Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Constitute"
Die Bedeutung von "Constitute" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet "constitute" ?
1) to make up the contents of
So if something is constituted of some substances, that means it is made of those substances.
Example: milk, cocoa powder, and sugar constitute chocolate milk.
2) to give good reason for / legal right of doing something.
So if something constitutes a lawsuit, it means it gives you a good legal reason to go to court.
So if something is constituted of some substances, that means it is made of those substances.
Example: milk, cocoa powder, and sugar constitute chocolate milk.
2) to give good reason for / legal right of doing something.
So if something constitutes a lawsuit, it means it gives you a good legal reason to go to court.
Was bedeutet constitute?
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Was bedeutet to constitute?
To create or to develop
Was bedeutet constitute?
Consists of
Yes, it's a verb
Yes, it's a verb
Was bedeutet constitute?
To be part of a whole
Ex. Women constitute 20% of our club.
Ex. Women constitute 20% of our club.
Beispielsätze die "Constitute" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit constitute.
" What you and your team did absolutely constitutes our companies values. "
" What I said did not constitute an aggressive response. "
" This decision hardly constitutes a victory. "
hope this helped :)
" What I said did not constitute an aggressive response. "
" This decision hardly constitutes a victory. "
hope this helped :)
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit constitute.
So, does this word has exactly the same meaning as “ component “ and “ consist of “ perhaps ?
So, does this word has exactly the same meaning as “ component “ and “ consist of “ perhaps ?
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit comprise (constitute).
‘The board is comprised of representatives from each division of the company’
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit constitute.
constitute (verb) = make
The homework grades constitue the final grade.
The homework grades constitue the final grade.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Constitute" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen constitute und generate ?
Generate usually means to be the cause of something. Constitute means to form or compose. Seven days constitute a week. (Almost nobody would ever say it that way, but that is an example.) The electric company generates electricity.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen constitute und comprise ?
They are synonyms and are extremely similar in meaning.
However, "constitute" is not a very common word.
We use "comprise" in the passive most often (e.g. - Japan is comprised of many prefectures. / Water is comprised of two hydrogen molecules and an oxygen molecule.) You could also say "Two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule constitute water" but that is very rigid and would only be in very technical written language, I think.
After looking through many examples, I don't see any examples where you could not replace "constitute" with "comprise," so they seem to be true synonyms.
For example: "... [T]he metals iron, nickel and cobalt, and some of their alloys and compounds constitute a class by themselves and are called ferromagnetic substances."
"... [T]he metals iron, nickel and cobalt, and some of their alloys and compounds comprise a class by themselves and are called ferromagnetic substances."
I also found a good explanation here :
However, "constitute" is not a very common word.
We use "comprise" in the passive most often (e.g. - Japan is comprised of many prefectures. / Water is comprised of two hydrogen molecules and an oxygen molecule.) You could also say "Two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule constitute water" but that is very rigid and would only be in very technical written language, I think.
After looking through many examples, I don't see any examples where you could not replace "constitute" with "comprise," so they seem to be true synonyms.
For example: "... [T]he metals iron, nickel and cobalt, and some of their alloys and compounds constitute a class by themselves and are called ferromagnetic substances."
"... [T]he metals iron, nickel and cobalt, and some of their alloys and compounds comprise a class by themselves and are called ferromagnetic substances."
I also found a good explanation here :
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen constitute und comprise ?
thank you for such a great answer.👍👍
thank you for such a great answer.👍👍
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen constitute und establish ?
To "establish" something is to start it or set it up. Established is the same as founded.
To "constitute" something is to make up the whole from smaller parts, such as in "twelve months constitute a year" or "sixty seconds constitute a minute". It can also mean to establish by law, like in your example.
To "constitute" something is to make up the whole from smaller parts, such as in "twelve months constitute a year" or "sixty seconds constitute a minute". It can also mean to establish by law, like in your example.
Übersetzungen von "Constitute"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? constituting
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? constitute
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? constitute
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Andere Fragen zu "Constitute"
Bitte zeig mir, wie man constitute ausspricht.
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