Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Enable"
Die Bedeutung von "Enable" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet enable?
1. To give (someone or something) the authority or means to do something.
"the evidence would enable us to arrive at firm conclusions"
2. make possible.
"a number of courses are available to enable an understanding of a broad range of issues"
3. make (a device or system) operational; activate
"the evidence would enable us to arrive at firm conclusions"
2. make possible.
"a number of courses are available to enable an understanding of a broad range of issues"
3. make (a device or system) operational; activate
Was bedeutet seldom enabled?
Rarely enabled. Not enabled all the time.
Was bedeutet enable ?
to give someone or something the authority to do something.
Was bedeutet enable?
Make possible or make able
(Her phone enabled her to talk to her friend)
(Her phone enabled her to talk to her friend)
Beispielsätze die "Enable" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit enable.
You enable his bad behavior. You don’t discourage his bad behavior.
A bird's wings enable it to fly.
Only teamwork will enable us to get the job done on time.
The money will enable us to go on vacation.
The vote will enable the Prime Minister to push through tough policies.
A bird's wings enable it to fly.
Only teamwork will enable us to get the job done on time.
The money will enable us to go on vacation.
The vote will enable the Prime Minister to push through tough policies.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit enable.
Could you enable the settings on your iPad?
The new test enables doctors to diagnose earlier.
Working from home enables me to have less commute time.
The new test enables doctors to diagnose earlier.
Working from home enables me to have less commute time.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit enables.
-I'll ride over on horseback to enable a quick escape if needed, she insisted.
-His realism enables him to maintain the reality of Time, and so of the process of the world's redemption.
-The lightness of the moving part enables great rapidity of action to be obtained, which for fast speed working is very essential.
-His realism enables him to maintain the reality of Time, and so of the process of the world's redemption.
-The lightness of the moving part enables great rapidity of action to be obtained, which for fast speed working is very essential.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit enable.
You need to enable the setting first.
I had to enable the setting before starting.
Did you enable Siri when you got your iPhone?
I had to enable the setting before starting.
Did you enable Siri when you got your iPhone?
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit enable unable.
Im unable to go to work because of flu.
My current salary enables me to buy a new car.
My current salary enables me to buy a new car.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Enable" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen enabled und included ?
Enabled - means something has been activated or authorized
“She enabled the silent mode on her phone because she was going into a very important meeting”
Included - means something has become a part of a bigger thing and thus has been “included” into it
“Today we weren’t planing to go to the zoo but we included it into our day anyways”
“She enabled the silent mode on her phone because she was going into a very important meeting”
Included - means something has become a part of a bigger thing and thus has been “included” into it
“Today we weren’t planing to go to the zoo but we included it into our day anyways”
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen enable und able ?
Enable is a verb, able is an adjective
He enabled the system
He was able to turn on the system
Enabled is kind of like, trying to make something for it to be usable
while able means "being allowed to" or "having enough capacity to do so"
Hope this helps
He enabled the system
He was able to turn on the system
Enabled is kind of like, trying to make something for it to be usable
while able means "being allowed to" or "having enough capacity to do so"
Hope this helps
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen enable und entitle ?
Enable- this is like giving way/allowing for something to happen.
" If you want to use the wifi, you must 'enable' it in the settings first."
Entitle- this is used like a person-version of label. This used in a positive way and It means that a person has the rights over a name or a thing.
Ex. 1
"The Highest Honor Award is entitled to [insert someone]."
"This book is entitled to [someone's name]. He's the one who created it."
Hope this helps.
" If you want to use the wifi, you must 'enable' it in the settings first."
Entitle- this is used like a person-version of label. This used in a positive way and It means that a person has the rights over a name or a thing.
Ex. 1
"The Highest Honor Award is entitled to [insert someone]."
"This book is entitled to [someone's name]. He's the one who created it."
Hope this helps.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen enable und capable und be able to ?
imagine you build a robot, it is capable of killing humans, but you havent enabled the robot to kill humans because you switched off evil mode
yes he can kill people, he is capable of doing that, but you havent enabled him to do that task... yet
yes he can kill people, he is capable of doing that, but you havent enabled him to do that task... yet
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen enable und let ?
let = dar permiso
I am going to let him use my car.
enable = dar la capabilidad
I am teaching him to drive which will enable him to get to work on his own.
I am going to let him use my car.
enable = dar la capabilidad
I am teaching him to drive which will enable him to get to work on his own.
Übersetzungen von "Enable"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? enable
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? enable
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? able と enable 使い方の違いはなんですか?
Able = 形容詞 / 名詞
Enable = 動詞
I was able to get tickets to the concert.
Buying online enabled me to get tickets for the concert.
Enable = 動詞
I was able to get tickets to the concert.
Buying online enabled me to get tickets for the concert.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? enables
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Andere Fragen zu "Enable"
Bitte zeig mir, wie man enable and unable ausspricht.
The first syllable pronunciation.
En = (En)
Un = (An)
En = (En)
Un = (An)
you can enable her to come back here klingt das natürlich?
You can let her come back here
Bitte zeig mir, wie man enabled ausspricht.
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Bitte zeig mir, wie man enable and unable ausspricht.
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