Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Global"
Die Bedeutung von "Global" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet Global transport of people and goods will strongly increase
what is global transport of people and goods??
what is global transport of people and goods??
carrying people all over the world
carrying products for sale all over the world
carrying products for sale all over the world
Was bedeutet global?
Beispielsätze die "Global" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit global.
Global means all around the world.
Global finance (money all around the world)
The video was a global success (The video succeeded all around the world).
Why does a global company want to do business with my tiny shop? (Why does a company that works all over the world want to work with my little store?)
Global finance (money all around the world)
The video was a global success (The video succeeded all around the world).
Why does a global company want to do business with my tiny shop? (Why does a company that works all over the world want to work with my little store?)
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit global and universal.
global = located all around the world; for all countries on Earth
universal = something that affects or is true for everyone in a particular group; something that is true everywhere in existence
The Internet is a global (= all around the world) communication network.
Small local businesses have been put out of business by large global corporations (= companies that operate in every country).
Gravity is a universal (= applies everywhere) law of physics.
Many countries offer universal (= is for everyone in the country) health care to their citizens.
universal = something that affects or is true for everyone in a particular group; something that is true everywhere in existence
The Internet is a global (= all around the world) communication network.
Small local businesses have been put out of business by large global corporations (= companies that operate in every country).
Gravity is a universal (= applies everywhere) law of physics.
Many countries offer universal (= is for everyone in the country) health care to their citizens.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Global" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen global und universal und international und worldwide ?
here are some phrases:
global warming.✓
universal warming ✕
universal healthcare ✓
global healthcare ✕
global = in the globe = on earth
universal = in the universe = earth + space.
international = between nations. so international travel = travel between different nations
worldwide = all over the world.
I'm sorry I cant explain more, maybe someone else can.
here are some phrases:
global warming.✓
universal warming ✕
universal healthcare ✓
global healthcare ✕
global = in the globe = on earth
universal = in the universe = earth + space.
international = between nations. so international travel = travel between different nations
worldwide = all over the world.
I'm sorry I cant explain more, maybe someone else can.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen global und universal ?
@unnaooh: Global = the entire globe (earth), universal = the entire universe (includes sun, mars, moon etc)
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen global und worldwide und I feel like a real (global/worldwide) traveller. PS. Which one is better? ?
Both 'global' and 'worldwide' share the same exact meaning. Worldwide is used a bit more in everyday speaking, whereas, to me, global is more scientific. But you can use either or interchangeably!
"I can fly worldwide via American Airlines."
"Please recycle your trash and quit littering. This way you can prevent Global Warming."
"I can fly worldwide via American Airlines."
"Please recycle your trash and quit littering. This way you can prevent Global Warming."
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen global und secular und worldly ?
Global = takes place in the entire world.
Secular = not religious.
Worldly = of the world.
Secular = not religious.
Worldly = of the world.
Übersetzungen von "Global"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? как у вас выглядит глобус "global"?
We usually say globe or globus.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? global
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? global
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? global
the letter or sound?
Andere Fragen zu "Global"
Is it correct?
Global warming is one of the most important problems in the world.
Even in Japan, young people are studying about global warming.
However, I feel that few people actually concern about it because older people don't study in various fields.
I guess that Japan would be behind in the environment as in other fields.
Global warming is one of the most important problems in the world.
Even in Japan, young people are studying about global warming.
However, I feel that few people actually concern about it because older people don't study in various fields.
I guess that Japan would be behind in the environment as in other fields.
Global warming is one of the most important problems facing the world today. In Japan, young people are studying about global warming but, I feel that few adults are really concerned about it because older people don't study contemporary issues. I guess that Japan is behind in environmentalism, as in other fields.
Global cooling could result in famine around the world than global warming. klingt das natürlich?
× Global cooling could result in famine around the world than global warming.
✓ Global cooling could result in famine around the world compared to global warming.
✓ Global cooling could result in famine around the world compared to global warming.
"Do you know ‘The Global Climate Strike’ ? It is a global action on climate change which started last Friday." "I’m ashamed to say I didn’t know it." klingt das natürlich?
"Do you know what ‘The Global Climate Strike’ is? It’s a global event about climate change which started last Friday." "I’m sorry, I don’t know about it."
Global warming is a process of a long-term increase in annual average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. The average temperature went up 0,7°C in comparison with the time at the beginning of the industrial revolution. (1850s). Anthropogenic factors, primarily greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2 and CO4, are the number one cause of global warming.
According to climate models average temperature of the ground surface will rise from 1,1°C to 6,4°C in 21st century. In some regions, temperature may go down a little. Acoording to many forecasts, at the beginning temperature will drop by a degree in Europe because of the Gulf stream slowing but later on will increasing rapidly. Global warming and sea-level rise are expected to grow over thousands of years, even in case of greenhouse gas level stabilisation.
The growth of sea level and global warming will result in changing of amount and distribution of precipitation. As a consequence, natural disaster such as floods, droughts, hurricanes and other may become more frequent, crop harvest will decline and many species will go extinct.
Climate systems are changing under the influence of both natural internal processes and external effects. Greenhouse effect is one of the main cause of changing among external impact.
Greenhouse effect is a process whereby absorbtion and emitting of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases cause the warming of earth's surface and atmosphere.
Pollution sources are animal husbandry, use of fertilisers, coal combustion, car emissions, factories chimneys and other anthropogenic emissions. Landscape change such as deforestation above all is also the cause of greenhouse effect.
Scientists forecast the continuation of global warming, increasing of greenhouse gas emissions, growth of average temperature, sea-level rise.
The most probable changing weather patterns are as follows :
1. More heavy precipitation
2. Higher maximum temperatures, expansion of hot summer days and decline of cold winter days in almost all regions of the world, heat waves will become more frequent in the majority of inland areas.
3. Decrease in a range of temperatures klingt das natürlich?
According to climate models average temperature of the ground surface will rise from 1,1°C to 6,4°C in 21st century. In some regions, temperature may go down a little. Acoording to many forecasts, at the beginning temperature will drop by a degree in Europe because of the Gulf stream slowing but later on will increasing rapidly. Global warming and sea-level rise are expected to grow over thousands of years, even in case of greenhouse gas level stabilisation.
The growth of sea level and global warming will result in changing of amount and distribution of precipitation. As a consequence, natural disaster such as floods, droughts, hurricanes and other may become more frequent, crop harvest will decline and many species will go extinct.
Climate systems are changing under the influence of both natural internal processes and external effects. Greenhouse effect is one of the main cause of changing among external impact.
Greenhouse effect is a process whereby absorbtion and emitting of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases cause the warming of earth's surface and atmosphere.
Pollution sources are animal husbandry, use of fertilisers, coal combustion, car emissions, factories chimneys and other anthropogenic emissions. Landscape change such as deforestation above all is also the cause of greenhouse effect.
Scientists forecast the continuation of global warming, increasing of greenhouse gas emissions, growth of average temperature, sea-level rise.
The most probable changing weather patterns are as follows :
1. More heavy precipitation
2. Higher maximum temperatures, expansion of hot summer days and decline of cold winter days in almost all regions of the world, heat waves will become more frequent in the majority of inland areas.
3. Decrease in a range of temperatures klingt das natürlich?
Global warming is a process of a long-term increase in annual average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. The average temperature went up 0.7°C in comparison with the beginning of the industrial revolution. (1850s). Anthropogenic factors, primarily greenhouse gas emissions, such as CO2 and CO4, are the number one cause of global warming.
According to climate models the average temperature of the ground surface will rise from 1.1°C to 6.4°C in the 21st century. In some regions, temperature may go down a little. According to many forecasts, the temperature will first drop by a degree in Europe because of the Gulf stream slowing, but later on will increase rapidly. Global warming and sea-level rise are expected to grow over thousands of years, even in the case of greenhouse gas level stabilisation.
The rising of sea levels and global warming will result in changing the amount and distribution of precipitation. As a consequence, natural disaster such as floods, droughts, and hurricanes may become more frequent, crop harvest will decline, and many species will go extinct.
Climate systems are changing under the influence of both natural internal and external processes. The Greenhouse effect is one of the main causes of change.
The Greenhouse effect is a process whereby absorbtion and emittion of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases causes the warming of earth's surface and atmosphere.
Pollution sources are animal husbandry, use of fertilisers, coal combustion, car emissions, factories chimneys and other anthropogenic emissions. Landscape change such as deforestation also contributes to the greenhouse effect.
Scientists forecast the continuation of global warming, increase of greenhouse gas emissions, growth of average temperature, and sea-level rise.
The most probable changing weather patterns are as follows :
1. More heavy precipitation
2. Higher maximum temperatures, more hot summer days and fewer cold winter days in almost all regions of the world, heat waves will become more frequent in the majority of inland areas.
3. Decrease in the range of temperature.
According to climate models the average temperature of the ground surface will rise from 1.1°C to 6.4°C in the 21st century. In some regions, temperature may go down a little. According to many forecasts, the temperature will first drop by a degree in Europe because of the Gulf stream slowing, but later on will increase rapidly. Global warming and sea-level rise are expected to grow over thousands of years, even in the case of greenhouse gas level stabilisation.
The rising of sea levels and global warming will result in changing the amount and distribution of precipitation. As a consequence, natural disaster such as floods, droughts, and hurricanes may become more frequent, crop harvest will decline, and many species will go extinct.
Climate systems are changing under the influence of both natural internal and external processes. The Greenhouse effect is one of the main causes of change.
The Greenhouse effect is a process whereby absorbtion and emittion of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases causes the warming of earth's surface and atmosphere.
Pollution sources are animal husbandry, use of fertilisers, coal combustion, car emissions, factories chimneys and other anthropogenic emissions. Landscape change such as deforestation also contributes to the greenhouse effect.
Scientists forecast the continuation of global warming, increase of greenhouse gas emissions, growth of average temperature, and sea-level rise.
The most probable changing weather patterns are as follows :
1. More heavy precipitation
2. Higher maximum temperatures, more hot summer days and fewer cold winter days in almost all regions of the world, heat waves will become more frequent in the majority of inland areas.
3. Decrease in the range of temperature.
"Global waste " correct for me Please
Natural causes ,over population ,and the lack of education are the main reason to the global waste. i will explain only one of them,the main causes of global population is natural causes this costs the society a lot of destination and leaves behind lot of waste.for exp the alst tsonmi in Japan.
the most important learn people how to safe earth them and help each other to stop throw plastic in the sea .
Natural causes ,over population ,and the lack of education are the main reason to the global waste. i will explain only one of them,the main causes of global population is natural causes this costs the society a lot of destination and leaves behind lot of waste.for exp the alst tsonmi in Japan.
the most important learn people how to safe earth them and help each other to stop throw plastic in the sea .
Natural causes, overpopulation, and a lack of education are the main reasons for global waste. The primary cause is the global population, which leaves behind a lot of waste, for example, the recent tsunami in Japan. The most important thing to reduce waste is to teach people safe environmental practices and help each other to stop throwing plastic in the sea .
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