Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Flavor"
Die Bedeutung von "Flavor" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet "I'm trying to find a flavor that it's close to."
Is it natural? ?
Is it natural? ?
kind of.
'im trying to find/looking for a flavor that matches this/is close to this'
'im trying to find/looking for a flavor that matches this/is close to this'
Was bedeutet what's your favorite flavor??
Yes. 😊 so if someone asks you what flavor you like and you want to say salt, then the correct way would be “I like the taste of salt”. I hope that helps. 😊
Was bedeutet subtle flavor?
Meaning something that has a very light and delicate taste. For instance, vanilla ice cream has a subtle flavor since you only taste a hint of it.
Was bedeutet heavily flavored?
It just means something has a lot of flavor. This is heavily flavored chocolate milk. Meaning the milk is extra chocolaty. Something that too salty I wouldn't call heavily flavored, I would just say it's way to salty. But a cinnamon bun with lots of butter and cinnamon may be called a heavily flavored cinnamon bun. It's a rarely used phrase.
Was bedeutet What's that nutty flavor? That would be all the peanuts, cashews, and macadamia nuts that are in there, courtesy of the nut shack.
what's "courtesy of the nut shack" means? does it mean the nut shack provide the nuts for free?
what's "courtesy of the nut shack" means? does it mean the nut shack provide the nuts for free?
It means that the nut shack generously/kindly provided the nuts; "courtesy of XX" expresses gratitude to XX. It's unclear whether it was a free gift or not.
Beispielsätze die "Flavor" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit flavor .
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Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit rich in flavor .
The coffee here is rich in flavor.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit flavor.
This coffee has flavors of nuts and chocolate.
The cake has a very sweet strawberry flavor.
The cake has a very sweet strawberry flavor.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Flavor" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen flavor und taste ?
Flavour and Taste are both nouns that mean the same thing.
But as verbs,
>Flavour means to season food or marinate/brine etc.
>Taste means to try the food (usually to see if you like the flavour).
But as verbs,
>Flavour means to season food or marinate/brine etc.
>Taste means to try the food (usually to see if you like the flavour).
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Which one is in the stronger flavor range? und Which one is in the strong flavor range? und Which one is in the more intense flavor range? und Which one is in the intense flavor range? ?
"which one is in the stronger flavor range" = "there are multiple ranges. Some ranges have stronger flavors than others. Which one is in the range with the stronger flavors."
"which one is in the strong flavor range" = "there are multiple ranges. One range has strong flavors. The others are not strong. Which one is in the (only) strong range."
"Which one is in the intense flavor range?" = The same as "strong flavor range" but with the word intense instead of strong.
I hope this helps.
"which one is in the strong flavor range" = "there are multiple ranges. One range has strong flavors. The others are not strong. Which one is in the (only) strong range."
"Which one is in the intense flavor range?" = The same as "strong flavor range" but with the word intense instead of strong.
I hope this helps.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen flavor und flavour ?
"Flavor" is the American English spelling. "Flavour" is the British English spelling. They are the same word.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen flavor und taste ?
flavor is what u taste like: the apple flavor in this juice tastes amazing
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen flavor und savor ?
flavor is the taste of something ( food ) and savour is like to keep or to enjoy something to the full. For example I savoured the taste of the chocolate.
Hope this helps :D
Hope this helps :D
Übersetzungen von "Flavor"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? どの味が人気ですが?
(Which flavors is the most popular?)
(Which flavors is the most popular?)
Which flavour is the most popular? / Which is the most popular flavour?
Both of them work but the second one sounds more natural to me.
Both of them work but the second one sounds more natural to me.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? このラーメンは醤油味で、麺の上には野菜とにんにくが沢山乗っています
The flavor of this ramen is “soy-source” and a lot of vegetables and garlic are putting on the noodle.
The flavor of this ramen is “soy-source” and a lot of vegetables and garlic are putting on the noodle.
1) This ramen is soy-sauce flavored and is topped with lots of vegetables and garlic.
2) This is a soy-sauce based ramen that comes with many vegetables and garlic on top (of the noodles).
3) This soy-sauce flavored ramen comes topped with many vegetables and garlic (over the noodles).
1) This ramen is soy-sauce flavored and is topped with lots of vegetables and garlic.
2) This is a soy-sauce based ramen that comes with many vegetables and garlic on top (of the noodles).
3) This soy-sauce flavored ramen comes topped with many vegetables and garlic (over the noodles).
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? (Which or What) flavor do you want? Which one is correct?
Which flavor do you want?
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? flavor
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? flavors
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Andere Fragen zu "Flavor"
The third flavor is "swordfish floss " made from swordfish which is a unique fish in Taiwan Strait and contains rich iron. You should try it . klingt das natürlich?
The third flavor is "swordfish floss " which is made from swordfish, which is a unique fish in the Taiwan Strait and is rich in iron. You should try it.
"of all flavors the smoodie cafe has, choco banila reigns supreme." klingt das natürlich?
"of all flavors the smoothie cafe has, choco banila reigns supreme." you can also say --Choco banila is the best flavor at the smoothie Cafe! by the way, do you mean vanilla instead of "banila"?
how to say the flavor of pepper corn 麻 in english?
It taste does not change much, but it flavor is very good. klingt das natürlich?
I would say "its taste does not change that much, but its flavor is very good" :)
Which flavor of candies do you like most? klingt das natürlich?
.... do you like the most?
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