Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Alberto"
Übersetzungen von "Alberto"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Alberto
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Alberto
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Andere Fragen zu "Alberto"
A:Hello,Mr. Alberto,I’m the assistant appointed by your father-in-law. But I grew up in Britain and just came back for a week,excuse me for not taking good care of you.
B: It doesn't matter.My wife has already told me some dos and don'ts.
B: Wow,you have a great taste.
A: You too,Mr. Alberto.
B: Are you sure that the big boss is here?
A: Quite sure.
B: Ok,let's go! klingt das natürlich?
B: It doesn't matter.My wife has already told me some dos and don'ts.
B: Wow,you have a great taste.
A: You too,Mr. Alberto.
B: Are you sure that the big boss is here?
A: Quite sure.
B: Ok,let's go! klingt das natürlich?
A:Hello,Mr. Alberto, I’m the assistant appointed by your father-in-law. But I grew up in Britain and just came back for a week, excuse me for not taking good care of you.
B: It doesn't matter. My wife has already told me some dos and don'ts.
B: Wow, you have great taste.
A: You too, Mr. Alberto.
B: Are you sure that the big boss is here?
A: Quite sure!
B: Ok,let's go.
So you do not say:
Wow, you have a great taste.
The conversation sounds like the beginning of a mystery movie.
B: It doesn't matter. My wife has already told me some dos and don'ts.
B: Wow, you have great taste.
A: You too, Mr. Alberto.
B: Are you sure that the big boss is here?
A: Quite sure!
B: Ok,let's go.
So you do not say:
Wow, you have a great taste.
The conversation sounds like the beginning of a mystery movie.
Alberto Parker: How's anyone supposed to make a living here?
Marcus Hamilton: People have made a living here for 150 years.
Alberto Parker: Well people lived in caves
for years, they don't do it no more klingt das natürlich?
Marcus Hamilton: People have made a living here for 150 years.
Alberto Parker: Well people lived in caves
for years, they don't do it no more klingt das natürlich?
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