Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Canadian"

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Q: Canadian Inuits have more than 50 words for snow but no word for pollution. To those people, the word pollution is very unfamiliar and not used in everyday life. Rather than destroying and transforming nature, they live in conformity with it and accept it as it is. However, the culture of that country is about to disappear due to various environmental problems occurring worldwide. The author of this article seems to want people all over the world to read and be alert.

The entire cause and effect structure of this is the causal chain. Previous events and subsequent impacts are linked. For example, many airborne chemicals tend to migrate to colder climates and settle and decompose more slowly with colder temperatures. Due to the nature of Arctic animals, toxic chemicals accumulate in their fat, so the Inuit who prey on Arctic animals accumulate the toxic chemicals in their bodies.

This didn't happen for just one reason. Several reasons are connected, and it is a phenomenon that occurs when they are combined. To be more specific, the huge amount of garbage from individuals, soot and wastewater from factories worldwide, and the climatic characteristics that cause them to gather together. There can be no single cause of this. The use of cause and effect was effective in achieving the author's purpose. The article written by that author was enough to raise people's awareness. Reading this article made me think a lot. Unexpected things are happening due to various large and small causes. I hope many people, including myself, will read this article and change their attitude towards the environment, even a little. Hopefully, there will be a positive butterfly effect. klingt das natürlich?

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