Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Channel"
Die Bedeutung von "Channel" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet channel some of her grief?
grief is the sadness that comes after the death of her mother. grief is a very difficult emotion to process, and sometimes it can get out of control or be difficult to manage. to "channel" (引導) it means to focus this grief into something else, which she is doing by volunteering.
Was bedeutet channel your inner Elvis?
Elvis was a 1950s American idol known for his rebel attitude, sex-appeal, unique dance moves, and loud fashion statements. だから「エルヴィスのようにする」という意味で、be loud! go crazy! be yourself! dance like there's no tomorrow! (笑)
Was bedeutet this channel is going places ?
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Was bedeutet Hey we want to help you out, just subscribe to our channel if you need music! Once you have subscribed, email us and we'll be more than happy to set you up?
Beispielsätze die "Channel" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit channel as a verb.
He channeled his frustration into productivity.
They channeled the water into the reservoir
They channeled the water into the reservoir
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit channel through.
example: ☆Korea now is a channel through which you can know about the happenings in korea .
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit channel.
I like watching this TV channel.
I am going to channel my energy.
I am going to channel my energy.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Channel" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen This channel is focused on English education und This channel focuses on English education ?
Two ways to say exactly the same thing.
Two ways to say exactly the same thing.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen channel und river ?
Channel has many definitions. Channel is a type of landform when the word is being used with river. There is also a tv channel and channeling your energy.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Thank you for subscribing to my channel. und Thank you for my subscribing channel. ?
"Thank you for my subscribing channel" is not correct and does not make sense. "Thank you for subscribing to my channel" is the correct way to say it.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen channel und canal ?
ohhhhhh. I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that at first glance. So, a canal as I said is an artificial waterway that allows boats to travel from one body of water to another. Meanwhile, a channel is a broad pass, which connects two large areas of water, or maybe even two seas
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I have a channel on YouTube. und I have a chanel for YouTube. ?
I have a channel on YouTube is correct
Using chanel is incorrect spelling
Using chanel is incorrect spelling
Übersetzungen von "Channel"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? I found an artist’s channel on YouTube who sings ‘bone fire’ .
Is this sentence correct? Is it awkward?
Is this sentence correct? Is it awkward?
I found the artist's channel on YouTube who sings 'Bonfire'.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? what does mean hidden channel in the picture?
I’m sorry. I thought you wanted to rephrase the question. I think Hidden Channels are the same as wetlands in America. The surface of the ground appears stable, but is in actuality floating soil. Attempting to walk on wetlands is dangerous and comes with a good possibility of drowning. Wetlands are often closed off for conservation of wildlife. This picture is of wetlands or hidden channels in my area
I’m sorry. I thought you wanted to rephrase the question. I think Hidden Channels are the same as wetlands in America. The surface of the ground appears stable, but is in actuality floating soil. Attempting to walk on wetlands is dangerous and comes with a good possibility of drowning. Wetlands are often closed off for conservation of wildlife. This picture is of wetlands or hidden channels in my area
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? channel
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? the channel in youtube which i like best is FapTV . It is popular channel in Việt Nam which reach more 4 milions subcribes . Channel focus make comedy .The thing i like in this is casts are so beautiful
I like comedy channel FapTv the most on YouTube . It’s very popular with more than 4 million subscribers. The cast is beautiful.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Subscribe to my channel
Time to sell out yeah!!! lol just kidding. here:
Andere Fragen zu "Channel"
I used to watch her channel and I think there is some in common between you and her. klingt das natürlich?
I used to watch her channel and I think YOU BOTH HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON.
“just rename your channel to “iloveplanets123” already”
I found this comment below youtube video whose title is “the most valuable airspace in the world”.
And I have a question. What does the last “already” mean?
I found this comment below youtube video whose title is “the most valuable airspace in the world”.
And I have a question. What does the last “already” mean?
Same effect as saying もう as the beginning
I don’t have my channel on YouTube but I’m fan of yours. klingt das natürlich?
I don't have a channel on YouTube yet, but I'm a fan of yours.
✖️if you had followed my channel, you've knowed that I've been working for like month.
○ if you follow my channel, you know that I've been working for like month. klingt das natürlich?
○ if you follow my channel, you know that I've been working for like month. klingt das natürlich?
Hm, the nuance is difficult to explain. But the first one is talking about the present, while the second is talking about the past.
I'm watching a channel of English. klingt das natürlich?
You can say "I'm watching an English channel"
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