Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Mere"
Die Bedeutung von "Mere" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet mere?
It describes how small something is in importance . For example “ We are just mere humans “. It basically emphasises how insignificant something is. 🙌🙌
Was bedeutet mere?
A small amount. Usually saying that whatever noun is slightly pathetic.
“You gave me a mere two dollars for a priceless guitar?” Or “The poor family only had one mere loaf of bread left.” Or “This steak is delicious! It is worth 100$. However, I’ll sell it to you for a mere 20.”
“You gave me a mere two dollars for a priceless guitar?” Or “The poor family only had one mere loaf of bread left.” Or “This steak is delicious! It is worth 100$. However, I’ll sell it to you for a mere 20.”
Was bedeutet mere?
Do you mean here?
Was bedeutet mere?
Mere means only or just, but it's usage is a bit different in a sentence. For example if we wanted to replace " mere" in the sentence above with only/just we would say: she was only/just 30 feet tall. Or, we could use the adverb form "merely", which is directly replaceable with only/just (She was merely 30 feet tall).
Hope this makes sense!
Hope this makes sense!
Was bedeutet "mere"?
"simple" (it sounds very old fashioned)
Beispielsätze die "Mere" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit mere.
The student became angry at the mere mention of his examination result.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit mere.
всего лишь
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit mere.
"jessica was merely saying she didn't want to go"
mere is a synonym of simply
mere is a synonym of simply
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit mere.
To answer your question, yes, you can say "It is mereLY a weekend!" don't forget the l-y. There's no difference between "merely, just a, and only". Merely is kind of condescending though in a way and makes you sound like a villain, so use only and just!
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Mere" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen mere und trivial ?
This is a really hard question.
The difference is very subtle. Both are adjectives, but they are used in different ways.
Trivial means a thing of little or no importance and is categorical. Something that is trivial is very commonplace or can be ignored.
Mere is a comparative. Something that is called mere is only mere in comparison to something greater.
In some cases the two words are interchangeable, but not always.
"Joe was a mere delivery boy." -- suggests that within his employer's organization, Joe was low-ranking, but might be promoted to a better position." It's a criticism.
"Joe was a trivial delivery boy." -- suggests that Joe was unimportant because all delivery boys are unimportant. It's a condemnation.
The second example can also be read to suggest that, among delivery boys generally, Joe is a particularly unimportant one.
"It was a mere paragraph." -- suggests that the topic might have deserved a longer essay, or that the reader might have expected more information, but the author only wrote a single paragraph about it.
"It was a trivial paragraph." -- suggests that among all the other paragraphs in an article, this one paragraph said little of significance.
"It was a mere mistake." -- implies that it was only a mistake, not a malicious act.
"It was a trivial mistake." -- implies that as mistakes go, it was not a disastrous mistake. It was a small or unimportant mistake.
For mere, you can usually substitute "just," "only," "but," or "simply."
"It was only a mistake." "It was but a mistake." "It was simply a mistake." "It was just a mistake."
Trivial has a noun form, trivia. Trivia are unimportant or insignificant things.
You can say that "People's opinions about hairstyles and TV shows are trivia." but you can't do the same thing with the word "mere."
However, you can say that "People's opinions about hairstyles and TV shows are mere trivia." But then, you can't say that "People's opinions are trivially mere."
The adverb forms, "merely" and "trivially," also differ in use.
One could say, "I merely asked a question," implying that I did nothing extraordinary.
One would not say "I trivially asked a question."
I'll look into this some more and get back to you.
The difference is very subtle. Both are adjectives, but they are used in different ways.
Trivial means a thing of little or no importance and is categorical. Something that is trivial is very commonplace or can be ignored.
Mere is a comparative. Something that is called mere is only mere in comparison to something greater.
In some cases the two words are interchangeable, but not always.
"Joe was a mere delivery boy." -- suggests that within his employer's organization, Joe was low-ranking, but might be promoted to a better position." It's a criticism.
"Joe was a trivial delivery boy." -- suggests that Joe was unimportant because all delivery boys are unimportant. It's a condemnation.
The second example can also be read to suggest that, among delivery boys generally, Joe is a particularly unimportant one.
"It was a mere paragraph." -- suggests that the topic might have deserved a longer essay, or that the reader might have expected more information, but the author only wrote a single paragraph about it.
"It was a trivial paragraph." -- suggests that among all the other paragraphs in an article, this one paragraph said little of significance.
"It was a mere mistake." -- implies that it was only a mistake, not a malicious act.
"It was a trivial mistake." -- implies that as mistakes go, it was not a disastrous mistake. It was a small or unimportant mistake.
For mere, you can usually substitute "just," "only," "but," or "simply."
"It was only a mistake." "It was but a mistake." "It was simply a mistake." "It was just a mistake."
Trivial has a noun form, trivia. Trivia are unimportant or insignificant things.
You can say that "People's opinions about hairstyles and TV shows are trivia." but you can't do the same thing with the word "mere."
However, you can say that "People's opinions about hairstyles and TV shows are mere trivia." But then, you can't say that "People's opinions are trivially mere."
The adverb forms, "merely" and "trivially," also differ in use.
One could say, "I merely asked a question," implying that I did nothing extraordinary.
One would not say "I trivially asked a question."
I'll look into this some more and get back to you.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen mere und just ?
Sometimes merely and just can be interchanged but quite often they can't. For example, "just" can also mean righteous, like a "just king". It can be a way to express time, like "I just arrived". It implies you arrived shortly before. If you were to say "I merely arrived", that would imply you only arrived and did nothing else - it does not give the reader any sense of time. And so on.
So basically, "merely" means "only that and nothing more or less". "Just" can have a variety of meaning depending on the sentence it's in.
So basically, "merely" means "only that and nothing more or less". "Just" can have a variety of meaning depending on the sentence it's in.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen mere und simple ?
so "mere" has a very "minimal" meaning, while simple is uncomplicated
Übersetzungen von "Mere"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? oh mere ਕੁਤਕਤਾੜੀਆਂ ਕੱਢਦੀ ਹੈ
she's tickles me😉😉😂😂🤓🤓😰
she's tickles me😉😉😂😂🤓🤓😰
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? mere
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? mere
my stomach is upset
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? mere
Same pronunciation as "meer".
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