Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Obstruct"
Die Bedeutung von "Obstruct" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet obstruct?
It means to block
Was bedeutet obstructing myself?
can obstruct myself while talking
Beispielsätze die "Obstruct" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit obstruct.
'Obstruct' means:
- To block something.
- To get in the way of something.
Example sentences:
1. "He stepped back, not wanting to obstruct her path."
2. "He was afraid the government would obstruct the availability of food."
3. "Large trees may obstruct the passage of sunlight."
4. "He stood in front of her, obstructing her view of the TV."
5. "The protests are obstructing the flow of traffic."
6. "A small aircraft obstructed the runway."
7. "The heavy rain obstructed our view."
Hope this helps!
- To block something.
- To get in the way of something.
Example sentences:
1. "He stepped back, not wanting to obstruct her path."
2. "He was afraid the government would obstruct the availability of food."
3. "Large trees may obstruct the passage of sunlight."
4. "He stood in front of her, obstructing her view of the TV."
5. "The protests are obstructing the flow of traffic."
6. "A small aircraft obstructed the runway."
7. "The heavy rain obstructed our view."
Hope this helps!
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit obstruct.
Obstruct means to block something, or get in the way of something.
"Excuse me sir, you'll have to move your car. You are not allowed to obstruct the road."
A tree fell across the highway, obstructing two lanes of traffic.
Because the woman lied in court, she was convicted of obstruction of justice (getting in the way, or slowing down, the goal of reaching justice), because her lying delayed the trial by several weeks.
Hope this helps!
"Excuse me sir, you'll have to move your car. You are not allowed to obstruct the road."
A tree fell across the highway, obstructing two lanes of traffic.
Because the woman lied in court, she was convicted of obstruction of justice (getting in the way, or slowing down, the goal of reaching justice), because her lying delayed the trial by several weeks.
Hope this helps!
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Obstruct" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen obstruct und thwart ?
Obstruct is to be in the way of something. (The wall obstructed the car from driving through.)
While thwart is like actively doing something to stop something else. (The police officer thwarted the villains plan by catching his accomplice.)
Hope that helps! Its a small difference lol
While thwart is like actively doing something to stop something else. (The police officer thwarted the villains plan by catching his accomplice.)
Hope that helps! Its a small difference lol
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen obstruct und disturb ?
Technically there isn't much difference, but I would say obstruct is used more for work related issues, while disturb is usually used for more personal related issues.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen obstruct und hinder ?
• To obstruct something is to block it, or to be in the way of something.
"I couldn't see the movie, a man obstructed my view."
• Hinder means to make something difficult, or hard to happen.
"The language barrier hindered their communication"
"I couldn't see the movie, a man obstructed my view."
• Hinder means to make something difficult, or hard to happen.
"The language barrier hindered their communication"
Übersetzungen von "Obstruct"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? obstruct
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