Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Advanced"

Die Bedeutung von "Advanced" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen

Q: Was bedeutet advanced?
A: Advanced has several meanings in English! It is an adjective that can either mean;

-It can mean to move forward, often in order to attack "The Allie's began advancing on the city in 1943." "The water is advancing, soon it will not be safe to be here." "The enemy is advancing towards the border."

-If you made advances to someone it means you have approached them in a romantic/sexual or flirtatious manner. "I had to reject his advances, I just wasn't interested!" (this is an idiom)

-A higher more difficult level that comes after an easier one in the context of education. "An advanced English course is harder than the normal English course." "Now that I've done beginners Japanese, I can move onto advanced Japanese."

-Can mean to make progress "Player 1 has advanced to the next level." "Modern medicine is much more advanced than medicine from one hundred years ago." "Jessica has advanced in work and has now gotten a pay raise!"

-Something that is at an advanced stage is at a late stage of development. "His ideas aren't advanced enough to be taken seriously." "Hospices are available to those in advanced stages of terminal illness." "Now that Grandad is in the advanced stage of dementia, his memory will be much worse."

-If you describe someone of advanced years or say they are advanced in age you are saying in a polite way that they are old. "Jeremy's grandmother is advanced in age which is why you should listen to her." "My dog's advanced years means she can't run around like she used used." "Despite my advanced age, I can still take care of myself."

Hope this helps!

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