Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Joey"
Die Bedeutung von "Joey" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet What did Joey tell you last night? He was talking about something along the lines of doing a show in July. ?
Along the lines of
similar to
What did Joey tell you? He was taking about something similar to doing a show in July.
It could be exactly right, but the speaker knows it is at least close to that.
similar to
What did Joey tell you? He was taking about something similar to doing a show in July.
It could be exactly right, but the speaker knows it is at least close to that.
Was bedeutet Joey: How’d you get over that teacher?
Rachel: I didn’t. I got under him.
Rachel: I didn’t. I got under him.
Is this quote from an episode of Friends?
If so and I remember the episode correctly, Rachel is implying that she had sex with the teacher.
If so and I remember the episode correctly, Rachel is implying that she had sex with the teacher.
Was bedeutet JOEY: hey, you need anything, you can always come to Joey. Me and Chandler live right across the hall. And he's away a lot.
MONICA: Joey, stop HITTING ON her! It's her wedding day!
MONICA: Joey, stop HITTING ON her! It's her wedding day!
it means to flirt
Was bedeutet Joey: OK, ok, my weirdest place would have to be... the women's room on the second floor of the New York City public library.?
You're watching Friends. haha.
"Would have to" normally is a way for person to not explicitly make a choice. Almost as if they're unsure.
In this case, based upon Joey's past of multiple partners, it could be a way of him saying, "I think this is the weirdest place I've ever had sex, but I've had sex so many times, I'm really not sure. This time just happens to stick out to me."
You're watching Friends. haha.
"Would have to" normally is a way for person to not explicitly make a choice. Almost as if they're unsure.
In this case, based upon Joey's past of multiple partners, it could be a way of him saying, "I think this is the weirdest place I've ever had sex, but I've had sex so many times, I'm really not sure. This time just happens to stick out to me."
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Joey" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I have already beat Joey vs und I already beat joey ?
"I already beat Joey" would be a more informal way of saying the sentence whereas "I have already beaten Joey" would be a bit more formal and probably come of a little awkward in most contexts.
Übersetzungen von "Joey"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? I’m Joey
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Andere Fragen zu "Joey"
Did Joey say "No one forced you to raise the states"?
It's "stakes". "No one forced you to raise the stakes"
It's "stakes". "No one forced you to raise the stakes"
Bitte zeig mir, wie man
Joey,meet your new baby brother. ausspricht.
Joey,meet your new baby brother. ausspricht.
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Joey: Folks are really that bad, huh?
Ross: Well, you know, these people are pros. They know what they're doing. They take their time. They get the job done.
Monica: Boy, I know they say that you can't change your parents. Boy, if you could- (To Ross) -I'd want yours.
In 'I know they say that you can't change your parents.', who are 'they'?
Ross: Well, you know, these people are pros. They know what they're doing. They take their time. They get the job done.
Monica: Boy, I know they say that you can't change your parents. Boy, if you could- (To Ross) -I'd want yours.
In 'I know they say that you can't change your parents.', who are 'they'?
"They" in this case is just referring to people in general. You could change "they" with "people" in that sentence and the meaning doesn't change
You'll see in a lot of English expressions that the general public or unspecified people are referred to as "they"
You'll see in a lot of English expressions that the general public or unspecified people are referred to as "they"
Joey : Yeah, I'm an actor.
Rachel : Wow! Would i have seen you in anything?
Joey : I doubt it. Mostly regional work.
Monica : Oh wait, unless you happened to catch the Reruns' production of Pinocchio.
i don't know what Monica means in that ..
if Monica said more about that like "Oh wait, unless you happened to catch the Reruns' production of Pinocchio, you didn't see him.", i could understand but .. without "you didn't see him" in that .. i don't know that could it be used only "unless" ..
(i am not good at English .. so it's so dirty (grammatically) that you read .. but please help me TT Thanks in advance.)
Rachel : Wow! Would i have seen you in anything?
Joey : I doubt it. Mostly regional work.
Monica : Oh wait, unless you happened to catch the Reruns' production of Pinocchio.
i don't know what Monica means in that ..
if Monica said more about that like "Oh wait, unless you happened to catch the Reruns' production of Pinocchio, you didn't see him.", i could understand but .. without "you didn't see him" in that .. i don't know that could it be used only "unless" ..
(i am not good at English .. so it's so dirty (grammatically) that you read .. but please help me TT Thanks in advance.)
If the context is already established, native speakers often leave out redundant information. Rachel has established the context as acting roles she might have seen Joey in. Between her statement and Monica's, the subject hasn't changed. So Monica doesn't need to say "you didn't see him"
Joey :That's a thinker. (from Friends)
Does he mean something is hard to understand ? Thanks
Does he mean something is hard to understand ? Thanks
Yes, I'm assuming he's trying to say that something requires him to think about it a lot, so then it would be hard to understand too
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