Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Longer"
Die Bedeutung von "Longer" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet no longer ?
not anymore, not happening now
Was bedeutet no longer than the next/incoming...?
It means it will be complete before a certain time.
1. The matter will be settles before the next working week
2. Sophia will arrive before summer
3. The bar will be sent before the next conference
1. The matter will be settles before the next working week
2. Sophia will arrive before summer
3. The bar will be sent before the next conference
Was bedeutet No longer?
in the past but not now
She is no longer my friend
This building is no longer a hospital
She is no longer my friend
This building is no longer a hospital
Was bedeutet no longer?
"No longer" is basically the same as "Doesn't...anymore" or "Not...anymore". Example: "This food no longer tastes good." = "This food doesn't taste good anymore."
"I'm no longer friends with her." = "I'm not friends with her anymore."
日本語で: 「この食べ物はもう美味しくないです。」
Hope this helped (sorry if my Japanese isn't that good).
"I'm no longer friends with her." = "I'm not friends with her anymore."
日本語で: 「この食べ物はもう美味しくないです。」
Hope this helped (sorry if my Japanese isn't that good).
Was bedeutet no longer ?
No longer is like “not anymore”
Beispielsätze die "Longer" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit no longer.
I am no longer in high school.
I no longer want to stay in quarantine.
She was no longer tired.
After I took my medicine, I am no longer sick.
I no longer want to stay in quarantine.
She was no longer tired.
After I took my medicine, I am no longer sick.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit no longer.
"This item is no longer available."
"Cut the paper no longer than 10 cm."
"I am no longer friends with him."
"Cut the paper no longer than 10 cm."
"I am no longer friends with him."
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit no longer.
"Obama is no longer President"
"McRibs are no longer sold at McDonalds"
"We will wait no longer!"
"McRibs are no longer sold at McDonalds"
"We will wait no longer!"
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit no longer.
- He cheated on me so we’re no longer together (He cheated on me so we’re not together anymore)
- They caught her stealing money so she no longer works there (They caught her stealing money so she doesn’t work there anymore)
- I got a job in the big city so I no longer live in my hometown (I got a job in the big city so I don’t live in my hometown anymore)
The sentences in the brackets are more commonly used.
- They caught her stealing money so she no longer works there (They caught her stealing money so she doesn’t work there anymore)
- I got a job in the big city so I no longer live in my hometown (I got a job in the big city so I don’t live in my hometown anymore)
The sentences in the brackets are more commonly used.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit any longer.
1) I can't stand it any longer.
2) I couldn't stand it any longer.
3) I won't be his dupe any longer.
4) I can't put up with it any longer.
5) You can't keep up the pretense any longer.
6) I won't encroach on your time any longer.
7) I mustn't trespass on your time any longer.
8) Gerry can't stick working for Featherstone's any longer.
9) He couldn't see the benefit of arguing any longer.
10) I don't feel loyal to this company any longer.
1) I can't stand it any longer.
2) I couldn't stand it any longer.
3) I won't be his dupe any longer.
4) I can't put up with it any longer.
5) You can't keep up the pretense any longer.
6) I won't encroach on your time any longer.
7) I mustn't trespass on your time any longer.
8) Gerry can't stick working for Featherstone's any longer.
9) He couldn't see the benefit of arguing any longer.
10) I don't feel loyal to this company any longer.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Longer" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen No longer, not any longer und No more, not any more ?
Good question!
No longer and no more are dramatic and formal, especially when you begin the sentence with them. in this case you then have to invert the verb and pronoun, ie.
No longer will I cry, NOT no longer I will cry.
Not any more/longer is used as a response on its own, but no more/longer can't be.
Do you study English? Not any more/longer.
Longer and more are pretty much the same, but longer sounds more formal and literary.
No longer will I tolerate your insolence!
I will no longer accept your letters.
Are you in love with him?
Not any longer. I couldn't stand his accusations any longer.
Ask me no more questions.
You don't have to worry any more.
No more shall the people of this country live as slaves!
No longer and no more are dramatic and formal, especially when you begin the sentence with them. in this case you then have to invert the verb and pronoun, ie.
No longer will I cry, NOT no longer I will cry.
Not any more/longer is used as a response on its own, but no more/longer can't be.
Do you study English? Not any more/longer.
Longer and more are pretty much the same, but longer sounds more formal and literary.
No longer will I tolerate your insolence!
I will no longer accept your letters.
Are you in love with him?
Not any longer. I couldn't stand his accusations any longer.
Ask me no more questions.
You don't have to worry any more.
No more shall the people of this country live as slaves!
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen any more und any longer ?
For example, you can say I won't talk to my friends any more, this mean you hate your friends but after some days you can forgive them. If you say I won't talk to my friends any longer, this mean you hate your friends forever and you will not forgive them.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen any more und any longer ?
"any more" has to do with quantity (would you like any more bread?), and "any longer" with time or duration (we are not friends any longer, although it would be also correct to say "any more" in this case).
"I used to live in the UK, but I don't any more; I live in Belgium".
"I no longer live in the UK; I live in Belgium".
"I don't live there any more".
"I no longer live there".
You can also say
"I don't live there any longer".
But you certainly CAN'T say:
"I no more live there".
"I used to live in the UK, but I don't any more; I live in Belgium".
"I no longer live in the UK; I live in Belgium".
"I don't live there any more".
"I no longer live there".
You can also say
"I don't live there any longer".
But you certainly CAN'T say:
"I no more live there".
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen no longer und anymore ?
the same meaning but they differ in thier location in the sentence
ex, I am no longer going to school
I do not go to school any more ..
ex, I am no longer going to school
I do not go to school any more ..
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen any more und any longer ?
They're both the same, but "any more" is more common :)
Übersetzungen von "Longer"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? no longerの反対語はなんですか?
・X will continue to Y
・X will continue to Y
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? no longerを使った文を教えてください
"In many states in the U.S., it is no longer illegal to smoke marijuana."
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? no longer ってどういう意味ですか?
What do you mean by "no longer"?
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? no longer
Andere Fragen zu "Longer"
「No longer」はいつ使えますか?
「No longer」という表現は、かつて可能、真実であった事柄が今はすでにそうでない場合に使う表現です。「もはや 〜ではない」と言う意味となります。
例:The restaurant is no longer open.(そのレストランはもう営業していない。)
例:I just found out I am allergic to dairy, so I can no longer drink milk. (私が乳製品アレルギーであることを少し前に知ってから、もう牛乳を飲むことができません。)
例:The restaurant is no longer open.(そのレストランはもう営業していない。)
例:I just found out I am allergic to dairy, so I can no longer drink milk. (私が乳製品アレルギーであることを少し前に知ってから、もう牛乳を飲むことができません。)
no longer more klingt das natürlich?
Use 'no longer'
Ex. We are no longer taking applications.
Ex. Cursive writing is no longer taught in school.
It means something has stopped or come to an end.
Ex. The light is no longer red, and traffic continues.
Ex. We no longer accept $100 bills at this location.
Ex. We are no longer taking applications.
Ex. Cursive writing is no longer taught in school.
It means something has stopped or come to an end.
Ex. The light is no longer red, and traffic continues.
Ex. We no longer accept $100 bills at this location.
I no longer like her klingt das natürlich?
@gymno-bot I got it
Thank you!
Thank you!
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