Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Forwarding"
Die Bedeutung von "Forwarding" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet forwarding?
If used when talking about an email, it’s like when you copy a email you got, and send the same email to someone else to see too.
“I’m forwarding you the email now”
“I’m sending you this email that I got so you can see it too”
The two sentences above are pretty much the same, forwarding just means you already got the email, and you’re sending it to someone else to see.
“I’m forwarding you the email now”
“I’m sending you this email that I got so you can see it too”
The two sentences above are pretty much the same, forwarding just means you already got the email, and you’re sending it to someone else to see.
Was bedeutet I'm forwarding?
'I'm forwarding' means you're sharing some kind of source you have to somebody else. You're gonna 'forward/share' the text/video/etc to them. I don't know if this is the correct context you mean though.
Was bedeutet forwarding?
If you forward an email, you are sending it straight to another person without any means to talk about it directly.
Was bedeutet forwarding mail?
Andere Fragen zu "Forwarding"
I am forwarding this email to your email account ( I apologize if you already received via your gmail account. klingt das natürlich?
× I apologize if you already received via your gmail account.
✓ I apologize if you have already received it via your gmail account.
✓ I apologize if you have already received it via your gmail account.
I am forwarding this email to your new email. I apologize if you already received via previous email account.
Situation: Mr.A emailed an information to all, but I realized one of an email addresses is old.
The person who was sent to old email address, she has a new address. So I will forward the
email to her new email address.) klingt das natürlich?
Situation: Mr.A emailed an information to all, but I realized one of an email addresses is old.
The person who was sent to old email address, she has a new address. So I will forward the
email to her new email address.) klingt das natürlich?
I am forwarding this email to your new email ADDRESS. I apologize if you HAVE already received IT via YOUR previous email account.
I am forwarding this email to your new email. I apologize if you already received via previous email account.
Situation: Mr.A emailed an information to all, but I realized one of an email addresses is old.
The person who was sent to old email address, she has a new address. So I will forward the
email to her new email address.) klingt das natürlich?
Situation: Mr.A emailed an information to all, but I realized one of an email addresses is old.
The person who was sent to old email address, she has a new address. So I will forward the
email to her new email address.) klingt das natürlich?
× I am forwarding this email to your new email.
✓ I am forwarding this email to your new email address.
× I apologize if you already received via previous email account.
✓ I apologize if you already received the email in your previous account.
✓ I am forwarding this email to your new email address.
× I apologize if you already received via previous email account.
✓ I apologize if you already received the email in your previous account.
Which sounds natural the most?
1. I'm sorry, I tried forwarding the call to you, but I hung it up by mistake.
2. I'm sorry, I tried transferring the call to you, but I hung it up by mistake.
3. I'm sorry, I tried putting the call through to you, but I hung it up by mistake.
klingt das natürlich?
1. I'm sorry, I tried forwarding the call to you, but I hung it up by mistake.
2. I'm sorry, I tried transferring the call to you, but I hung it up by mistake.
3. I'm sorry, I tried putting the call through to you, but I hung it up by mistake.
klingt das natürlich?
3 sounds best to me!
I'm sorry! I tried forwarding the call for you but I hang up the phone by mistake. klingt das natürlich?
hang ----> hung
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