Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Hugh"
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Hugh" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Hugh will use the company car tomorrow, so he can give you a lift.
und Hugh will be using the company car tomorrow, so he can give you a lift. ?
und Hugh will be using the company car tomorrow, so he can give you a lift. ?
Yes, both are correct, and there is no difference in meaning.
The second one sounds slightly more natural to me, but both are fine.
The second one sounds slightly more natural to me, but both are fine.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen * Hugh bought 4 big house_______ of five bedrooms and four bathrooms. (A.) composing (B) composed (C)consisted (D) consisting und the correct answer is A, I was wondering why couldn’t I choose the answer D ?
consisting :
Hope this helps!!
consisting :
Hope this helps!!
Andere Fragen zu "Hugh"
About Hugh who is a character of star trek.
His name was made from Beverly and Geordi. Why was it named Hugh from Geordi and Beverly ?
I can only understand the pronunciation of Hugh and You are similar.
His name was made from Beverly and Geordi. Why was it named Hugh from Geordi and Beverly ?
I can only understand the pronunciation of Hugh and You are similar.
Hugh and you are similar. That's it. That's all it is.
Beverly said "you". And Geordi said "Hugh" because Hugh sounds like "you", and Hugh is a fairly common name.
you /juː/
Hugh /hjuː/
Beverly said "you". And Geordi said "Hugh" because Hugh sounds like "you", and Hugh is a fairly common name.
you /juː/
Hugh /hjuː/
A: Hugh, if someone willingly teach me English, I would be thankful.
B: Hugh, if someone willingly teach me English, It would make me happy.
klingt das natürlich?
B: Hugh, if someone willingly teach me English, It would make me happy.
klingt das natürlich?
A: Hugh, if someone would be willing to teach me English, I would really appreciate it.
What is Hugh Jackman saying?
Which one is correct:
I didn't know that Hugh Jackman can sing.
I didn't know that Hugh Jackman could sing.
I didn't know that Hugh Jackman can sing.
I didn't know that Hugh Jackman could sing.
The second sentence, because you used past tense you should change "can" into "could" i guess
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