Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Customization"
Die Bedeutung von "Customization" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet it was my *go to for* customization ?
"go-to" is often an informal adjective to describe the person or thing you rely on in a situation.
For 20 years he was my go-to barber. meaning I relied on this person and really didn't even think of going anywhere else for a haircut.
in your sentence they've gotten even more casual by leaving out the noun that "go-to" describes. So they're using "go-to" as a noun itself. (The first documented use like this was in 1997)
I need a haircut, and Bob is my go-to guy for that.
I need a haircut, and Bob is my go-to for that.
For 20 years he was my go-to barber. meaning I relied on this person and really didn't even think of going anywhere else for a haircut.
in your sentence they've gotten even more casual by leaving out the noun that "go-to" describes. So they're using "go-to" as a noun itself. (The first documented use like this was in 1997)
I need a haircut, and Bob is my go-to guy for that.
I need a haircut, and Bob is my go-to for that.
Andere Fragen zu "Customization"
Available for customization
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