Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Dross"
Andere Fragen zu "Dross"
Dross is a Venezuelan youtuber who made a vídeo about this other youtuber. klingt das natürlich?
1) If he keeps making videos about another youtuber:
Dross is a Venezuelan youtuber who makes videos about another youtuber.
2) If he made only one video:
Dross is a Venezuelan youtuber who made a vídeo about another youtuber.
If you mentioned the name of the second YouTuber before, change "another" to "the other".
3) If you want to mention it at the end of your sentence, say:
Dross is a Venezuelan youtuber who made a video about another youtuber called...
Dross is a Venezuelan youtuber who makes videos about another youtuber.
2) If he made only one video:
Dross is a Venezuelan youtuber who made a vídeo about another youtuber.
If you mentioned the name of the second YouTuber before, change "another" to "the other".
3) If you want to mention it at the end of your sentence, say:
Dross is a Venezuelan youtuber who made a video about another youtuber called...
Dross is an argentinian youtuber and hi made a video about this other youtuber. klingt das natürlich?
Dross is an argentinian youtuber and he made a video about another youtuber
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