Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Mainstream"
Die Bedeutung von "Mainstream" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet "mainstream consensus" and "partisan bent"?
Mainstream consensus=what most people, especially in the middle of the political spectrum, agree on. "There is a mainstream consensus in the United States that democracy is the best system, although authoritarian and socialist alternatives have surged in popularity recently."
Partisan bent=A tendency to agree more with one particular political party. "Everyone knows FOX News has a partisan bent towards the Republican party."
Partisan bent=A tendency to agree more with one particular political party. "Everyone knows FOX News has a partisan bent towards the Republican party."
Was bedeutet mainstream ?
High Profile, Popular.
Was bedeutet mainstream song?
Music majority of people like
Was bedeutet mainstream language?
Language which everyone in a country will understand. Not local slang or words which only kids use.
Was bedeutet "It's the mainstream music scene I have an issue with."?
The speaker has a problem with the mainstream (traditional) music scene, not with other music scenes (alternative, classical, etc.).
Beispielsätze die "Mainstream" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit mainstream.
Mainstream media is not what it used to be
That idea isn’t mainstream anymore
Mainstream news reports many accidents and negative events
Too bad the news wasn’t aired on a mainstream channel/outlet
That idea isn’t mainstream anymore
Mainstream news reports many accidents and negative events
Too bad the news wasn’t aired on a mainstream channel/outlet
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit mainstream.
I don't like mainstream music.
This art is really mainstream.
Are you into mainstream fashion?
This style of dance is really mainstream nowadays.
This art is really mainstream.
Are you into mainstream fashion?
This style of dance is really mainstream nowadays.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Mainstream" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen The mainstream media was... und Mainstream media was... ?
they mean the same thing. it is up to you if you want to have “the” at the beginning of the sentence or not.
The mainstream media was a trusted source of news until 20 years ago.
Mainstream media was a trusted source of news until 20 years ago.
they mean the same thing. it is up to you if you want to have “the” at the beginning of the sentence or not.
The mainstream media was a trusted source of news until 20 years ago.
Mainstream media was a trusted source of news until 20 years ago.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen mainstream und popular ?
Mainstream é traduzido como Corrente Principal, se referindo a corrente de água, como um rio. E é algo que é aceito pela maioria, para todos os públicos.
Popular é algo famoso mas talvez não seja para todos os públicos, muito menos aceito por todos.
- Filmes da Marvel (Mainstream)
- Funk (popular)
- Arroz com feijão (Mainstream)
- Pimenta (popular)
Algo Mainstream é obrigatoriamente popular(famoso), mas nem tudo que é popular é mainstream.
Popular é algo famoso mas talvez não seja para todos os públicos, muito menos aceito por todos.
- Filmes da Marvel (Mainstream)
- Funk (popular)
- Arroz com feijão (Mainstream)
- Pimenta (popular)
Algo Mainstream é obrigatoriamente popular(famoso), mas nem tudo que é popular é mainstream.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen mainstream und trend ?
a trend is something that’s popular in the moment. like a dance or a joke
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen mainstream und general ?
Mainstream - establecido, dominante
General - general(una palabra comodín)
General - general(una palabra comodín)
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen mainstream und normal / conventional ?
@Brent_Dirks so "mainstream" would be too formal?
Übersetzungen von "Mainstream"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? mainstream
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Andere Fragen zu "Mainstream"
I feel like most mainstream fictional stories geared towards adults are perpetually depressing. They’re devoid of life and lack all the things that make fiction truly enjoyable.
Where is the whimsy? Where is the sense of wonder? I keep asking myself these questions and feel at a loss.
Does that sound natural?
Where is the whimsy? Where is the sense of wonder? I keep asking myself these questions and feel at a loss.
Does that sound natural?
всё хорошо
when you say mainstream corporations,does it mean the corporations that cater to majority of people?
“I’m actually a mainstream girl. I can eat anything.”
“Wow. It’s a cello bow. How mainstream.”
What does these “mainstream” mean?
“Wow. It’s a cello bow. How mainstream.”
What does these “mainstream” mean?
It sounds really weird. Saying that something is "mainstream" means that it's common or part of the general culture. For example, "mainstream media" is a really common phrase people use to talk about corporate media. Or, people might say "I don't like mainstream music."
"I'm actually a mainstream girl" sounds weird because it sounds like "I'm actually an average girl." It's just a weird sentence. If I were on a date and a girl said "I'm a mainstream girl," I would just leave lol.
I don't have any idea how a cello bow can be "mainstream," either. Anyway, hope this helps! :)
"I'm actually a mainstream girl" sounds weird because it sounds like "I'm actually an average girl." It's just a weird sentence. If I were on a date and a girl said "I'm a mainstream girl," I would just leave lol.
I don't have any idea how a cello bow can be "mainstream," either. Anyway, hope this helps! :)
What does "mainstream jobs" mean?
What's the opposite?
What's the opposite?
"Mainstream jobs" are jobs that people commonly have, for example, a lot of people are teachers so it is a mainstream job
We don't have a phrase or word for a job that not a lot of people take, jobs like a professional horse rider are not commonly used for a job
We don't have a phrase or word for a job that not a lot of people take, jobs like a professional horse rider are not commonly used for a job
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