Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Attract"
Die Bedeutung von "Attract" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet You're not attracted ?
You're not interested in (something)
Was bedeutet attract?
attract means to be dragged to something, when something tries to get you close, for example the sun attracts the earth. but attract can be used to peaple to, for example when you like someone: I am attracted to that girl.
Was bedeutet You're attracted to me.?
If Paul said to Jenny, 'You're attracted to me', he would be saying that Jenny is attracted to Paul (himself).
Was bedeutet attracting trolling?
Trolling is bothering people on the internet with sarcastic or rude comments, or posting things to try to get a reaction. YouTube and other social media can be said to attract trolling, because the comment sections are common places for "trolls" to go to bother others.
Beispielsätze die "Attract" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit attract.
“i attract kind people.”
“that isn’t the type of person i want to attract.”
“i attract kind people.”
“that isn’t the type of person i want to attract.”
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit Like attracts like.
Thanks !
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit attracted and attract .
I appreciate your help thanks again . Got it
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit attract or attracted.
"I am attracted to him." (그에게 끌린다.)
"Opposites attract." (정반대되는 사람들은 서로에게 끌린다."
"He attracts women easily." (그는 쉽게 여자를 끌린다.)
두번째는 유일한 공통된 표현입니다. 나머지 두개는 그저 예입니다. :)
"Opposites attract." (정반대되는 사람들은 서로에게 끌린다."
"He attracts women easily." (그는 쉽게 여자를 끌린다.)
두번째는 유일한 공통된 표현입니다. 나머지 두개는 그저 예입니다. :)
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit attract .
The pretty girl attracts me
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Attract" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen attract und appeal ?
You would use attract here because it's more like to get people's attention and want to go somewhere. Appeal is more like something is nice and draws attention to it, but may not make people want to go somewhere.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen attracting und engaging ?
“this is engaging” (adj)
“he’s engaging in bad conduct” (verb)
“i keep attracting the wrong kinds of people” (verb
“the rubbish is attracting flies” (verb)
“this is attractive” (adj)
if using as an adjective, “engaging” is more something that grabs and keeps your attention. “attractive” is something that is nice to look at; something that is pretty
hope this makes sense
“this is engaging” (adj)
“he’s engaging in bad conduct” (verb)
“i keep attracting the wrong kinds of people” (verb
“the rubbish is attracting flies” (verb)
“this is attractive” (adj)
if using as an adjective, “engaging” is more something that grabs and keeps your attention. “attractive” is something that is nice to look at; something that is pretty
hope this makes sense
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen attract und appeal ?
Attract means for the things to try to pull closer together, like magnets. 🧲 or it can be used romantically, like “He felt attracted to her” meaning he likes her and wants to be with her.
Appeal is how likeable something is. It can be used with or without romance implied. Like “the cute little shop appealed to me”
Here are some random examples! 😁
“I saw that the bunny was attracted toward the carrot”
“I felt attracted to the candy store”
“She is attractive” (she is good looking)
“Sweeping the floors didn’t have the same appeal as riding horses”
“The idea of riding the roller coaster didn’t appeal to him”
Appeal is how likeable something is. It can be used with or without romance implied. Like “the cute little shop appealed to me”
Here are some random examples! 😁
“I saw that the bunny was attracted toward the carrot”
“I felt attracted to the candy store”
“She is attractive” (she is good looking)
“Sweeping the floors didn’t have the same appeal as riding horses”
“The idea of riding the roller coaster didn’t appeal to him”
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen attract und absorb ?
Attraction = 2 objects pulling each other, or 1 object pulling another.
"Newton theorized gravitational attraction."
More commonly, attraction is used to mean something that makes you feel interested or liking.
"She felt a strong attraction towards him"
"Are you sexually or romantically attracted to her?"
"Do you feel any attraction towards him at all?"
Absorb = to take in/soak up, usually a liquid (but not always).
"Sponges absorb water."
"I need to focus on absorbing what the professor is saying."
Long answer, but i hope it helps
"Newton theorized gravitational attraction."
More commonly, attraction is used to mean something that makes you feel interested or liking.
"She felt a strong attraction towards him"
"Are you sexually or romantically attracted to her?"
"Do you feel any attraction towards him at all?"
Absorb = to take in/soak up, usually a liquid (but not always).
"Sponges absorb water."
"I need to focus on absorbing what the professor is saying."
Long answer, but i hope it helps
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen attract und appeal ?
'Attract' can mean 'a magnetic attraction' or 'you feel something for a person'. 'Appeal' is your impression on other people.
Übersetzungen von "Attract"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? attract
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? attract
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? attract
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Andere Fragen zu "Attract"
Bitte zeig mir, wie man related to,attracted to. ausspricht.
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"I'm attracted to how she looks." klingt das natürlich?
Sounds natural but "I'm attracted to her looks" is probably better
I'm attracted by you. klingt das natürlich?
I'm attracted to you.
Bitte zeig mir, wie man attracted ausspricht.
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That’s why I attracted by her. klingt das natürlich?
It should be 'That's why I'm attracted to/by her'
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