Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Disavow"
Die Bedeutung von "Disavow" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet disavow?
to refute, to reject knowledge of, to disown.
"Britain will disavow any knowledge of the spy if they are discovered."
"I disavow any attempt to act on my behalf"
"Britain will disavow any knowledge of the spy if they are discovered."
"I disavow any attempt to act on my behalf"
Was bedeutet disavow, dismantle?
Disavow - to deny, to make the vows null.
In that context it means the climate change response promises were no longer held by Trump.
Dismantle - To disassemble, to take apart.
In that context, it means to remove the regulations.
In that context it means the climate change response promises were no longer held by Trump.
Dismantle - To disassemble, to take apart.
In that context, it means to remove the regulations.
Was bedeutet To disavow and shun as a pestilence the scandalous and pernicious practices of quacks?
To speak against and be completely separate from the behaviors of fake/phony/false experts (usually medical doctors). Treat them like you would treat a disease.
Beispielsätze die "Disavow" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit disavow.
She disavowed any involvement in the incident.
She disavowed any knowledge of the thefts.
I think this word is usually used most in legal contexts. I would just say she swore she was not involved or she swore she did not have any knowledge in the examples above.
She disavowed any knowledge of the thefts.
I think this word is usually used most in legal contexts. I would just say she swore she was not involved or she swore she did not have any knowledge in the examples above.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Disavow" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen disavow und disclaim ?
They mean the same thing almost but disclaim is more often used, disavow is a very uncommon word.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen disavow und deny ?
deny means to say no to something/someone
disavow means to refuse to acknowledge something/someone
"He disavowed their hard work" - he refused to acknowledge
"He denied the offer" -another way to say no
disavow means to refuse to acknowledge something/someone
"He disavowed their hard work" - he refused to acknowledge
"He denied the offer" -another way to say no
Andere Fragen zu "Disavow"
It isn't not fair to disavow your wife after twenty years of marriage. klingt das natürlich?
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