Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Washington"
Die Bedeutung von "Washington" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet Washington Post ?
The Washington Post is the name of an American newspaper.
Washington is the capital of the United States
“Post” is another name for newspaper.
Washington is the capital of the United States
“Post” is another name for newspaper.
Was bedeutet Washington foots more than its fair share of the bill but exercises more than its fair share of power?
Washington gives more than they are required to, but also uses more power to affect others than they should.
Let me expand on a couple of the idioms here
"to foot a bill" means to pay for something.
"This is a great dinner, but the food is expensive. How will we pay for it?"
"Oh, it's okay, Ted is going to foot the bill."
Fair share is "the fair distribution of something." If you and two friends want a pizza, the fair share of the cost is 1/3rd each and the fair share of the pizza is 1/3rd each.
Let me expand on a couple of the idioms here
"to foot a bill" means to pay for something.
"This is a great dinner, but the food is expensive. How will we pay for it?"
"Oh, it's okay, Ted is going to foot the bill."
Fair share is "the fair distribution of something." If you and two friends want a pizza, the fair share of the cost is 1/3rd each and the fair share of the pizza is 1/3rd each.
Was bedeutet "Washington 'alienate' country A."?
Alienate means to isolate or create distance between.
'Washington alienated country A' Means he isolated them, pushed them away and created distance on purpose.
'Washington alienated country A' Means he isolated them, pushed them away and created distance on purpose.
Was bedeutet In Washington, bills were being drafted to step up background checks?
@Ri-na 意味は。。。
In Washington = US government
bills were being drafted = laws were prepared
to step up = to increase
background checks = ID checks, etc.
In Washington = US government
bills were being drafted = laws were prepared
to step up = to increase
background checks = ID checks, etc.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Washington" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Washington Post und The Washington Post ?
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen go down to Washington und go to Washington ?
I would only say "go down to Washington" if I were north of Washington. I live far to the south, so I would say "I'm going up to Washington" or just "I'm going to Washington."
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Washington und Washington DC ?
Washington is a state on the West coast. Washington DC is the capital city of the United States.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Washington und Washington D.C ?
Washington DC is the capital of the United States. "Washington" or "DC" are often used to refer to it.
"Washington" is also a state in the northwest US.
If you or someone is confused by just "Washington" you can say "Washington state or Washington DC?"
"Washington" is also a state in the northwest US.
If you or someone is confused by just "Washington" you can say "Washington state or Washington DC?"
Übersetzungen von "Washington"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Washington
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Washington state
You have the correct way of saying it.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Washington
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? Washington
Andere Fragen zu "Washington"
Washington, D.C. is located east coast, the State of Washington is on the opposite side of the country.
That’s very confusing. klingt das natürlich?
That’s very confusing. klingt das natürlich?
× Washington, D.C. is located east coast, the State of Washington is on the opposite side of the country.
✓ Washington, D.C. is located on the east coast, the state of Washington is on the opposite side of the country.
✓ Washington, D.C. is located on the east coast, the state of Washington is on the opposite side of the country.
Washington(CNN)Sen. Kamala Harris is no stranger to people mispronouncing her name.
This is the first line of an article. What does "Sen." mean here?
This is the first line of an article. What does "Sen." mean here?
Yes, exactly. It’s a title
Senator Kamala Harris is no stranger to...
Even when written as Sen., it’s read as Senator
Senator Kamala Harris is no stranger to...
Even when written as Sen., it’s read as Senator
Which do you think is better?
Washington DC has made GitHub the A)official B)authoritative digital source of DC law.
I think A) is better.
Washington DC has made GitHub the A)official B)authoritative digital source of DC law.
I think A) is better.
An "official" source of law is a body that either makes laws, or is officially sanctioned by another body that makes laws as the one true repository. An "authoritative" source is a someone who is widely acknowledged to have accurate and up to date information, but is not necessarily officially sanctioned to be a source.
In your particular case, if there was a formal sanction for GitHub to be the source, then it is official. If there is simply a wide perception that GitHub is a reliable source, then it is authoritative.
In your particular case, if there was a formal sanction for GitHub to be the source, then it is official. If there is simply a wide perception that GitHub is a reliable source, then it is authoritative.
He is going to move to Washington,but he has just move into his newhouse for three weeks, klingt das natürlich?
He is going to move to Washington but it's only been three weeks since he has just moved into his new house.
Bitte zeig mir, wie man Washington ausspricht.
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