Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Farm"
Die Bedeutung von "Farm" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet buy the farm ?
The term was coined in the US Air Force in the 1950's. Many pilots would talk about their future plans for their lives, such as buying a farm or starting another kind of business, and it was believed that this kind of talk made you more likely to be killed. It is similar to the superstition of "jinxing it."
The term was coined in the US Air Force in the 1950's. Many pilots would talk about their future plans for their lives, such as buying a farm or starting another kind of business, and it was believed that this kind of talk made you more likely to be killed. It is similar to the superstition of "jinxing it."
Was bedeutet What is 'farm to feast'??
Eating a big meal of locally grown food
Was bedeutet he was raised on a farm ?
His parents were farmers, they owned a farm. That is where he lived from when he was very young, until he became an adult.
"to rear, bring up (a child)
nuôi nấng"
"to rear, bring up (a child)
nuôi nấng"
Was bedeutet a few farm hands?
"few" generally means about 3, and "farm hands" just means people who are helping out, or working, on a farm
Was bedeutet She was brought up on a farm?
она воспитывалась на ферме
Beispielsätze die "Farm" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit farm.
"that person owns a farm"
"i get my food from farms"
"i want to own a farm one day"
"this farm has lots of fruits and vegitables"
"i get my food from farms"
"i want to own a farm one day"
"this farm has lots of fruits and vegitables"
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit farm.
He owns a chicken farm. (noun)
His family have farmed this land for over a hundred years. (verb)
The farm house is built in stone. (adjective)
His family have farmed this land for over a hundred years. (verb)
The farm house is built in stone. (adjective)
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Farm" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen farm animal und domestic animal ?
Farm animal implies it is an animal kept for food production or some other consumer product. Domestic animal implies it is a pet.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen farm animal und domestic animal ?
domestic is more scientific and means an animal that is tamed. farm animal is just an animal that you can find at a farm
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen in the farm, und on the farm, at the farm ?
"On the farm" and "at the farm" are pretty much the same thing and can be used interchangeably. "In the farm" typically means something inventory-wise, such as what's in the farm.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen farm und ranch ?
A ranch only raises cattle for meat.
A farm grows plants or takes care of animals for milk, eggs, wool, etc.
A farm grows plants or takes care of animals for milk, eggs, wool, etc.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen farm und countryside ?
Farm é um fazenda e countryside é mais campo
Übersetzungen von "Farm"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? plows a farm
Plows a farm
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? the plain that the farm animals (sheep, lamb etc.) feed on grass
The plains ARE a pasture for the animals so it seems redundant to include both words.
"... plays around in the endless, green plains where the sheep graze." is how I would write it, though I'm not sure if it seems to simple to you. I was never great at descriptive writing.
"... plays around in the endless, green plains where the sheep graze." is how I would write it, though I'm not sure if it seems to simple to you. I was never great at descriptive writing.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? on the farm or at the farm? which one is appropriate?
At the farm
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? I help him on the farm
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Andere Fragen zu "Farm"
Bitte zeig mir, wie man The farm boy milked the cows every morning.(*just natives) ausspricht.
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
"in the farm" or "on the farm", which one is correct?
Depends on context. Example:
"Do you live on the farm?"
"What crops do you have planted in the farm?"
"Do you live on the farm?"
"What crops do you have planted in the farm?"
She was born in farm family. klingt das natürlich?
She was born in a farming family.
I studied farm management in university. And I researched ABCcompany then.
(大学で、農業経営学を勉強していて、その時にABCカンパニーに調査に行きました。 klingt das natürlich?
(大学で、農業経営学を勉強していて、その時にABCカンパニーに調査に行きました。 klingt das natürlich?
I would say
"I studied farm management at university. Then, I researched ABCcompany"
"I studied farm management at university. Then, I researched ABCcompany"
I barely got to this beautiful farm after a long drive though forest in fog. That deserved to see this wonderful view. klingt das natürlich?
... through THE forest in THE fog. Or you could qualify "fog" and not use "the." "...through thick fog."
The second phrase needs more work. Maybe "The effort was worth though, to watch this wonderful view (scenery / panorama).
The second phrase needs more work. Maybe "The effort was worth though, to watch this wonderful view (scenery / panorama).
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