Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Humiliate"
Die Bedeutung von "Humiliate" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet to humiliate oneself ?
Thank you
It is an excellent example 😄
Thank you
It is an excellent example 😄
Was bedeutet How could you humiliate me by questioning my judgment in front of everyone like that? what’s judgement ??
your judgement is your ability to make decisions. So for example if someone says they think you have poor judgement of means they think you usually make the wrong decision. Conversely, if they say they trust your judgement then they think they you make good decisions and will likely follow after what you do.
Was bedeutet I'm humiliated for her. ?
What you wrote means you were humiliated for the girl. You did it for the girl, not the girl humiliated you.
Say, "I was humiliated by the girl." for past tense.
For present tense, "I am humiliated by the girl." Which means the girl is humiliating you.
Say, "I was humiliated by the girl." for past tense.
For present tense, "I am humiliated by the girl." Which means the girl is humiliating you.
Was bedeutet humiliate?
To make a fool of someone
Beispielsätze die "Humiliate" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit humiliate.
"The boy wanted to humiliate the girl in front of her friends."
"I was humiliated when I slipped and fell in front of everyone."
"They looked very embarrassed and I could tell they were humiliated."
"I was humiliated when I slipped and fell in front of everyone."
"They looked very embarrassed and I could tell they were humiliated."
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit humiliate
how could you humiliate me like that.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit humiliate.
"The teacher humiliated me in front of the entire class by showing my bad test score."
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit "humiliate".
@Cyneless: "dont humiliate me" "thats humiliating" "i wouldn't want to be humiliated like that!"
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Humiliate" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen humiliate und shame ?
To humiliate means to make somebody feel very embarrassed
Shame means the unpleasant feeling of guilt and embarrassment that you get when you have done something stupid or morally wrong; the ability to have this feeling .
Eg: I hope I don't humiliate myself during the presentation
It’s a damn shame what happened to him
Shame means the unpleasant feeling of guilt and embarrassment that you get when you have done something stupid or morally wrong; the ability to have this feeling .
Eg: I hope I don't humiliate myself during the presentation
It’s a damn shame what happened to him
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen humiliate und shame ?
When ‘shame’ is causing uncomfortable feeling and being ashamed for unpredictable mistake/accident, ‘humiliate’ has a deeper meaning. ‘Humiliate’ is underestimating other people, making someone ashamed and hurtinh them by injuring their dignity.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen humiliate und degrade ?
"humiliate" has more of a feeling like you are doing it Infront of other people. "degrade" feels more like to their face, but I think in most cases they can be used interchangeably.
"I humiliated him in front of his friends by showing them his baby photos."
"I degraded him by calling him names."
"I humiliated him in front of his friends by showing them his baby photos."
"I degraded him by calling him names."
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen humiliate und embarrass ?
Germany humiliated Brazil at the World Cup, winning 8-0.
The boss, who is prone to power harassment, humiliates employees by forcing them to dogeza in front of everyone if they take even a single sick day.
Germany humiliated Brazil at the World Cup, winning 8-0.
The boss, who is prone to power harassment, humiliates employees by forcing them to dogeza in front of everyone if they take even a single sick day.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen They love to humiliate him und They love humiliating him ?
Whether you can use "to", "~ing" or either one depends on the first verb. In this case, with "love" either one is acceptable. There is no rule, it's different for each verb.
Whether you can use "to", "~ing" or either one depends on the first verb. In this case, with "love" either one is acceptable. There is no rule, it's different for each verb.
Übersetzungen von "Humiliate"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? humiliate
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? humiliate
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Andere Fragen zu "Humiliate"
Bitte zeig mir, wie man humiliate ausspricht.
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Bitte zeig mir, wie man humiliate ausspricht.
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what does mean by humiliate?
plz give me examples
plz give me examples
she humiliated me by showing my baby pictures to my classmates
she humiliated me by showing my baby pictures to my classmates
what does mean by humiliate?
plz give me examples
plz give me examples
humiliate means apamaan.example_agar aap apne friend ke saath ek party jaathe ho vah nashe pe aisa vaisa baath karega sab log aapko hi dekhega aapko humiliate hoga
don't humiliate yourself klingt das natürlich?
"Don't humiliate yourself" is fine, but "Don't embarrass yourself" sounds more natural.
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