Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Patient"

Die Bedeutung von "Patient" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen

Beispielsätze die "Patient" benutzen

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Andere Fragen zu "Patient"

Q: Instead of formally adaptating the patient and returning him back into the world of everydayness, the therapist do quite the opposite. Because a dasein-therapist know that when the human starts to think that there's something wrong with him, then the human starts to recover. Treating his patients, a dasein-threpist deals with existential sourses of their pain.

    "Doctor, I feel bad" - patient says.

    "But why do you think you must feel good in this world. Who has told you that this world is best. That's absolute nonsense. It's a tough, agressive, cold, cynical, alienated world. And you are in it to find an alternative, to develop self-reliance, to learn to exist authentically "   klingt das natürlich?

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