Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Overtake"
Die Bedeutung von "Overtake" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet He ""pulled out"" to overtake a truck?
Thank you!!!
Was bedeutet overtake?
To take control over. Or to get ahead.
"After struggling with driving my mom overtook the wheel."
"Because we were going 25 (mph) in a 40 (mph), I tried to overtake the car ahead of me."
"He wanted to be the best and overtake all of his opponents."
"After struggling with driving my mom overtook the wheel."
"Because we were going 25 (mph) in a 40 (mph), I tried to overtake the car ahead of me."
"He wanted to be the best and overtake all of his opponents."
Was bedeutet overtake?
When you drive the car faster then people on the same road and same direction you “overtaking” them.
Was bedeutet overtake?
When someone passes you. For example, someone runs past you in a race, they had to "overtake" you to do this :)
Beispielsätze die "Overtake" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit overtake .
Overtake means pass by
When the car in front is going too slow, you should overtake
After winning their last match, the team had overtaken their rivals to be in first place
When the car in front is going too slow, you should overtake
After winning their last match, the team had overtaken their rivals to be in first place
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit overtake.
1. to catch up and go past (wyprzedzić): I really thought I’d win the race, but she overtook me in the last moment.
2. (of a feeling) to affect someone strongly (ogarnąć): When the lights went out suddenly, fear overtook me.
1. to catch up and go past (wyprzedzić): I really thought I’d win the race, but she overtook me in the last moment.
2. (of a feeling) to affect someone strongly (ogarnąć): When the lights went out suddenly, fear overtook me.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit are they common?
To go over
To overtake .
To go over
To overtake .
“To go over” is more commonly used.
“I am going to go over to David’s house.”
“The teacher is going to go over the homework from yesterday.”
“I am going to go over that speed bump.”
“We keep going over the same issues.”
“That car is going to overtake the car in front of it soon”
“My body was overtaken by sickness.”
“I am going to go over to David’s house.”
“The teacher is going to go over the homework from yesterday.”
“I am going to go over that speed bump.”
“We keep going over the same issues.”
“That car is going to overtake the car in front of it soon”
“My body was overtaken by sickness.”
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit overtake.
The CEO’s son overtook the company when his father died.
*overtook is past tense of overtake.
*overtook is past tense of overtake.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit overtake.
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Ähnliche Wörter wie "Overtake" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen overtake und surpass ?
The words "overtake" and "surpass" both imply going beyond or exceeding a certain limit or expectation. However, they have slight differences in their usage. Here are example sentences to illustrate their distinctions:
1. "Overtake":
- "Overtake" typically refers to the act of moving past or going ahead of someone or something, often in a literal or physical sense.
- Example: "The athlete made a powerful sprint to overtake his competitors and win the race."
2. "Surpass":
- "Surpass" generally means to exceed or go beyond a particular standard, level, or expectation, often in terms of achievement or performance.
- Example: "Her exceptional talent and dedication allowed her to surpass everyone's expectations and become a renowned pianist."
In summary, "overtake" primarily relates to moving past or going ahead of someone or something physically, while "surpass" emphasizes exceeding expectations or achieving a higher level of performance or accomplishment.
1. "Overtake":
- "Overtake" typically refers to the act of moving past or going ahead of someone or something, often in a literal or physical sense.
- Example: "The athlete made a powerful sprint to overtake his competitors and win the race."
2. "Surpass":
- "Surpass" generally means to exceed or go beyond a particular standard, level, or expectation, often in terms of achievement or performance.
- Example: "Her exceptional talent and dedication allowed her to surpass everyone's expectations and become a renowned pianist."
In summary, "overtake" primarily relates to moving past or going ahead of someone or something physically, while "surpass" emphasizes exceeding expectations or achieving a higher level of performance or accomplishment.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen overtake und surpass und excel ?
The verbs overtake, surpass, and excel have similar meanings, but there are subtle differences in their usage.
Overtake: to pass or go beyond someone or something that is ahead of you in the same direction.
Example: The car overtook the truck on the highway.
Surpass: to be better or greater than someone or something else.
Example: Her academic performance surpassed everyone in the class.
Excel: to do something very well, often better than others.
Example: He excels in playing the piano.
In general, overtake refers to physically passing someone or something, while surpass and excel both refer to being better or greater in some way, with excel emphasizing a high level of skill or ability.
Overtake: to pass or go beyond someone or something that is ahead of you in the same direction.
Example: The car overtook the truck on the highway.
Surpass: to be better or greater than someone or something else.
Example: Her academic performance surpassed everyone in the class.
Excel: to do something very well, often better than others.
Example: He excels in playing the piano.
In general, overtake refers to physically passing someone or something, while surpass and excel both refer to being better or greater in some way, with excel emphasizing a high level of skill or ability.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen overtake und pass ?
They mean the same, but overtake is more formal
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen to overtake (in traffic) und to pass (in traffic) ?
In traffic, they mean the same thing.
Übersetzungen von "Overtake"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? overtake
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? overtaking
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Andere Fragen zu "Overtake"
It is dangerous to overtake another car on a bend. klingt das natürlich?
A: a bend, I think.
"We had to overtake that car because it barely moved." or
"We had to pass that car because it barely moved." ( Are they both correct or...?) klingt das natürlich?
"We had to pass that car because it barely moved." ( Are they both correct or...?) klingt das natürlich?
The second one is natural!
We should overtake the slow car in front of us. klingt das natürlich?
If you mean to get past it, we would say "We should pass the slow car in front of us."
what does "always overtake on the outside" mean?
It is not something a native English speaker in the United States would say. Maybe it means when driving a car, you should pass on the left. Perhaps you could tell us more about the context and the sentences surrounding this phrase.
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