Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Outrage"
Die Bedeutung von "Outrage" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet It would be a constitutional outrage if parliament were prevented from holding the government to account at a time of national crisis.?
1. if the government (maybe the police or emergency relief agency/FEMA) failed to do it's job, then
2. parliament should hold them accountable (punish them, or force them to do their job). but
3. if someone (probably the president) stops parliament from holding that agency accountable, then
4. this violates the Constitution (because the president should not interfere with the parliament's job)
2. parliament should hold them accountable (punish them, or force them to do their job). but
3. if someone (probably the president) stops parliament from holding that agency accountable, then
4. this violates the Constitution (because the president should not interfere with the parliament's job)
Was bedeutet outrage?
Extreme anger
Was bedeutet outrage?
Common root with "ultraje"
Was bedeutet “The old medical outrage … had a nigger along.” ?
I presume you're reading a very old book: "nigger" is a very offensive word for black people (so offensive that many sources will just give it as "the n word").
Out of context, I'm not sure what the medical outrage is.
"To have someone along" might mean to bring them with you. In this case it sounds like someone arrived somewhere on company of a black person, and someone else took offence to their presence.
Out of context, I'm not sure what the medical outrage is.
"To have someone along" might mean to bring them with you. In this case it sounds like someone arrived somewhere on company of a black person, and someone else took offence to their presence.
Was bedeutet "outrage" in "Imagine the outrage if drivers abandoned their cars on city streets after they ran out of fuel."?
The outrage is from other people who are not drivers. You could rewrite it as "Imagine the outrage from the general public if drivers abandoned their cars....."
Beispielsätze die "Outrage" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit outrage.
His outrage was clear to see.
Her actions brought outrage.
Her actions brought outrage.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit outrage.
• That’s outrageous!
• His standards are outrageous!
• These prices are outrageous!
( These are the only things I can think of at this moment :) )
• His standards are outrageous!
• These prices are outrageous!
( These are the only things I can think of at this moment :) )
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit outrage.
My mom was outraged that I didn’t finish cleaning my room in time.
I was outraged that that I stepped in that puddle this morning
The teacher was outraged with the class because they wouldn’t be quiet.
My sister was outraged because someone ate her last piece of cake
I was outraged that that I stepped in that puddle this morning
The teacher was outraged with the class because they wouldn’t be quiet.
My sister was outraged because someone ate her last piece of cake
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit outrage.
There was a public outrage following the politician's bad behaviour.
I am outraged!
Hearing about the injustice made me outraged.
I am outraged!
Hearing about the injustice made me outraged.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit outrage.
"Outrage" is not a very commonly used word, in and of itself today, but it's not to the point where it's uncommon. Outrage is an adjective used to describe extreme anger.
Example Sentences:
1) Her voice trembled with outrage.
2) He was outraged about the mess they made.
3) The impolite attitude of the student outraged the teacher.
Example Sentences:
1) Her voice trembled with outrage.
2) He was outraged about the mess they made.
3) The impolite attitude of the student outraged the teacher.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Outrage" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen outrage und enrage ?
Enrage can only act as a verb. Outrage can be used as either a verb or a noun.
"The outrage within the room was apparent." / "I was outraged by the news."
"I was enraged by the way they acted."
"The outrage within the room was apparent." / "I was outraged by the news."
"I was enraged by the way they acted."
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen She felt strong moral outrage. und She felt a strong sense of moral outrage. ?
There is little difference in meaning but the second sentence is more correct
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen outrage und anger ?
anger is typically also more personal then outrage, which tends to be more public or official in it's capacity
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen outrage und anger ?
I think of outrage as extreme anger.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen outrage und rage ?
Rage is usually talking about one person who is mad. Outrage is usually talking about a lot of people.
Übersetzungen von "Outrage"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? outrage
Thank you
Andere Fragen zu "Outrage"
I feel strong moral outrage about it. klingt das natürlich?
× I feel strong moral outrage about it.
✓ I feel outraged about it.
Most native English speakers don’t use the words “moral outrage”. If something was an injustice, we just say we feel “outraged” and it’s the same thing with the given context.
Also, you don’t need say your outrage is “strong” because the word “outraged” is already strong emotional language
I hope this helps! 😉
✓ I feel outraged about it.
Most native English speakers don’t use the words “moral outrage”. If something was an injustice, we just say we feel “outraged” and it’s the same thing with the given context.
Also, you don’t need say your outrage is “strong” because the word “outraged” is already strong emotional language
I hope this helps! 😉
you scammed me, this is outrage klingt das natürlich?
well I jusr saw a commercial saying that outrage in a context similar to mine
As international outrage grows over the incident, President Trump said Saudi officials' explanations "are all over the place" even as he applauded the nation's leadership.
"are all over the place"....Whether Trump is affirmative or negative about Saudi's explanation?
"are all over the place"....Whether Trump is affirmative or negative about Saudi's explanation?
The Saudis are "all over the place" with their explanations. This means their explanations are not coherent (implying "inconsistent," "not believable" or "not logical").
She has expressed outrage over their bad behavior. klingt das natürlich?
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