Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Flashy"
Die Bedeutung von "Flashy" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet flashy?
in general it is referred to someone's look or how a piece of clothe looks:
You look very flashy today
You jacket is very flashy
Think about the effect of a camera might hurt your sight if you are too close it.
Obviously it is an expression that means you are attracting attention to you and is normally not very positive
You look very flashy today
You jacket is very flashy
Think about the effect of a camera might hurt your sight if you are too close it.
Obviously it is an expression that means you are attracting attention to you and is normally not very positive
Was bedeutet flashy?
Something that is easily noticeable.
If you say an object is flashy then it's bright or has something that is easily noticeable.
Example: He got a flashy car / outfit
Usually it's used to describe people in a bad way for example being loud or a show off. Like wearn bright and revealing clothes we call them being flashy or wearing flashy clothes
If you say an object is flashy then it's bright or has something that is easily noticeable.
Example: He got a flashy car / outfit
Usually it's used to describe people in a bad way for example being loud or a show off. Like wearn bright and revealing clothes we call them being flashy or wearing flashy clothes
Was bedeutet flashy?
something, usually clothing or an accessory, that is very vibrant, noticeable, or attention-seeking.
"It would be inappropriate to wear any kind of flashy clothing to a funeral."
"She loves to wear flashy clothing, especially skirts."
"It would be inappropriate to wear any kind of flashy clothing to a funeral."
"She loves to wear flashy clothing, especially skirts."
Was bedeutet flashy?
something that looks impressive/ good quality or attractive depending on outer appearance.
Was bedeutet flashy?
it has two meanings
literal - something shiny or sparkly
natural - something or someone who has a strange design or vibe about them
example: Her outfit is so flashy!
example: The decor in your house is kinda flashy, but I like it.
literal - something shiny or sparkly
natural - something or someone who has a strange design or vibe about them
example: Her outfit is so flashy!
example: The decor in your house is kinda flashy, but I like it.
Beispielsätze die "Flashy" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit flashy.
My coworker drives a flashy car.
He always carries the flashiest gadgets.
He always carries the flashiest gadgets.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit flashy.
thank you!
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit flashy .
I don't want to buy those shoes because they're too flashy.
It's a nice car, but the color is very flashy.
It's a nice car, but the color is very flashy.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit flashy.
Example 1: Tom likes driving flashy sports cars because it makes him feel cool.
Example 2: Becky thinks Steven's flashy clothes make him look foolish because he's way too old to be wearing that outfit.
Example 2: Becky thinks Steven's flashy clothes make him look foolish because he's way too old to be wearing that outfit.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit flashy .
I like your butt in that flashy bikini.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Flashy" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "flashy" und "flamboyant" ?
The main difference is that flashy would be more used for an object (though it can be used for a person) and flamboyant would be more for a person.
Example: A flashy car drove past. The male was very flamboyant.
Example: A flashy car drove past. The male was very flamboyant.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen flashy und showy ?
Flashy is about the appearance of something: cars, clothes etc
Showy is about someone’s actions
Showy is about someone’s actions
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen flashy und showy und gorgeous und fancy ?
I think the only way to make them different is in how you are use if them (ex. Your shoes are so flashy, versus why are your shoes so flashy it’s distracting) but gorgeous and fancy are normally used positively
Übersetzungen von "Flashy"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? flashy
Flash can be used for someone. Who has extravagant things and is displaying them
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)?
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