Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Conflict"
Die Bedeutung von "Conflict" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet conflict of interest ?
It's usually used in business about when a person is involved in two different areas that would mean you couldn't be sure if they would work their hardest in both areas.
Say I work as a manager for two football teams. Those two teams play against each other. I would have to declare a conflict of interest, because how can I truly do my best work to help one team win, when I am also supposed to be working to help the other team win
Someone has insured a building against fires. If it burns down, they will get money paid to them by the insurance company. They are a firefighter. When they get called to extinguish the fire, there might be a conflict of interest. Although their job would require them to put the fire out, if the fire does not get extinguished, they get insurance money
Say I work as a manager for two football teams. Those two teams play against each other. I would have to declare a conflict of interest, because how can I truly do my best work to help one team win, when I am also supposed to be working to help the other team win
Someone has insured a building against fires. If it burns down, they will get money paid to them by the insurance company. They are a firefighter. When they get called to extinguish the fire, there might be a conflict of interest. Although their job would require them to put the fire out, if the fire does not get extinguished, they get insurance money
Was bedeutet racial conflicts?
Race refers to a person's physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color. Ethnicity, however, refers to cultural factors, including nationality, regional culture, ancestry, and language.
Was bedeutet open conflict ?
Oh! In that situation it just means they are against him.
Was bedeutet they were precipitated into a conflict for which they were quite unprepared.?
precipitate: to cause an event to happen sooner than expected. Basically, they were not prepared for a conflict because it happened sooner than expected.
Was bedeutet Eternal conflict?
External conflict is a struggle that takes place between the main character and some outside force. Therefore, it is outside the body of the protagonist. Usually, it occurs when the protagonist struggles against the antagonist, a character that opposes the protagonist in the main body of the story. Other types of external conflict could also arise due to some other factors such as the forces of nature, and society in which the protagonist lives.
There are different types of external conflict found in stories. The most common are:
Character vs. Character
This type of conflict occurs when a character struggles against other characters in the story, for instance in the Harry Potter series. Harry engages in a battle against Lord Voldemort.
Character vs. Society
This external conflict occurs when the main character stands up to support his beliefs and struggles against the social forces, for instance Sophocles’ “Antigone.”
Character vs. Nature
In this type of external conflict, the protagonist struggles against the forces of nature, or an external environment. For instance, in the short story To Build a Fire, Jack London tells a story of an anonymous narrator and his dog, traveling through the wilderness of Yukon Trail.
Some examples of external conflicts:
The kids vs IT in Stephen King’s It
Someone not getting along with a rude co-worker
A person who needs medical treatment having to fight the insurance company to pay for that treatment.
There are different types of external conflict found in stories. The most common are:
Character vs. Character
This type of conflict occurs when a character struggles against other characters in the story, for instance in the Harry Potter series. Harry engages in a battle against Lord Voldemort.
Character vs. Society
This external conflict occurs when the main character stands up to support his beliefs and struggles against the social forces, for instance Sophocles’ “Antigone.”
Character vs. Nature
In this type of external conflict, the protagonist struggles against the forces of nature, or an external environment. For instance, in the short story To Build a Fire, Jack London tells a story of an anonymous narrator and his dog, traveling through the wilderness of Yukon Trail.
Some examples of external conflicts:
The kids vs IT in Stephen King’s It
Someone not getting along with a rude co-worker
A person who needs medical treatment having to fight the insurance company to pay for that treatment.
Beispielsätze die "Conflict" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit come into conflict.
I came into conflict with Tiffany when she found out that I had started that rumor about her.
I'm sorry, but I just can't support your plan—it comes into conflict with my religious beliefs.
Unfortunately, their goals for the project came into conflict.
Bill and Bob came into conflict over almost everything.
I'm sorry, but I just can't support your plan—it comes into conflict with my religious beliefs.
Unfortunately, their goals for the project came into conflict.
Bill and Bob came into conflict over almost everything.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit conflict.
thank you!
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit conflict.
There was a bitter conflict between his mother and his wife.
Those countries are in conflict right now.
I can't handle the case because I have a conflict of interest.
Those countries are in conflict right now.
I can't handle the case because I have a conflict of interest.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit conflict .
The different tribes sometimes makes conflict when we have negative mind sets.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit conflict.
1. Sometimes, my interests conflict with my friends' interests.
2. There was a long history of conflict between the teacher and that student.
3. There are times when conflict is unavoidable.
4. Right now, in that country, there is conflict between the government and its citizens.
2. There was a long history of conflict between the teacher and that student.
3. There are times when conflict is unavoidable.
4. Right now, in that country, there is conflict between the government and its citizens.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Conflict" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen conflict und Confliction ?
"Conflict" is the action of being incompatible with something, or having a disagreement, etc: "The two choices conflict with each other"
"Confliction" is the *state* of being in conflict. "The two choices are in confliction"
"Confliction" is almost never actually used nowadays, though, in my experience. In modern English, the term "conflict" is actually usually used both for the action and for the state, so it would be more natural to say "The two choices are in conflict" instead.
"Confliction" is the *state* of being in conflict. "The two choices are in confliction"
"Confliction" is almost never actually used nowadays, though, in my experience. In modern English, the term "conflict" is actually usually used both for the action and for the state, so it would be more natural to say "The two choices are in conflict" instead.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen conflict und contradict ?
Conflict can be a noun or verb, the pronunciation is different depending. The verb "conflict" is more general and can mean something similar to "contradict". It applies to many situations, it would be hard to name them all. "contradict" usually relates to logic and words. To contradict something is to "go against" it or create a logical mismatch with it.
"Shy people tend to dislike conflict."
"That meeting conflicts with my lunch hour."
"His ideas conflict with mine."
"That statement contradicts what you previously said."
"Shy people tend to dislike conflict."
"That meeting conflicts with my lunch hour."
"His ideas conflict with mine."
"That statement contradicts what you previously said."
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen conflict und clash ?
@18310620026 hey!
conflict refers to a problem/disagreement & clash refers to two ideas/things going against each other, so they’re essentially the same.
the two men were in conflict with each other. (it means they had problems with each other)
our ideas for the school project clashed. (it means that we couldn’t agree on an idea for the project because our ideas were all opposites of each other or different).
conflict refers to a problem/disagreement & clash refers to two ideas/things going against each other, so they’re essentially the same.
the two men were in conflict with each other. (it means they had problems with each other)
our ideas for the school project clashed. (it means that we couldn’t agree on an idea for the project because our ideas were all opposites of each other or different).
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen to end a conflict und to resolve the conflict ?
To end a conflict = to put a stop to it; to finish it; to quit it.
To resolve a conflict = to reach a mutual agreement that everyone involved feels is fair and right.
To resolve a conflict = to reach a mutual agreement that everyone involved feels is fair and right.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen We are trying to clarify who was responsible for the conflict. und We are trying to identify who was responsible for the conflict. ?
Identify means to establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is.
Clarify means to make (a statement or situation) less confusing.
So identify in this sentence would mean to figure out who is responsible. To clarify would mean knowing who it could be but we need to make sure of it.
Clarify means to make (a statement or situation) less confusing.
So identify in this sentence would mean to figure out who is responsible. To clarify would mean knowing who it could be but we need to make sure of it.
Übersetzungen von "Conflict"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? 난 내 감정기복을 해소하는 방법을 알았으면 한다.
I wish I knew how to resolve my emotional conflict.
I wish I knew how to control my emotions (between love and friendship.)
are these correct?
I wish I knew how to resolve my emotional conflict.
I wish I knew how to control my emotions (between love and friendship.)
are these correct?
Yes they are both correct.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? I am learning " conflict ", and I wonder which sentence is common to use in daily life.
1. My party is in conflicted with your trip.
2. My party is conflicting with your trip.
1. My party is in conflicted with your trip.
2. My party is conflicting with your trip.
There are two meanings these sentences could take:
a. The party (an event) is at the same time as the trip and their schedules are overlapping.
b. The party (a group of people) is worried about, or cannot decide if they want to go on the trip.
I'd assume that the case is a, but either way here would be the most common ways to say this using 'conflict':
case a) "My party is conflicting with your trip." or "My party's schedule has a conflict with your trip."
case b) "My party is in conflict about your trip." or "My party is conflicted about your trip."
a. The party (an event) is at the same time as the trip and their schedules are overlapping.
b. The party (a group of people) is worried about, or cannot decide if they want to go on the trip.
I'd assume that the case is a, but either way here would be the most common ways to say this using 'conflict':
case a) "My party is conflicting with your trip." or "My party's schedule has a conflict with your trip."
case b) "My party is in conflict about your trip." or "My party is conflicted about your trip."
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? conflict of interests
I think
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? conflict
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Andere Fragen zu "Conflict"
The conflict that Nancy and Abraham came into today was awful. klingt das natürlich?
you wouldn't say it that way. it's unclear in the sentence if they came into a conflict or if they brought the conflict. you'd say: " Abraham and Nancy walked in on a heated argument today" or: "Nancy and Abraham got into a heated argument today"
There is still conflict between A(country's name) and B(country's name) because of the past war.
The politician of A promised people during his election campaign to make B apologize and to charge B the compensation.
(If it's wrong, could you please correct it?
Sorry, but I want to ask only native speakers.) klingt das natürlich?
The politician of A promised people during his election campaign to make B apologize and to charge B the compensation.
(If it's wrong, could you please correct it?
Sorry, but I want to ask only native speakers.) klingt das natürlich?
A 「〜人」politician promised people during his election campaign to make B apologize and to charge B compensation.
I mean 〜人 in English of course. 😊
I mean 〜人 in English of course. 😊
If there is a conflicts between cowokers at work. i think managers can give objective opinions because there is a good chance that he might not have been involved in the problem. klingt das natürlich?
It is. :)
Currently, the conflict got moderated. klingt das natürlich?
If the conflict ended because of diplomacy, you can say it was resolved. If people just stopped fighting, you could say it lessened or tailed off.
If you say Currently, you are talking about the situation right now but it implies that this situation won't necessarily last. If you say "Currently, the conflict has been resolved/has lessened", it sounds a lot like you are saying "for now". To make it sound more permanent I would use "Now" in place of "Currently"
If you say Currently, you are talking about the situation right now but it implies that this situation won't necessarily last. If you say "Currently, the conflict has been resolved/has lessened", it sounds a lot like you are saying "for now". To make it sound more permanent I would use "Now" in place of "Currently"
conflict は家庭での言い争いでも使いますか?
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