Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Spanish"
Die Bedeutung von "Spanish" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet Spanish is one of the ways that latin american countries bridge cultural gaps.?
It means that even though Latin American countries all have separate cultures, they share the language of Spanish. It acts as a common bond between them. In this example, it acts as a metaphorical bridge over a gap. It’s a way to visualize poetically how the language ties the countries together
Was bedeutet Spanish Sahara ?
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Was bedeutet Spanish athlete ?
It means a hispanic person who plays a sport
Was bedeutet Spanish people are great. But the food is so-so. (so-so) ?
So-so means average.
Was bedeutet It never came true (Spanish or English)?
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Beispielsätze die "Spanish" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit I've (Spanish translations please).
I've = contracción de I have (he + participio)
I've done my homework
He hecho mi tarea
I've visited London
He visitado Londres
I've bought a new jacket
He comprado una chaqueta nueva
I've done my homework
He hecho mi tarea
I've visited London
He visitado Londres
I've bought a new jacket
He comprado una chaqueta nueva
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit Towards you. En Español In Spanish .
Toward you = hacia ti.
“I have good feelings toward you.” Así como en español, en inglés suena muy formal.
“I have good feelings toward you.” Así como en español, en inglés suena muy formal.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Spanish" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Spanish und Spaniard ?
Spaniard is a noun ...a Spaniard
Spanish is an adjective ...a Spanish city
Spanish is an adjective ...a Spanish city
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Spanish language is a little complicated to you und Spanish language is a little complicated for you ?
There is no difference. In US dialogue, these two sentences mean the same.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I'm Spanish too. und I'm also Spanish.
I think using 'too' is more casual and 'also' doesn't fit in this sentence, am I right? ?
I think using 'too' is more casual and 'also' doesn't fit in this sentence, am I right? ?
there really isn't a difference, it's up to you. Although natives prefer to use too more than also
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Spanish (not the language) und Spaniard ?
"He is Spanish" can mean he is a person from Spain, but it could also mean that his first language is Spanish.
"He is a Spaniard." can only mean he is a person from Spain. It's also an older word. I don't think it's used very often in conversations anymore.
"He is a Spaniard." can only mean he is a person from Spain. It's also an older word. I don't think it's used very often in conversations anymore.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Spanish native speakers und Native Spanish speakers ?
Hmm.. that depends. I am Spanish, but English is my native language. So, I am a Spanish native English speaker. :P
If you mean someone that speaks Spanish as their native language, then "native Spanish speaker" is best.
If you mean someone that speaks Spanish as their native language, then "native Spanish speaker" is best.
Übersetzungen von "Spanish"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? hello in Spanish?
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? I do not know where to go or........I do not know where go
I wonder if to learn Spanish or.........I wonder if learn spanish
I know how to solve the trouble or..........I know how solve/solving the trouble
I wonder if to learn Spanish or.........I wonder if learn spanish
I know how to solve the trouble or..........I know how solve/solving the trouble
I do not(or don't) know where to go.
I don't know whether or not to learn Spanish.
I know how to solve the problem.
I don't know whether or not to learn Spanish.
I know how to solve the problem.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? "I don't know" Spanish
plz post voice effect also thanks!
plz post voice effect also thanks!
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Spanish
Spanish. It is the same in English
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Spanish
Andere Fragen zu "Spanish"
Spanish is a very beautiful language but also a very difficult language klingt das natürlich?
"a very difficult one " sounds better
we (Spanish speakers) have this word ''asi'' and means ''of this way'', ''like that'' is its translation according to a translator.My question is:
do you always use ''like that'' on this cases(where we use ''asi'')? or do i have to change ''that'' by ''this, those, these,her,me,them,etc''? (i know when using the previous words)
1)you have to dance like that/this(as i am dancing)
2)i'd like to date a woman like that/her(as my brother's date)
3)my daughter needs a pair of shoes like that/those/them
4)if you want to win you have to train like that/him(as your coach)
5)cut the leather like that/this (as i am doing)
I believe that to change ''that'' sounds better. don't it?
do you always use ''like that'' on this cases(where we use ''asi'')? or do i have to change ''that'' by ''this, those, these,her,me,them,etc''? (i know when using the previous words)
1)you have to dance like that/this(as i am dancing)
2)i'd like to date a woman like that/her(as my brother's date)
3)my daughter needs a pair of shoes like that/those/them
4)if you want to win you have to train like that/him(as your coach)
5)cut the leather like that/this (as i am doing)
I believe that to change ''that'' sounds better. don't it?
actually you what ,you can use whatever you like "that/these etc . because it has same meaning when it is a sentence
example :you could say both "cut the leather like that and cut the leather like this" both implies same meaning.
example :you could say both "cut the leather like that and cut the leather like this" both implies same meaning.
Spanish is my mother tongue and I only had 60 points klingt das natürlich?
its hard to get what you mean.
if you took a test and got a 60.
Spanish is my mother tongue but i only got a 60.
if tats the case dont worry. spanish classes and actual spanish are completely different. most native speakers have no idea what an indefinite verb in the present tense is but are still native. gl miss!
if you took a test and got a 60.
Spanish is my mother tongue but i only got a 60.
if tats the case dont worry. spanish classes and actual spanish are completely different. most native speakers have no idea what an indefinite verb in the present tense is but are still native. gl miss!
Spanish is more commonly than English in that country. klingt das natürlich?
Oops! “Spanish is more COMMON than English in that country” or “Spanish is SPOKEN more commonly than english in that country”
Spanish founded their settlements in Florida in around 1500. klingt das natürlich?
Also, adding the word "the" before "Spanish" might make it sound more natural.
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