Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "June"

Die Bedeutung von "June" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen

Q: Was bedeutet Once June knows, their circle of "knowing" is up to a tight seven.?
A: Tight is used in an interesting way here. I would say that it is very similar to the idea of “limited,” but it is more descriptive. I don’t think I can replace just the word “tight” and get the exact same feeling. I would have to add more words.

My understanding of this sentence depends on whether or not June was originally “one of the group” and was supposed to know.

If June was supposed to be part of the group, then “tight” might mean like a close, exclusive group. There is a sense of togetherness and camaraderie between the seven of them, and it’s limited because no random person can join them and the knowledge is reserved for them alone.

But it seems to me like June probably wasn’t originally supposed to know, and for some reason or another will now have to be included in the knowing group. If this is so, then “tight” also will mean something resembling close and limited, but it has nothing to do with friendship here. It’s in an uncomfortable and negative sense, as though the group is strained. It’s like water in a balloon—the balloon was supposed to hold 6 cups of water, but then unexpectedly we have to add another cup of water. The balloon is still holding the water, but it is tight like it’s about to break. Adding the seventh makes it more likely the water (and so the group’s secret) will get out.

This second reading of “tight” is probably what the sentence is saying, I think.

Ugh that’s long. I hope this helped your understanding a little though. Let me know if it still doesn’t make sense.

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