Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Surface"
Die Bedeutung von "Surface" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet Surface?
sur·face ˈsər-fəs. : the exterior or upper boundary of an object or body. on the surface of the water. the earth's surface. : a plane or curved two-dimensional locus of points (such as the boundary of a three-dimensional region)
Was bedeutet Surface ?
@EmonHasan Yes. Imagine something that is deep at the bottom of the ocean, like a whale. It is there, but you don't think about it. But when the whale rises to the surface of the water, you see it and you think about it. It is the same with ideas or emotions. They are there, but deep down in your mind and you don't think about them. Then something happens, like a public trial, to make the memories or bad feelings surface and suddenly you think about them a lot.
Was bedeutet Surface streets
We're taking the surface streets?
We're taking the surface streets?
Surface streets are regular city streets, not the freeway/highway.
Beispielsätze die "Surface" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit Surface .
I frantically swam to the surface.
Try to look beyond the surface.
The surface of her skin was so smooth.
The table's surface was really sticky.
When the submarines surface it looks really cool.
The sun's surface is too hot for us to live on.
It's a good thing that gravity holds us to the surface of the earth.
Try to look beyond the surface.
The surface of her skin was so smooth.
The table's surface was really sticky.
When the submarines surface it looks really cool.
The sun's surface is too hot for us to live on.
It's a good thing that gravity holds us to the surface of the earth.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit Surface(verb)..
"The evidence took long to surface to the detectives."
"It's about time we surface the water, don't you say captain?"
"The penguin surfaced the water after it caught a mouthful of fish in its beak."
"It's about time we surface the water, don't you say captain?"
"The penguin surfaced the water after it caught a mouthful of fish in its beak."
Übersetzungen von "Surface"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Surface
Fis. Just like fish, but with an s instead of sh.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Surface
Andere Fragen zu "Surface"
The Surface of the lake is so calm that it's reflecting the sky and the mountains around there. klingt das natürlich?
× The Surface of the lake is so calm that it's reflecting the sky and the mountains around there.
✓ The Surface of the lake is so calm that it's reflecting the sky and the mountains around it.
✓ The Surface of the lake is so calm that it's reflecting the sky and the mountains around it.
Surface Go2 is 399 dollars. but when it comes to japan, it is 59,800 yen. klingt das natürlich?
× Surface Go2 is 399 dollars.
✓ The Surface Go2 is 399 dollars.
× but when it comes to japan, it is 59,800 yen.
✓ But in Japan, it is 59,800 yen.
✓ The Surface Go2 is 399 dollars.
× but when it comes to japan, it is 59,800 yen.
✓ But in Japan, it is 59,800 yen.
Surface of the water reflects view of the sky like mirror. klingt das natürlich?
Say the surface of the water reflects the view of the sky like a mirror
Finally, Finally, I got the Surface Book!!! Such a beautiful shape. My hearts are beating, when I passed ¥220,000. This is the most expensive shopping so far. My hands can't stop shaking now. klingt das natürlich?
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