Spin the wheel. That's who's trying to kill you.
Spin the wheel again. That's who's trying to protect you.
Are you safe?
Absolutely not. I'm dead. 100% dead.
I might stay alive, but it'll be a really close thing.
I'll take some hits, for certain, but I should be okay in the end.
A few attacks might get through, but nothing concerning.
The attacker might be able to get in one lucky hit. If that.
I am the opposite of worried. I'm 100% safe.
...Look. I've tried picturing this. But I honestly don't know how to answer.
See Resultsuh oh! one of your organs has mysteriously vanished! Spin this wheel to find out which one!
literally instantly dead
not immediately dead, but theres no hope
MAYBE you have time to make it to a hospital, no guarantees you survive
you can get medical help and survive, but itll be rough
youll recover and should be able to go back to a mostly normal life after this
not bad at all you might not even notice
somehow youre doing better now?????
you already dont have this organ
See Resultsokay, my turn! click the link and spin the wheel 3 times, then tell me how many of the three films you get you've seen. (and if you haven't seen them, consider this a randomized recommendation because i picked them from the sight & sound 250 and these are ones that are really good and you should watch them!!!)
Have you ever been scared to vote in a poll because you absolutely know the correct answer and you are a little scared that people are going to get it overwhelming wrong and you don't want to deal with that and then you vote and all is actually right with the world?
what do they put in large rocks that make u just want to. stand on it.
i see a medium sized rock and i’m like “god. i need to go stand on this and be 14 inches higher off the ground right now”
Happy Belated 25th Anniversary Code Veronica!
Released on February 3, 2000 in Japan.
“This thing is legally dubious and therefore technically unenforceable.” Is not a “useless liberal gotcha” it’s how legalism works in this country. Tying up stupidly worded EOs in court is the quickest way to keep them from being implemented. It is the definition of “doing something.” But it doesn’t usually involve much tweeting so of course a certain type of leftist feels obligated to mock it.
#challenging an EO in court keeps it from being implemented for a very long time and that’s a good thing#not only does it *not get implemented* for usually at least a year as it gets appealed over and over again#it also distracts conservative resources from going full steam ahead because they have to dedicate resources to defending their bullshit in#and the dumber their bullshit is the longer it takes to defend and the less they can get done#this is materially good so yes saying ‘this EO is poorly worded and can be interpreted to mean that all people are now female’#is a valid point to make
op's tags were worth preserving