Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Drizzle"
Die Bedeutung von "Drizzle" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet I drizzled some dressing on
top and there you have it.?
top and there you have it.?
She put some dressing (dressing is sauce) on top, and there you have it means like 'its done'
Was bedeutet drizzle ?
It's like a soft rain or to trickle a thing stream (of liquid) onto something.
"It's not raining heavily anymore, it is now a light drizzle."
"I drizzled some syrup onto my pancakes"
Hope I could help!
"It's not raining heavily anymore, it is now a light drizzle."
"I drizzled some syrup onto my pancakes"
Hope I could help!
Was bedeutet It's drizzling?
llover (ligeramente)
Was bedeutet drizzle some dressing?
A "drizzle" means a thin stream applied over a wide area so that you end up with a little sauce over the entire item.
Was bedeutet It's drizzling. ?
It's raining lightly
Beispielsätze die "Drizzle" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit drizzle.
1) You drizzle chocolate syrup on your ice cream. 2) It’s drizzling outside. <- as in it’s raining.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit drizzle.
From above it is continuous pour a drizzle and underfoot - snowdrifts of thawing snow.
We can make cell phones that project holograms, but a light drizzle shuts down a whole airport?
The window's open because it's so warm, and the little bit of drizzle - let's not call it rain - is keeping me cool.
We can make cell phones that project holograms, but a light drizzle shuts down a whole airport?
The window's open because it's so warm, and the little bit of drizzle - let's not call it rain - is keeping me cool.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit a drizzle.
"The rain came down in a drizzle."
"The sprinkler's output dropped to a drizzle."
"The sprinkler's output dropped to a drizzle."
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit drizzle (rain in very small drops)
and is this common word that native speaker use in daily basis??.
and is this common word that native speaker use in daily basis??.
This is a common word but only used when the weather matches. For instance if there is light rain outside you would say "It's drizzling" or "There is a slight drizzle outside."
drizzle usually means its light, slow rain
drizzle usually means its light, slow rain
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Drizzle" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "drizzle" dressing over the duck und "pour" gravy on duck ?
When you "pour" gravy, you hold the container in one place. The container doesn't move.
When you "drizzle" gravy, you are moving around the container while pouring it. Usually it is in a "zigzag" pattern.
This is a waffle with frosting "drizzled" over it.
When you "drizzle" gravy, you are moving around the container while pouring it. Usually it is in a "zigzag" pattern.
This is a waffle with frosting "drizzled" over it.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen It's drizzling und It's spitting ?
Now that I'm thinking of it, drizzling usually is more rain than spitting. Still, drizzling sounds like it's lightly falling and spitting sounds more forceful even if it's less rain.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen drizzle und mizzle ?
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen It's drizzling und It's been drizzling ?
2 implies that it stopped in the recent past. The ground is still wet
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen drizzling und raining ?
drizzling is when it’s about to rain. for example you may feel some drops of water or it’s not heavy.
when it’s raining, the rain is coming down harder than small drops that you need an umbrella or a jacket
when it’s raining, the rain is coming down harder than small drops that you need an umbrella or a jacket
Übersetzungen von "Drizzle"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? it s more likely to drizzle rather than to raun
It will probably just drizzle instead of rain.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? 1. I love to get drenched in drizzle.
2. I love to drench in drizzle.
Which is correct?
2. I love to drench in drizzle.
Which is correct?
@michaelhill059 Thank you very much! 😊
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? drizzle
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? drizzle
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Andere Fragen zu "Drizzle"
I don't think it will rain. It may be a drizzle though. klingt das natürlich?
I would say: I don't think it will rain. It may drizzle though.
Hello,I'm Zara.It's drizzle outside.I could eat a horse now.Due to the bad wether,I just stay at my hostel.Not until the rain stopped ,did i go to the dining hall.During the waiting time,maybe I can read a book.Reading is my favorite luxury.I hope oneday i could read english books by myself. klingt das natürlich?
Hello, I'm Zara, it's drizzling outside. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. Due to the bad weather, I just stay at my hostel. After the rain stopped, I will go to the dining hall. During my wait, I may read a book. Reading is my favorite things/luxuries. I hope that one day I can read an English book by myself.
Good luck Zara on reading English books 😊
Good luck Zara on reading English books 😊
It's drizzling. It's wasting the Sunday🙁 klingt das natürlich?
this is the best sentence that I can think "it's a shame that is drizzling this sunday"
I can't go out, there's a drizzle klingt das natürlich?
I agree with Eileen. Drizzle is the lightest form of rain, pouring down is perhaps the strongest.
Oh, It starts to drizzle. I gotta get the laundry hunging outside into my room. klingt das natürlich?
Also, 'It's starting to drizzle.'
You can just say 'I have to get the laundry inside.'
You can just say 'I have to get the laundry inside.'
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