This user is a native speaker of English.

Is féidir leis an úsáideoir seo cuir leis le hardleibhéal Gaeilge.
Mae'r defnyddiwr hwn yn medru'r Gymraeg ar lefel ganolradd.
Hemañ ne oar nemet un tamm brezhoneg saout met ne vo ket gwerzhet hep gouzout dezhañ.
gd-1 Tha inbhe bhunasach na Gàidhlig aig an neach-cleachdaidh seo.
Þes brūcere cann forðian mid grundlicgendre mǣðe Englisces.
mt-0 Dan l-utent ma jifhimx bil-Malti (jew jifhmu b'diffikultà kunsiderabbli).
Chwiliwch ieithoedd defnyddwyr

Helo, croeso cynnes i'm tudalen gartref. Rob Lindsey dw i, a dw i'n byw ym Melbourne, Awstralia.

Fy Nghymraeg i


Hello there - just a word about my fy Nghymraeg, for anyone puzzling over a contribution of mine to this Wici. Whilst I can read Welsh in a fairly competent manner, the same cannot be said about my ability to express myself in the language. So can I please ask that you accept (and correct) any mistakes I might make. My greatest grammatical crimes all regard Welsh mutations, but you will also find that my compositions lack many of the idiomatic features of the Welsh language. In other words, if you can alter my edits in a way that sounds more natural, then please do so! Many thanks!

Fy Nhudalen Sgwrs Defnyddiwr


Despite what I've just written, please feel free to leave me messages in Welsh, if you're able and willing to do so. My isolation from Welsh-speakers has meant that I find it difficult to express myself in Welsh. However, I am quite capable of reading the language these days. Thanks. :)

Cerrig filltir


5 Tachwedd, 2006
Mae'r erthyglau am wledydd Affrica wedi gorffen. Hwre!

9 Chwefror, 2007
Dw'i wedi dychwelyd!

Erthyglau wedi dechrau gennyf fi


Fy lluniau



Image:South Stack Lighthouse 2007.jpg|

Ynys Lawd, ger Caergybi, 15 Gorffennaf 2007

Image:Bedd Gelert.jpg|

Bedd Gelert, yn Beddgelert, Eryri, 17 Goffennaf 2007