Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Amiable"
Die Bedeutung von "Amiable" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet amiable?
It means agreeable.
Was bedeutet amiable?
Another word to say friendly. Very formal way.
Was bedeutet amiable?
Amiable means having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.
synonyms for amiable are friendly, affable, amicable, cordial; warm, warmhearted, good-natured, nice, pleasant, agreeable, likable, genial, good-humored, charming, easy to get along with, companionable, sociable, personable; informalchummy, simpatico
synonyms for amiable are friendly, affable, amicable, cordial; warm, warmhearted, good-natured, nice, pleasant, agreeable, likable, genial, good-humored, charming, easy to get along with, companionable, sociable, personable; informalchummy, simpatico
Was bedeutet amiable?
friendly and easy to get along with
Beispielsätze die "Amiable" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit amiable.
Thank you very much.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit amiable, amicable.
I got it, thanks! You must be amiable!
I got it, thanks! You must be amiable!
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit amiable.
Not really a word anyone uses day to day, maybe very posh people
it simply means friendly
it simply means friendly
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit amiable.
The girl sitting at the table was smiling, and I thought she looked amiable enough to talk to. A lot of people don't find me amiable, because I don't seem approachable. Haha that's all I can think of for now, hope that helps??
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Amiable" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen amiable und good-natured ?
Hi! These are nearly synonymous, but there's a tiny bit of nuance, at least in my opinion.
Amiable means that a person or interaction is friendly. That's truly all it means to me. A good-natured person or interaction is truly good and kind. You can be a fairly bad person and still be friendly, and you can be a good person and sometimes unfriendly.
Amiable means that a person or interaction is friendly. That's truly all it means to me. A good-natured person or interaction is truly good and kind. You can be a fairly bad person and still be friendly, and you can be a good person and sometimes unfriendly.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen amiable und amicable ?
Amiable is an adjective used to describe people who are friendly or sociable. It can also describe things with a pleasing quality. Amicable on the other hand is usually used to describe relations or interactions that are civil or peaceable. Your good neighbor is 'amiable,' but your interactions with him are 'amicable.'
This site would help you more to understand :)
This site would help you more to understand :)
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen amiable und amicable ?
Amiable refers to one person's friendly disposition. A group might have an amicable meeting, because the people there are amiable. Amicable refers to the connections between people or things, like a friendly situation with a crowd.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen amiable und affable ?
Amiable means friendly with people or groups. Affable describes a person who has a good nature and is easy to talk to. Both words are very similar.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen amiable und friendly ?
Friendly suggests that the person/being initiates contact with others, is pleasant and sociable. Amiable has the same meaning but has the additional meanings of being agreeable, being willing to do what others say, and desiring to please others.
Übersetzungen von "Amiable"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? amiable
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Andere Fragen zu "Amiable"
amiable klingt das natürlich?
It's natural...
I'm wondering what would you really want to ask.
It's natural...
I'm wondering what would you really want to ask.
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