipline, which is currently based on evolvi... more The study of building stone cutting is still a new discipline, which is currently based on evolving methods of mechanoscopy and analytical trasology. The presented article is an extract of a study that systematically maps the stone-cutting work in the territory of Prague from the oldest buildings to the present day. The most used dimension stone of Romanesque Prague is "opoka". Although the opoka also occurs in other countries, its use as a predominant building material of monuments of this age is most common, especially in Prague. The systematic research of historic building stone cutting in the historic centre of Prague reveals the world of stonework from the earliest time. Individual traces of tools may be considered a historical source. Each work has its own unique pattern and bears traces of individual stonemason workshops, traditions, and training of the craftsman's predecessors. Stonework in 9th century Prague was gradually evolving from simple stone block modelling to sophisticated cutting of blocks in the 12th century. For the distinctive work of Prague, stonemasons rock face cutting was typical, which means they gradually obliquely cut the areas from the corners to the centre of the block. However, they did not use various decorative patterns so typical for European work. In Western Europe, the aim was to use innovative tooth tools that were highly effective in working with stone; nevertheless, in Prague, these tools did not become popular, although they were sporadically used as European craftsmen arrived in Prague. When studying the stone surface, the latest 3D modelling technology was used, and consequently, the models were used to create mechanoscopic analyses using Global Mapper software. Based on the identified traces and their shapes in connection with the dynamics of the hits, the tools used could be reconstructed.

Staletá Praha, Dec 14, 2021
Cihla et al. / Opracování stavebního kamene románských domů pražské podhradní aglomerace ROČNÍK X... more Cihla et al. / Opracování stavebního kamene románských domů pražské podhradní aglomerace ROČNÍK XXXVII / 2021 / č. 2 Studium opracování stavebního kamene je poměrně novou disciplínou, která se v současné době opírá o neustále se rozvíjející metody mechanoskopie a analytické trasologie. Prezentovaný článek je prvním výstupem z projektu systematickým způsobem mapujícího opracování kamene na území Prahy od nejstarších objektů až po současné. Výsledkem jsou rekonstrukce kamenických nástrojů užitých v různých slohových obdobích a práce s nimi. V příspěvku se zabýváme pražskými románskými domy -fenoménem, který nemá ve střední Evropě srovnání. Dokumentace způsobů opracování materiálů, ze kterých byly vystavěny, poodhaluje řemeslné techniky období konce 12. a první poloviny 13. století. AShlAr DrESSing of thE romAnESquE houSES in thE AgglomErAtion bElow thE PrAguE CAStlE the study of building stone dressing is still a new discipline, which is currently based on evolving methods of mechanoscopy and tool marks analysis. this article presents the initial results of a project systematically mapping the stone dressing in the Prague territory from the earliest structures to the present. Presented is the reconstruction of stone tools in various periods and the work with them, along with stone dressing practice during the construction of Prague romanesque houses -a phenomenon that has no comparison in the Central Europe. Documentation of the processing of the construction material reveals the craft techniques of the late 12 th and the first half of the 13 th century. Klíčová slova -Praha -románské domy -mechanoskopie -opracování kamene -analytická trasologie Key word -Prague -romanesque houses -mechanoscopy -stone dressing -tool marks analysis OpracOvání stavebníhO kamene rOmánských dOmů pražské pOdhradní aglOmerace miChAl CihlA -KAtEřinA KoVářoVá -miChAl tryml -lADiSlAV bArtoš -mAtouš SEmEráD -JAroSlAV VAlACh -miChAl PAnáčEK Předkládaný text je výstupem z prací na projektu nAKi, který se v dosud nebývalé šíři zabývá stopami po opracování kamenných článků na historických stavbách. 1 očekávaný přínos projektu spočívá zejména v detailním poznání vývoje řemeslných technik v tisícileté historii stavebnictví v Praze. Stopy po opracování kamene mohou být cennou informací -ukazují nejen výrobní postupy v kamenických dílnách. Z dlouhých stavebních dějin pražských historických měst je následující text věnován nevelké, ale typické skupině obytných kamenných staveb raného středověku, kterými jsou románské kvádříkové domy. hlavním stavebním a sochařským kamenem románské Prahy byly především opuky -klastické sedimentární horniny, přesněji prachovité až písčité slínovce často obsahující mikroskopické jehlice křemitých hub. Jedná se o druhohorní horniny svrchně křídového stáří s poměrně častým výskytem na území Prahy a jejího blízkého okolí. Jsou charakteristické snadnou dobyvatelností a opracovatelností. opuky se v menší míře, společně s pískovci, nacházely či nacházejí v nejvyšší části plošiny, která se táhne východo-západním směrem od Petřína až po bílou horu, a jsou součástí tzv. bělohorského souvrství. Průměrná mocnost tohoto souvrství je 25-30 m. Kvalitní opuka se nalézá v oblasti mezi Přední Kopaninou, hostivicí, Kněževsí a Středokluky, dále pak na bělohorské výšině, na Vidouli (obr. 1A) 2 a na severozápadě přes Džbán až k měcholupům. 3 hlavním místem, kde se opuky v románské době těžily, byl východní okraj souvrství na blízkém Petříně. Jejich lámání na tomto místě je písemně doloženo již začátkem 12. století, přičemž počátky těžby jsou zde nepochybně mnohem starší (Rybařík 2003, 17-22). Podle Václava rybaříka k rozvoji těžby v této oblasti došlo po roce 1140 zejména v souvislosti se založením a výstavbou 1 Projekt nAKi č. Dg20P02oVV021 s názvem "topografie povrchu kamene a její aplikace v oblasti restaurování kamenných prvků", na jehož řešení se podílejí Stavební fakulta čVut v Praze, Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky AV čr, v. v. i., a pražské územní odborné pracoviště národního památkového ústavu, si jako hlavní cíl klade usnadnění identifikace, dokumentace a ohodnocení stop opracování na historických kamenných objektech. V rámci projektu jsou dokumentovány a vyhodnocovány stopy opracování a identifikovány použité nástroje na vybraných objektech pražské památkové rezervace. Výsledky výzkumu poslouží při tvorbě výstupů, kterými jsou mj. mapa s reprezentativními příklady topografie povrchu kamenných prvků vybraných objektů, veřejná databáze představující vzorník kamenických nástrojů i jejich stop a památkový postup sloužící k vyloučení poškození historických stop opracování restaurátorskými zásahy. V závěru řešení projektu bude uspořádána výstava, která mj. představí znalosti o kamenické práci našich předků prostřednictvím repliky středověké kamenické hutě s jejími rozličnými kamenickými nástroji a jejich stopami. 2 Autorem všech obrazových příloh je, pokud není uvedeno jinak, michal Cihla. 3 in: <http [vid 2021-03-12]. Studie Cihla et al. / Opracování stavebního kamene románských domů pražské podhradní aglomerace ROČNÍK XXXVII / 2021 / č. 2 strahovského kláštera, do jehož majetku postupně lomy přecházely (Rybařík 2011, 28). neznámý mnich sázavského kláštera ve své kronice k roku 1134 píše, že v kostele sv. Jana Křtitele na Sázavě opat Silvestr "podlahu kostela ozdobil hlazenými kameny, přivezenými z hory Petřína" (frb ii, 259; cit. podle bláhová et al. 1974, 16). o využití strahovských lomů v raném středověku může nepřímo svědčit právě i jejich situování na pozemcích strahovských premonstrátů (kotlík/ ŠRámek/kaŠe 2000, 109). Jedny z nejstarších opukových lomů byly využívány podél okraje strahovské a bělohorské pláně. na samotné strahovské pláni se nacházela řada rozsáhlých odhalených těžebních prostorů, které však byly v 2. polovině 20. století zavezeny a zastavěny v souvislosti se stavbou strahovských stadionů. opuka pocházející z výše uvedených lomů se proto nazývala opukou petřínskou, strahovskou nebo bělohorskou. Velký význam pro Prahu mohly mít i lomy v oblasti Přední Kopaniny (obr. 1B), kde se opuka lámala pravděpodobně už od 12. století (Rybařík 2005, 5-11). V nejnižších polohách těchto lomů se nachází 80 až 120 cm mocná vrstva opuky, která se mezi kameníky a geology nazývá opukou zlatou (např. Rybařík 1994, 218). Petrograficky se liší od ostatních opuk sedimentujících v oblasti české křídové pánve, je pro ni typická načervenalá barva a vyskytuje se pouze na spodní části profilu. místy je doprovázena opukou bílou či nazelenalou (tzv. mydlák). Díky možnosti odlamování relativně velkých bloků mohly být tyto opuky společně těženy ke kamenickým a sochařským účelům. V 11. a 12. století se pravděpodobně používala i opuka z Veleslavína, ze Střížkova a prosecké pláně, kde se těžila ve stěnových i jámových lomech (kotlík/ŠRámek/kaŠe 2000, 109). Pozice opukových lomů v severozápadním okolí Prahy je znázorněna na obr. 2. opuka našla své uplatnění při stavbě velkého množství sakrálních staveb, jejichž vznik lze v případě kostelíka Panny marie datovat již do 9. století. Z následujícího období lze namátkou uvést rotundu sv. Víta či baziliku sv. Jiří. mimo areál Pražského hradu pak lze zmínit stavbu kapitulní baziliky sv. Petra a Pavla na Vyšehradě z 11. století. Použití opuk pro stavbu podhradních obytných domů či paláců je obecně datováno do 2. poloviny 12. století a hlavně 1. třetiny století následujícího. tyto byly stavěny zejména z opuky v podobě různě velkých kvádříků či mimo lícní plochy rovněž z nepravidelných kusů. opuka nalezla své uplatnění pro většinu architektonických prvků. bohužel do dnešních dob se obytné stavby dochovaly převážně pouze v podobě fragmentů jejich přízemních částí. mimo jiné byla opuka rovněž užita v podobě lomového kamene v jádru pískovcového zdiva při stavbě Juditina mostu (např. Rybařík 2011, 27-41, 30). Kromě opuky byly v menší míře používány i další horninové typy, především pískovce. byly často využívány mj. ke zdění nárožních armatur nebo se z nich vyráběly složitější profilované prvky jako například okenní otvory, tympanony, různé překlady a patky sloupů. Důvody k využití pískovců namísto hojněji používaných opuk pro takové účely mohou být různé. na rozdíl od opuk je při těžbě pískovců častěji možné vylomení větších bloků horniny, které umožňují výrobu kamenických prvků větších rozměrů z jednoho kusu. Zároveň může být volba pískovců pro určité konstrukční prvky dána jejich vyšší mírou odolnosti vůči působení zvětrávacích procesů, zejména pak působení mrazu. na rozdíl od opuky mají obecně až dvakrát nižší nasákavost (např. tiŠlová 2015, 276-291), proto do jejich vnitřní struktury proniká méně vody podléhající v důsledku mrazu Obr. 1. A -lomová stěna opuštěného opukového lomu na Vidouli, Praha 5 (foto K. Kovářová, stav 02/2021); B -nečinný opukový lom v Přední Kopanině, Praha 6 (foto K. Kovářová, stav 5/2019).

Advances in intelligent systems and computing, Sep 30, 2017
The sandstone internal structure is one of the most important factors controlling mechanical prop... more The sandstone internal structure is one of the most important factors controlling mechanical properties of this stone. There are many methods enabling study of the properties and character of the internal structure. The known methods are based on the penetration of a chosen medium of a detected volume into the pores or they are based on image analysis of rock slices, where fluorescent colouring highlights the pores. Unfortunately, these methods have a destructive character and, therefore, it is not possible to use the stone samples again. The possibility to re-use the samples makes the micro-CT a very useful tool. Interpretation of the micro-CT results in combination with the results of other methods may enable more detailed view into the internal structure. We studied widely used Czech sandstones using the micro-CT in the course of our experiment. Next, the acquired data was evaluated in commercial software VGStudio MAX 2.2 and also in our FOTOMNG system. We implemented new specialized module in this system for evaluating of such data. For a measurement we prepared several image preprocessing methods. This preprocessing is consisted for example from image binary thresholding for a better diversity between inner porosity and sandstone itself or colour inversion. As addition we implemented function for cropping the samples, due to depreciation of the sample borders caused by repeated measurement. We are able to calculate the value of porosity, for whole series a volume of porespace of sandstone samples or other statistical values. Results and limitations of interpretability are discussed in this article.

Key Engineering Materials, Aug 1, 2018
: The paper is focused on a system of investigation of hidden parts of historical buildings as fo... more : The paper is focused on a system of investigation of hidden parts of historical buildings as footing masonry and subsoil affecting significantly their technical conditions and stability. These impacts are mostly difficult to identify in time and there are often indirect producing differential settlement resulting in development of systems of cracks in the building masonry. Reliable analysis of the building supporting system shall precede any remedial actions or reconstructions. If the demonstration of the above negative impacts on the building becomes visible, it can indicate our late entry in to solving the problems with deterioration of the foundation system. Investigation boring and instrumentation of boreholes for high accuracy 3D displacement monitoring with local levelling system is presented in the paper illustrated by an example of one baroque church of the Broumov group of churches. This activity was followed by analyses of building stones and determination of degree of the footing masonry and subsoil deterioration together with careful input data for numeric modelling estimation.

Advanced Materials Research, Apr 1, 2014
The aim of the contribution is to present the results of research focused on cement mineralogical... more The aim of the contribution is to present the results of research focused on cement mineralogical composition changes and their influence on physical-mechanical properties of sandstones. Three types of Czech sandstones were tested during this experiment Hořice, Kocběře and Božanov. The sandstone samples were treated in the climatic chamber in order to simulate weathering processes that are typical for winter period in Prague. The influence of road salts was also taken into consideration. For the purposes of mineralogical changes determination the sandstone cement was separated and subsequently analyzed using X-Ray diffraction a DTA/TG analysis. The physical-mechanical properties such as e.g. uniaxial compressive strength, water absorption and open porosity were determined before and after the climatic treatment to enable evaluation of the influence of weathering processes.

The sandstone internal structure is one of the most important factors controlling mechanical prop... more The sandstone internal structure is one of the most important factors controlling mechanical properties of this stone. There are many methods enabling study of the properties and character of the internal structure. The known methods are based on the penetration of a chosen medium of a detected volume into the pores or they are based on image analysis of rock slices, where fluorescent colouring highlights the pores. Unfortunately, these methods have a destructive character and, therefore, it is not possible to use the stone samples again. The possibility to re-use the samples makes the micro-CT a very useful tool. Interpretation of the micro-CT results in combination with the results of other methods may enable more detailed view into the internal structure. We studied widely used Czech sandstones using the micro-CT in the course of our experiment. Next, the acquired data was evaluated in commercial software VGStudio MAX 2.2 and also in our FOTOMNG system. We implemented new special...

Key Engineering Materials, 2018
: The paper is focused on a system of investigation of hidden parts of historical buildings as fo... more : The paper is focused on a system of investigation of hidden parts of historical buildings as footing masonry and subsoil affecting significantly their technical conditions and stability. These impacts are mostly difficult to identify in time and there are often indirect producing differential settlement resulting in development of systems of cracks in the building masonry. Reliable analysis of the building supporting system shall precede any remedial actions or reconstructions. If the demonstration of the above negative impacts on the building becomes visible, it can indicate our late entry in to solving the problems with deterioration of the foundation system. Investigation boring and instrumentation of boreholes for high accuracy 3D displacement monitoring with local levelling system is presented in the paper illustrated by an example of one baroque church of the Broumov group of churches. This activity was followed by analyses of building stones and determination of degree of the footing masonry and subsoil deterioration together with careful input data for numeric modelling estimation.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2017
The sandstone internal structure is one of the most important factors controlling mechanical prop... more The sandstone internal structure is one of the most important factors controlling mechanical properties of this stone. There are many methods enabling study of the properties and character of the internal structure. The known methods are based on the penetration of a chosen medium of a detected volume into the pores or they are based on image analysis of rock slices, where fluorescent colouring highlights the pores. Unfortunately, these methods have a destructive character and, therefore, it is not possible to use the stone samples again. The possibility to re-use the samples makes the micro-CT a very useful tool. Interpretation of the micro-CT results in combination with the results of other methods may enable more detailed view into the internal structure. We studied widely used Czech sandstones using the micro-CT in the course of our experiment. Next, the acquired data was evaluated in commercial software VGStudio MAX 2.2 and also in our FOTOMNG system. We implemented new specialized module in this system for evaluating of such data. For a measurement we prepared several image preprocessing methods. This preprocessing is consisted for example from image binary thresholding for a better diversity between inner porosity and sandstone itself or colour inversion. As addition we implemented function for cropping the samples, due to depreciation of the sample borders caused by repeated measurement. We are able to calculate the value of porosity, for whole series a volume of porespace of sandstone samples or other statistical values. Results and limitations of interpretability are discussed in this article.
15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM2015, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGIES IN GEOLOGY, EXPLORATION AND MINING, 2011

Building stone is during its “life” influenced by actions of weathering processes which usually l... more Building stone is during its “life” influenced by actions of weathering processes which usually lead to changes in the internal structure of the stone which influences its durability. For this reason, studies of a stone internal structure are very important. There are many methods to determine effective porosity and provide porosity values in a percentage, nevertheless, these methods do not enable visualization of the internal structure. The visualization can be useful for better understanding of the durability phenomenon. Therefore, the methods of X-Ray microtomography and microscopy in ultraviolet light were used in our research of three Czech sandstones. Both methods also provide different values of porosity which are given due to their limitation. The main aim of this contribution is to present basic information about both methods and to compare their results, advantages and disadvantages.

The aim of the introduced contribution is to present the methodology for the research and mainten... more The aim of the introduced contribution is to present the methodology for the research and maintenance of facing ashlars of historical structures. The natural building stone of historic monuments is subjected to various types of deterioration and damages mostly due to weathering processes. If the stone has to be completely changed during the reconstruction, it should be preferentially replaced by variety of the same lithological composition, the same or similar appearance and with the sufficient durability. It is methodologically necessary to generate the ashlars façade plan based on digital photographic procedure in the real scale before the restoration. The aim of this paper is to bring a modern look for the processing, visualization and storage of information obtained in mapping facades of historic buildings. The data processing and their storage in GIS were implemented on the façade of St. Martin's Cathedral in Bratislava. There are also described the basic processes of stone...

After the controversial discussion which accompanied a recent repair of the Charles Bridge in Pra... more After the controversial discussion which accompanied a recent repair of the Charles Bridge in Prague an interdisciplinary team was given the task of summarizing the technical, technological and conservation requirements for the selection and processing of the replacement stone intended for ashlar masonry repairs. Geologists, structural engineers, construction historians, conservationists and restorers joined together to give their views on the relevant intensity of interventions, the replacement stone quality and also the parameters of processing by craftsmen. Methodical guidelines should define the necessary level of adequate historical, technological and structural surveys and, subsequently, propose an optimal procedure for laboratory tests and for the following repair processes of a particular structure. A focus on the influence of the finishing tools to the look and durability of the stone surface is among the most innovative aspects. Concurrently the practical usefulness of the...

Sandstones were often used mainly as building material in Prague. Weathering processes lead to de... more Sandstones were often used mainly as building material in Prague. Weathering processes lead to deterioration of these dimension stones and to changes in their durability. The range of the deterioration depends on petrography, including internal structure, mineral and matrix composition, and also changes initiated. The stone’s properties are negatively influenced especially during the winter frost period, and the presence of salt can exacerbate this process. The national standardized testing methods for natural stone, such as determination of frost resistance and determination of resistance to salt crystallisation may not take into consideration the actual conditions in the stone’s locality. Road salts, mainly composed of sodium chloride, are used to de-ice streets in Prague during winter season. Samples of snow/water mixtures from Prague city centre were chemically analyzed and the average NaCl concentration was determined. To simulate the weathering processes typical in Prague’s wi...

Advanced Materials Research, 2014
The aim of the contribution is to present the results of research focused on cement mineralogical... more The aim of the contribution is to present the results of research focused on cement mineralogical composition changes and their influence on physical-mechanical properties of sandstones. Three types of Czech sandstones were tested during this experiment Hořice, Kocběře and Božanov. The sandstone samples were treated in the climatic chamber in order to simulate weathering processes that are typical for winter period in Prague. The influence of road salts was also taken into consideration. For the purposes of mineralogical changes determination the sandstone cement was separated and subsequently analyzed using X-Ray diffraction a DTA/TG analysis. The physical-mechanical properties such as e.g. uniaxial compressive strength, water absorption and open porosity were determined before and after the climatic treatment to enable evaluation of the influence of weathering processes.
Advanced Materials Research, 2013
The aim of the contribution is introduce the role of the geologist in the process of the restorat... more The aim of the contribution is introduce the role of the geologist in the process of the restoration of monuments ashlars masonry. Within the frame of our project, we participate on the reconstruction of battlements of the castle Kost, which were built predominantly from sandstones. These stones undergo to weathering processes and so they are damaged. Therefore, it has been necessary to restore and even change some blockstones. In cooperation with the experts from other branches, especially restorers and preservationists, the building blocks suitable for exchange were selected and the new replacement rock material was chosen. As it is obvious from the process of this reconstruction, the participation of geologists is indispensable.

SGEM2012 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, 2012
ABSTRACT Weathering processes lead to deterioration of dimension stones and to changes in their d... more ABSTRACT Weathering processes lead to deterioration of dimension stones and to changes in their durability. The range of the deterioration depends on petrography, including internal structure, mineral and matrix composition, and also changes initiated. The stone&#39;s properties are negatively influenced especially during the winter frost period. The presence of salt can exacerbate this process. The Czech national standardized testing methods for natural stone, such as determination of frost resistance and determination of resistance to salt crystallisation, may not take into consideration the actual conditions in the stone’s locality. This paper is focused on the description of an alternative procedure of stone durability determination and on the evaluation of induced changes. To simulate the weathering processes typical in Prague’s winter climatic conditions, seasonal data from 1999 to 2008 were statistically analyzed. Samples of snow/water mixtures from Prague city centre were chemically analyzed to determine the average NaCl concentration. Three Cretaceous sandstones - Božanov, Hořice and Kocbeře - were tested during this experiment. Developed changes in the internal structure were studied using Hg porosimetry. Physical-mechanical properties, such as water absorption at atmospheric pressure, uniaxial compressive strength, apparent density and open porosity, were also studied.
European Journal of Remote Sensing
Buildings, Feb 6, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Acta Polytechnica, Dec 31, 2022
Papers by Kateřina Kovářová